Tomb of Horemheb. Hathor. FrescoEGYPT. Dayr al-Bahri. Valley of the Kings. Tomb of Horemheb. Goddess Hathor. Egyptian art. New Kingdom. Fresco
Cow Goddess Hathor nursing Pharaoh HoremhebFragment of a granite statue depicting cow goddess Hathor nursing Pharaoh Horemheb. Reign of Horemheb. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1319-1292 BC. Date: 13th century BC
Pharaoh Horemheb and god Amun. EgyptEgyptian Art. Horemheb. Last Pharaoh of 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. Ruled from 1323 to 1295 BC. Horemheb and god Amun. Luxor Museum. Egypt
Horemheb. Last Pharaoh of 18th DynastyEgyptian Art. Horemheb. Last Pharaoh of 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. Ruled from 1323 to 1295 BC. Horemheb offerer kneeling before the god Atum. Luxor Museum. Egypt