Telesphorus Roman DeityRoman healing deity, associated with Asclepius : personifying the hope of successful healing, he is represented as a boy in a hooded cloak
Man and ghostMan being followed by a hooded ghost. The figure with outstretched hands pointed at me and said: " Granby Manners, you will die in this room!" Date: 1890s
Advert, Doultons improved hooded baths, London, Paisley and Paris. circa 1890
Princess Nirgidma visits Citroen Central Asian ExpeditionPrincess Palta (Nirgidma), Princess of the Torghuts, a nomadic people in Central Asia visits the Citroen Central Asian Anthropological Expedition (3rd Mission, led by Haardt) at Ouroumtsi
Snow morel, Gyromitra gigas, and hooded false morel, Helvella infula, edible.. Chromolithograph by C. Krause from Fritz Leubas Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1890
Psephotus dissimilis, hooded parrotPlate 14 from Ferdinand Lucas Bauers zoological watercolours and drawings observed during Captain Matthew Flinders circumnavigational survey of Australia (Investigator 1801-1803)
Bird hunter trying to catch a woodcock. EngravingBird hunter trying to catch a woodcock, disguised and a noose on a stick to slip it around its neck. Engraving after a miniature from the book of the Roi Modus (King Modus), 14th century
History of France, 1100. From left to right: ploughmenHistory of France, 1100. From left to right, 1-2: ploughmen, 3: nobleman. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume V, 1884
Normans, 1000-1100. From left to right: shepherdNormans, 1000-1100. From left to right, 1: shepherd, 2: nobleman, 3: pilgrim, 4-5-6-7-8: warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume V, 1884
Normans, 1000-1100. From left to right: shepherdNormans, 1000-1100. From left to right, 1: shepherd, 2: nobleman, 3: pilgrim, 4-5-6: warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume V, 1884
The Virgin of Purity - Juan de Juanes (ca.1523-1579)The Virgin of Purity. Copy after original by Juan de Juanes (ca.1523-1579). Oil on canvas. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Saint Francis of Paola by Jusepe de RiberaSaint Francis of Paola (1416-1507). Italian mendicant friar. Founder of the Order of Minims. Portrait by Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652). Oil on canvas. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Portrait of an old man in Houmt Souk, Djerba, Tunisia. He wears a traditional djelleba with the hood over his head. He looks fiercly at the camera. Date: 1987
Two old men with djellebas and chechia hatsTwo old men in traditional dress, with djellebas and chechia hats, sit and watch the world go by in the market at Houmt Souk, Djerba, Tunisia. Date: 1987
WW2 - The Little Doves Of DestructionA front cover illustration for a WW2 children's story book, The Little Doves Of Destruction, written by George Wolfenden
Une AieuleA portrait oil painting of an older woman, wearing a hooded cloak. Date: circa 1917
Religious ProcessionA painting of a countryside religious procession, consisting of figures in mostly red collared or hooded white robes, with a central authoritative figure wearing gold and black attire
The Shepherd And His FlockA landscape painting of a broad grasslands trailing all the way to some distant mountains, with a main focus on a shepherd, holding his crook, wearing a hooded blue robe, standing amongst his flock
Four Hooded FiguresThis painting shows a side on view of a procession of four hooded figures, solemnly bearing a single candle, inside a dimly lit crypt or undercroft. Date: circa 1915
The Descent From The CrossThis oil painting is a biblical depiction of the Deposition of Christ, inspired from the Gospels accounts of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus taking Christ down from the cross after his crucifixion
Hudson's Soap AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement for R. S. Hudson Limited, which shows a hooded girl leaning on a wall, smiling, with a basket containing a packet of Hudson's soap. Text reads
Soldiers of Acostamientos. Culveriner and crossbowmanSoldiers of Acostamientos. The Acostamiento was a salary granted by the king to his vassals under which they were obliged to serve him in war. Culveriner (left). Crossbowman (right). Engraving
Local AttractionsLithograph showing tro men glancing at a hooded woman, carrying baskets in each hand, possibly with malicious intent. Date: circa 1919
Lucie Delarue-Mardrus, writer, poet and travellerLucie Delarue-Mardrus (1874-1945)was a prolific poet and novelist, penning more than 70 books
ITALIAN PREACHERAn excited Italian preacher works up the congregation in a Holy Week imprecation, while hooded members of an order of Death stand behind him Date: circa 1840
American warblersBlack-throated blue warbler, Setophaga caerulescens 1, 2, black-throated green warbler, Setophaga virens 3 and northern parula, Setophaga americana 4
Baltimore oriole or hang-nest, Icterus galbula. Male adult 1, young male 2, female 3
Prinking before the ball, 1858. Women primping in front of a mirror. Women in wide dress fixing a bracelet on a woman in off-the-shoulder, flounced crinoline dress. Handcoloured lithograph by R.V
Black-naped monarch and hooded warblerBlack-naped monarch, Hypothymis azurea 1, and hooded warbler, Setophaga citrina 2. Gobe-mouche blue des Philippines, Gobe-mouche de la Louisiane
Cape bishop and pin-tailed parrotfinchCape bishop, Euplectes capensis 1, and pin-tailed parrotfinch, Erythrura prasina 2. Gros-bec de Coromandel, Gros-bec de Java
Woman in fur-lined hooded coat, era of Marie AntoinetteWoman in bonnet trimmed with feathers, long golden silk dress, mauve fur-trimmed hooded coat and fur muff. Era of Marie Antoinette. Handcolored engraving by A
Pied roller, Coracias varia (hooded butcherbird; Cracticus cassicus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder
Violet speciesFan-leaved violet, Viola flabellifolia, tree violet, Viola palmaensis, hooded violet, Viola cucullata, palmate-leaved violet, Viola palmata, downy violet, Viola pubescens, altaian violet
Corydalis speciesNoble corydalis, Corydalis nobilis, bracteated corydalis, Corydalis bracteata, hollow-rooted fumitory, Corydalis tuberosa, long-flowered corydalis, Corydalis longiflora, beautiful dielytra
Hooded dodo, Raphus cucullatus, extinct flightless bird. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by John Pass after George Edwards from John Wilkes Encyclopedia Londinensis, London, 1803
Hooded pitcher plant, Sarracenia minor (Side-saddle flower, Sarracenia adunca)
Leafless dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium aphyllum (Hooded dendrobium, Dendrobium cucullatum)
Curtis British Entomology Plate 343Coleoptera: Hydroporus davisii = Oreodites davisi (Davisian Water-beetle) [Plant: Utricularia minor (Less Hooded Milfoil ] Date: 1824-39
Crying for Dolly Date: 1948
Men in hooded cloaks, tunics and stockings of thee time of William II
BRUSSELS PRISONPrisoners wearing white hoods sit in cubicles in the chapel of the New Model prison in Brussels Date: 1887
WALKING IN SNOWA small girl walks in the snow beside a river, well wrapped up in hooded cape, muff, and gaiters Date: 1889
Two men sit beside stall in the market at Houmt Souk, DjerbaTwo men sit beside a stall in the market at Houmt Souk, Djerba, Tunisia
Old man wearing a djelleba sits on pavement, TunisiaOld man wearing djelleba sits on a pavement, beside a pale blue door in Houmt Souk, Djerba, Tunisia. An empty orange plastic basket is beside him. Date: 1987
Djerba fisherman with netsFisherman wearing djeleba sits on the harbourside on the island of Djerba, Tunisia. He is mending a pink coloured fishing net Date: 1987
Sultan of Morocco - Sidi Mohammed Ben Youssef Ben Hassan. Born 1909. There were no Kings in Morocco at this time. Ruled as Sultan from 1927 - 1953, exiled by French (1953-55)
Italian Costumes C15ThItalian costume: gown with hanging sleeves & laced across the kirtle bodice; gown with large sleeves ornamented with bows. Man: fur-trimmed jacket & sleeveless, hooded garment. Date: 15th century
London Life magazine front cover, August 1966Front cover of London Life magazine, the short-lived magazine which captured swinging sixties London
Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di FirenzeLa Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze - a charitable Fraternity from Florence, Italy, serving to transport the sick
Medieval Man ConfessesA man kneels beside a hooded monk to confess his sins inside a columned room
Anglo-Norman Dress C11ThCostume of the Norman period. Garments include: leg bandages, hooded mantles, phrygian caps, tunics, kirtles with pendant sleeves, veils, wimples, super-tunics
Henry III of FranceHENRY III of France (1551-1589). King of France (1574-1589). Elected King of Poland (1573), left this country to succeed Charles IX. Colored engraving by Ch. Gilbert
Courtiers Dress C15ThGarments: chaperon, dagged (scalloped) huke, two colour jacket worn over a doublet, riding buskins & spurs, hooded houppelande or gown with dagged, wide funnel sleeves Date: 15th century
Englishman 1145His hooded cloak is made of skin, with smooth side inside and a shirt beneath; ankle gaiters cover the tops of his shoes Date: circa 1145
C11 CountrymenCountrymen of the period after the Conquest by William the Norman; two wear hooded garments but the third is stripped to the waist Date: 11th century
Psilopsiagon aymara, grey-hooded parakeetPlate 32 from Edward Lears Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae or Parrots (1832). Hand coloured lithograph. Date: 1832
Sabine man in hooded cape, Cucullus or Bardocucullus, riding a three-horse, four-wheeled wagon
Hares and hooded rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Lepus capensis, Lepus timidus.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from Ebenezer Siblys Universal System of Natural History, 1794
Indian cobra, spectacle snake or cobra de capello, Naja naja.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1800
Costume of a common man, 12th century.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from French Costumes from King Clovis to Our Days, Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834
Woman in canary-yellow taffeta hooded cape trimmed with roses and ribbons, and ball mask
Hooded seal, Cystophora cristata (vulnerable) and northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris
Hooded crow, Corvus cornix.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by George Graves from his own British Ornithology, Walworth, 1821
Hooded-flowered clitoria, Clitoria heterophylla.. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn by John Curtis and engraved by Weddell from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1819, Samuel Curtis, Walworth, London
Sicily - Cathedral Interior at MonrealeBlack and white Victorian lantern slide of the interior Cathedral at Monreale. There are hooded people gathered at the ornate altar.. Slide number 31 of Box 106 entitled Sicily Date: circa 1890s
Old Bills War-Aim, by Bairnsfather" To live to see a day like this" A cartoon by Bruce Bairnsfather featuring his popular character Old Bill. The cartoon appeared in a special War Aims issue of The Bystander
Corvus corone cornix, hooded (carrion) crowPlate 30 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Corvus corone cornix, hooded crowPlate 59 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 3 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Oriolus xanthornus, black-hooded OriolePlate 165 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Oenanthe monacha, hooded wheatearHooded wheatear egg specimens
Wilsonia citrina, hooded warblerPlate 110 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Hooded Crow (Morris)HOODED CROW (Corvus cornix) Date: 1851
Traditional Costume - The AzoresTraditional Costume at St. Michael on the Azores. A woman in a long black hooded cape sits astride a small donkey Date: 1912
Decorative Christmas frieze - Santas helpersTwo mischievous looking elves dressed in Father Christmas hooded red suits, creep through the snow carrying sacks, presumably bulging with presents for good boys and girls. 1920s
Good Housekeeping front cover, December 1931Front cover of Good Housekeeping magazine with three angelic carol singers dressed in medieval hooded robes. One plays a lute while they all sing from a song sheet
C12th Male DressLabourer: Phrygian cap, hooded tunic hitched up, long stockings & short boots. Rich Jew: conical hat with brim, mantle pinned with a brooch, super-tunic, girdle & pouch. Date: 12th century
Wellborn German CoupleWell-born Germans, he in a long flowing wig, she in hooded cape and muff Date: circa 1715
David Wright woman in black hooded coatElegant woman in a black hooded coat, with a red bow at her neck and red nail polish to match. David Wright (1912 - 1967), was a popular British artist specialising in glamour
Mountain valley in Kashgar, western ChinaA dry mountain valley in Kashgar, western China -- a hooded man on horseback can just be seen at the centre
Railwayman with black-out lampThe green signal light of a guard on the railway is shaded with a hood in the wartime black-out as World War Two begins
Frenchwoman 1555Lady of the period of Henri II, with a hooded cape over her high-necked gown
Woman Circa 1370A noblewoman of the period of Charles V wearing a hooded cloak
LADIES & BOY 1865Boy: Danish trousers & Zouave jacket. Women: bodice with square basques, fourreau skirt (each panel trimmed); hitched- up walking skirt & hooded mantle in spotted fabric
Hooded Fur Tunic 1913A sleeveless fur tunic with hood, a blouse with dolman sleeves & a matching fur trimmed toque