Lear / Owl & Pussycat / C19The Owl & the Pussy-Cat went to sea, In a beautiful pea- green boat; They took some honey, & plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five-pound note
The Owl and The PussycatThe Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five pound note
Bewick / Honey Badger(mellivora capensis) aka RATEL This mustolid is so named, curiously enough, because like Pooh it is excessively fond of honey. It lives in South Africa
Heather Honey by David Wright showing a semi-naked woman covered by a diaphanous black negligee. Wright produced a series of over 160 illustrations or pin-ups for The Sketch during the 1940 s
Beehive / Bee / Honey 1926A beehive, and one bee
BANANASBanana Monstera Deliciosa, aka Fruit Salad Plant, Cariman, Mexican Breadfruit, Locust & Wild Honey, Windowleaf, Monsterio, Swiss Cheese Plant etc
Oh Honey ! by David WrightOh Honey! by David Wright, showing a woman skimpily covering her naked body but allowing a glimpse of stockinged leg
Beekeeping / DiderotVarious procedures of apiculture
Honey locust or thorny locust tree, Gleditsia triacanthos, Gleditschia triacanthos, Fevier a trois epines
Arrested by an undercover police officerAn undercover female police officer springs her Honey Trap on an unsuspecting criminal, who goes from a jolly evening with a fetching lady to staring down the barrel of a revolver!
Lambertia formosa, honey flowerFinished watercolour by John Frederick Miller from an original outline drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771
Honey mushroom, Armillaria mellea, Agaricus melleus, edible.. Chromolithograph by C. Krause from Fritz Leubas Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1890
Honey badger, Mellivora capensis, and grison or South American glutton, Galictis cuja
Hinds Skin CreamPromotional card for Hinds Honey & Almond Cream, for the Hands, Face, Skin and Complexion, manufactured in Portland, Maine Date: 1907
Honey badger, Mellivora capensis, and least weasel, Mustela nivalis.. Handcolored copperplate stipple engraving from Frederic Cuviers Dictionary of Natural Science: Mammals, Paris, France, 1816
Comic patriotic postcard, little girl with four boys - police volunteer, soldier, sailor, and a boy wearing a Derby Scheme armband, showing that he is signed up and ready for active service
Field cricket and honey beeEuropean field cricket, Gryllus campestris, and European honey bee, Apis mellifera, queen, worker and drone, hive, honeycomb, swarm, etc. Criquet, Abeilles. Handcoloured steel engraving printed by F
A brown bear attacked by an army of bees after overturning their hives in a garden. Bear and the beehives. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop
Tatar man of Kazan with beehive and honey bees. In fur cap, short-sleeve coat over tunic, sash, culottes and fur boots. Homme tattare de Kazan. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Species of bees, drones, wasps and hornets
Lion of Mithras with a bee in its mouth. Cult of Mithras, inspired by the Zoroastrian Sun god Mithra. Out of the strong came forth sweetness. Leone Mitriaco in plasma
Lion of Mithras with a bee in its mouth. Cult of Mithras, inspired by the Zoroastrian Sun god Mithra. Out of the strong came forth sweetness. Leone Mitriaco in elitropia
Advert, Mackintoshs Week-End Chocolate Assortment -- Just look what you find in Week-End. Two shillings and ninepence for a half pound box. 1957
An apiary, Mandeville, Jamaica, apiary early 1900s Date: early 1900s
WW2 - A Singapore Mascot Of The R. A. FAn illustration of a crouched British Royal Air Force man feeding a young honey bear in Singapore. Date: circa 1940s
WW2 Birthday Card, Queue Of BeesAn illustrated WW2 birthday greetings card, Even if a queue were a mile long, I'd join it to wish you a happy birthday
Buckfast Abbey and Apiary, Dartmoor, DevonBuckfast Abbey, viewed from the Apiary, Dartmoor, Devon - Painted by landscape artist Alfred Robert Quinton for the Sevenoaks based publishing and printing company J
The FarewellThis oil painting shows a distant interaction between a woman standing on some steps, and a man on a gondola styled boat, ready to set off. Date: circa 1920
Mighty Like a RoseAn oil painting of a baby. Date: circa 1929
Lioness cub Honey with kitten Pinkle on a sofa Date: circa 1960s
Black bear attacked by bees as it attempts to take honey from a dead tree stump.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from Ebenezer Sibly's Universal System of Natural History, 1794
Spanish Civil War. Escolta nena: Quan tornare a sopar amb tu? (Hey honey, when are we having dinner together again?). Cover of the Catalan magazine L'Esquella de la Torratxa. September, 1937
Elves with honey bee by Phyllis Chase
Three dancing scenes - one from a Universal MovieThree dancing scenes from 1929 - top from the Universal Pictures film Broadway with Glen Tryon (Universals first talking picture with technicolour sequences)
The dancing girls in Honey - an RKO presentation stage show, USA, 1929 Date: 1929
Ratel or honey badger, Mellivora capensis, in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by W. Symns after an illustration by Horace S
Wolves of Hudson Bay, Canis lupus, in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, London. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by W
Iris, Iris gemanica, and sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica
A bee Date: 1920
And golden honey from the hive, by Minnie Asprey. circa 1918
Western honey bee, Apis mellifera, and hiveWestern honey bee or European honey bee, Apis mellifera (Apis mellifica)
European honey buzzard, Pernis apivorus
Fraxinella, rue and honey flower speciesNarrow-leaved fraxinella, Dictammus angustifolia, sweet-scented rue, Aplophyllum suaveolens, and larger honey flower, Melianthus major
Fossil skeleton of an extinct giant ground sloth, Megatherium americanum, and tea tree or honey myrtle bush, Melaleuca species
Larch tree, cuckoo bee and melipona honey beeCuckoo bee, Melecta albifrons 1, European larch tree, Larix decidua 2, and stingless melipona honey bee, Melipona favosa 3. Melecte, Meleze, Melipone
Kraal honey thorn, Lycium afrum. Handcoloured stipple engraving by Mlle
Honey spurge, Euphorbia melliferaHoney spurge or honey-bearing euphorbia, Euphorbia mellifera. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by F. Sansom Jr. after an illustration by Sydenham Edwards from William Curtis Botanical Magazine, T
Metamorphosis of honey bees, honeycomb, queens, drones and chain of worker bees
Label, Sirop-Luxe NoisetteFrench Drinks Bottle Label, Sirop-Luxe Noisette, a syrup made of sugar, honey and hazelnuts
Poster, Eat More Honey. Date: 20th century
Curtis British Entomology Plate 769Hymenoptera: Apis mellifica = Apis mellifera (Common Hive Bee, Honey Bee) Date: 1824-39
Algeciras, Spain - Hotel Anglo Hispano and the River Miel (Honey). Date: circa 1910s
FALL / NORWICH TERRIER / 72CHAMPION MONTELIMAR HONEY Head study Owner: Richardson Date: 1972
Diseases of the Skin - Plate 5 - Scabies or Itch, Red Gum Rash or Spotted Heat, Honey Sickness - Honey Scab or Pustular Tetter Impetigo, Shingles
Portrait of George Honey, singer, comedian and actorPortrait of George Honey (1822-1880), popular singer, comedian and actor on the London stage. 1880
X-Ray - Honey Bee Sting. Part of Box 165 Boswell Collection - X-Rays. Date: circa 1900
Mice and Men by Winifred C. Honey, 1920s woman with catIllustration showing an elegant woman with cropped hair posing with a grey cat. The background shows silhouettes of men running from scurrying mice. Date: 1929
Honey fungus, Armillaria bulbigera and A robustaHoney fungus, Armillaria bulbigera and A. robusta.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)
Honey Sucker from New South Wales, AustraliaA Honey Sucker from New South Wales, Australia, perching on a branch. 1822
Sultan Mehmed V Reshad of Turkey as a monkeyWhat my beautiful Councils have given me
Two young children talking - Elizabeth BemPainting by Elizabeth Bem (1843-1914) - " There will be a lot of Honey and Flies". Date: 1910
Teddy bear eating honey from Cliftonville, by Lawson Wood. Date: circa 1900s
Happy Families Animals - Master Bear. circa 1940s
Greetings Card - You re a Honey ! 20th century
STUMBLING FOX TROTI stepp d right on her toes, And when she bump d my nose, I fell and when I rose, I felt asham d and told her, Thats the latest step, my honey ! Date: 1922
Produce of the British Empire, Empire Marketing Board, depicting a typically English county show. Date: 1928
Cartoon, Broad Bottom Drones storming the Hive, Wasps, Hornets & Bumble Bees joining in the Attack, by James Gillray
Yellow dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl.. Found in Thailand and southeast Asia, honey-like aroma. Illustration by P. Stroobant, lithographed by L
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553). Venus and Cupid. 1535. Renaissance art. Oil on wood. ITALY. LAZIO. Rome. Borghese Gallery and Museum
Beehives in the Holy Land. Date: 1920s
Kenyan boy scaling a tree trunk on the hunt for honey Date: 1930s
Christmas card in the shape of a honey pot with mouseChristmas card in the shape of a honey pot with an escaping mouse. Date: circa 1890s
Christmas card in the shape of a honey pot decorated with a beehive and pink flowers. Date: circa 1890s
Apis mellifera, European honey beePhotograph of a European honey bee (Apis mellifera) in the wildlife garden. A typical small hive contains about 20, 000 bees which are divided into three types; Queen, Drones, and Workers
Leafhopper bug in Dominican amberLeafhopper bug Hemiptera:Homoptera:Cicadellidae, trapped in Dominican amber with a dryinid wasp sac attached to its head. Specimen dates from the Lower Miocene
Pernis apivorus, European honey buzzardPlate 11 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Leptospermum ericoides, kanuka honeyFinished watercolour by Fred Polydore Nodder from an original outline drawing by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage across the Pacific, 1768-1771
Copal with honey beeA piece of East African copal with a honey bee, Apis mellifera preserved inside it. Specimen is less than 2 million years old
Banksia serrata
Baltic amber with caddis flyA Caddis fly, Trichoptera preserved in Baltic amber. The cracks in the amber are filled with crystals of iron pyrite. Specimen dates from the Upper Eocene
Petaurus breviceps, sugar gliderMarsupial, Native name Dab-bie, possibly by Thomas Watling (1762 -c. 1814), from the Thomas Watling Drawings Collection, 1788-c. 1797, held at the Natural History Museum
Lacewing larva in amberLacewing larva preserved in Baltic amber. This specimen dates from the Upper Eocene
The Honey Bees Nest in an ant hillAt the Seba que River October 1870. Sketch 53 from a collection of original sketches by Thomas Baines, (1859-1871)