Squill, Drimia maritimaSquill, sea squill, sea onion or maritime squill, Drimia maritima. Urginea maritima, Scilla maritima. With flowers, leaf, stem, plant, bulb and roots
Wolf's bane and dittany plantsWolf's bane or mountain tobacco, Arnica montana 1, and burning bush or dittany, Dictamnus albus 2. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Syrian pear and Chinese crab appleSyrian pear, Pyrus syriaca 1, and Chinese crab apple, Malus spectabilis 2. Pyrus syriacus, Pyrus spectabilis. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Karoo boer-bean and Malabar almondKaroo boer-bean, Schotia afra 1, and Malabar almond or Indian almond, Terminalia catappa 2. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Aloe yucca and tiger aloeAloe yucca or Spanish bayonet, Yucca aloifolia 1, and tiger aloe or partridge-breasted aloe, Gonialoe variegata 2. Yucca aloefolia, Aloe variegata
Sessile oak and Valonia oakSessile oak, Quercus petraea 1, and Valonia oak, Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis 2. Speisefrucht-Eiche, chene grec, Quercus esculus, Knopper-Eiche, chene a grosses cupules, Quercus aegilops
Interior structure of the broad bean, Vicia faba. Section through the stem between two leaves viewed under a microscope. Structure interieure d'un Pied de Feve
Wendlandiella gracilis palm tree of South America. Ptychosperma gracilis. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Wayfarer tree and guelder roseWayfarer tree, Viburnum lantana 1, and guelder rose, Viburnum opulus 2. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Common ivy and lesser periwinkleCommon ivy, Hedera helix 1, and lesser periwinkle, Vinca minor 2. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Leek and victory onionLeek, Allium porrum 1, and alpine leek or victory onion, Allium victorialis 2. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Marsh mallow and wormwoodMarsh mallow, Althaea officinalis 1, and wormwood, Artemisia judaica 2. Medicinal plants. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Melon, Cucumis melo. Fruit, flower and leaf, with section through ripe fruit
Sweet yellow clover and bogbeanSweet yellow clover, Melilotus officinalis 1, and bogbean, or buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata 2. Medicinal plants. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Ipecacuanha and contrajerva, medicinal plantsIpecacuanha, Carapichea ipecacuanha 1 and contrajerva, Dorstenia contrayerva 2. American medicinal plants. The botanicals were drawn by Henriette and Conrad Westermayr, F. Götz and C. Ermer
Imperial napoleona, Napoleonaea imperialis. Native to west and central Africa, used in traditional medicine
Adam's needle and thread, Yucca filamentosaAdam's needle and thread or filamentous yukka, Yucca filamentosa. Native to North America. Spanish bayonet, bear-grass, needle-palm, silk-grass or spoon-leaf yucca