Lycurgus of SpartaLYCURGUS OF SPARTA Legendary Greek lawgiver, mentioned by Herodotus, Plutarch and Xenophon, who praise his legislation
Herodotus / Freeman / BustHERODOTUS Greek historian
Herodotus / Gooch / SepiaHERODOTUS Greek historian
Maps / World / HerodotusThe world as known to Herodotus
Herodotus, Greek historian and geographer, c.484-425 BCHerodotus, Greek historian and geographer from the Greek city of Halicarnassus, c.484-425 BC. Author of the Histories of the Greco-Persian Wars
Costumes of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, from bas reliefsCostumes of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs as gods including Amon Ra with sceptre, from bas-reliefs in the temple of Herodotus
Cleobis and Bito drawing their mother to the Temple" Drew their mother to the Temple" -- an illustration to the childrens story, Harry and Herodotus, or Tales of an Old Traveller
Herodotus / Muse / WritingHERODOTUS Greek historian with the Muse of History (Clio) in a ruined classical landscape Date: circa 484 - 425 BC
Herodotus / HinchliffHERODOTUS Greek historian Date: circa 484 - 425 BC
Iraq / Babylon / Calmet sThe city of BABYLON, after the descriptions by Herodotus and Kircher; the hanging gardens are in the centre, the Tower on the right : the Euphrates runs round the city
Herodotus / Profile / VisconHERODOTUS Greek historian in profile Date: circa 484 - 425 BC
Herodotus - Early Traveller and Historian - In EgyptHerodotus - Ancient Greek Traveller and Historian - Visiting Aswan in Ancient Egypt
HERODOTUS (484-430 BC). Greek historian. Portrait" HERODOTUS (484-430 BC). Greek historian. Portrait of the book " Illustrium Imagines". Engraving. Xylography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library."
Arion of Methymna leaping into the sea" He leapt into the sea" -- an illustration to the childrens story, Harry and Herodotus, or Tales of an Old Traveller
Cyrus commanding the boys to seize the rebel" Cyrus commanded the boys to seize the rebel" -- an illustration to the childrens story, Harry and Herodotus, or Tales of an Old Traveller
Piper watching fish leaping and dancing on the shore" I want none of your leaping and dancing now" -- an illustration to the childrens story, Harry and Herodotus, or Tales of an Old Traveller
Herodotus / Muse / LeutemannHERODOTUS Greek historian reading his works to the Greek people
Herodotus / Anon BustHERODOTUS Greek historian
Map / Africa / Egypt / HerodotEgypt as described by Herodotus