A Group of Auriculas, engraved by Lewis & Hopwood after Henderson, in a book entitled The Temple of Flora by Dr Robert John Thornton (1768-1837). The book was published between 1799 and 1807
Group photo, Imperial Conference 1907Group photo, Imperial (Colonial) Conference, taken at the Colonial Office on 2 May 1907
Erasmus Darwin / HopwoodERASMUS DARWIN Writer and scientist, grandfather of Charles Darwin
Music cover, The Two Obadiahs (The Young Obadiah and the Old Obadiah), by H P Lyste, a moral song sung by J L Toole, new version sung by G H MacDermott Date: 19th century
Music cover, Kitty Patterson, dedicated to William Wilde, sung by Mr and Mrs J F Bryan, design by Alfred Concanen Date: 19th century
Music cover, Did You Ever Catch A Weasel Asleep?Music cover, Did You Ever Catch A Weasel Asleep, words by Geoffrey Thorn, composed by Walter Redmond, sung by G H MacDermott, design by Alfred Concanen Date: 19th century
Music cover, Tangled Tunes, a pot pourri of 106 favourite melodies humorously entangled by Albert W. Ketelbey Date: 1915
The Colonel Waltz by E BucalossiPromotional music sheet for The Colonel Waltz by E. Bucalossi
Charles Godfrey, music hall singerCHARLES GODFREY (1851-1900), music hall singer, seen here performing as The Masher King
Fenelon / Hopwood / VivienFRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE FENELON French divine and writer Date: 1651 - 1715
Desmoulins / HopwoodCAMILLE DESMOULINS French revolutionary Date: 1760 - 1794
Fontenelle / HopwoodBERNARD LE BOVIER DE FONTENELLE - French writer and librettist Date: 1657 - 1757
Joseph Priestley / HopwoodJOSEPH PRIESTLEY English chemist and clergyman, best known for his experiments with electricity and oxygen Date: 1733 - 1804
Lucy Hutchinson / HopwoodLUCY HUTCHINSON nee Apsley writer Date: 1620 - ?
Horse & Cart of Hopwood - Family Grocer, Shelley, YorkshireHorse & Cart of Hopwood - Family Grocer, Shelley, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England. Date: 1910s
Men looking for shrapnel, 1940Arthur Hopwood, Assistant Keeper of Geology, appointed Salvage Officer in 1940, and Clive Forster Cooper, Director of the Museum, looking for shrapnel
Catherine Ii / HopwoodCATHERINE THE GREAT Empress of Russia 1762-96 Date: 1729 - 1796
The alarm clock by Avery Hopwood The alarm clock by Avery HoThe alarm clock by Avery Hopwood. Poster for Federal Theatre Project presentation of The Alarm Clock at the Mason Opera House, showing foot wrapped in bandages. Date between 1936 and 1938
Why men leave home by Avery Hopwood Why men leave home by AvWhy men leave home by Avery Hopwood. Poster for Federal Theatre Project presentation of Why Men Leave Home at the Mason Opera House, showing a broken heart. Date 1938
L-G Suchet / HopwoodLOUIS-GABRIEL SUCHET DUKE of ALBUFERA French military Date: 1770 - 1826
Hester Thrale / HopwoodHESTER THRALE Friend of Dr Samuel Johnson, and wife of the brewer, Henry Thrale; she later married her Italian singing teacher and became Mrs Piozzi
Peter I / Hopwood / RussiePETER I known as the Great Tsar of Russia
Harriet Smithson / HopwoodHARRIET SMITHSON Irish actress; wife of Hector Berlioz