View of the Oosterpark, Amsterdam, in the Snow, 1892, by GeoGeorge Hendrik Breitner (1857-1923). Dutch painter. View of the Oosterpark, Amsterdam, in the Snow, 1892. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
United States. Niagara Falls - Van der BurghUnited States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Van der Burgh. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
United States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Van der Burgh. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
Heerenveen, The Netherlands, Burgemeester Kuperusplein. Names after Dutch Politician and Mayor of Heerenveen Gerrit Hendrik Kuperus. Date: circa 1960s
Black rhinoceros and extinct Sumatran rhinocerosBlack or hook-lipped rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, critically endangered, and Sumatran rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, extinct
Earl Haig by Hendrik LundSketch of Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig, later Earl Haig of Bemersyde (1861 - 1928). Commander-in-chief of the British Forces in France and Flanders during the Great War
The Singel Bridge at the Paleisstraat in Amsterdam, 1896-189George Hendrik Breitner (1857-1923). Dutch painter. The Singel Bridge at the Paleisstraat in Amsterdam, 1896-1898, Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Hendrik Jacob Van BashuysenHENDRIK JACOB VAN BASHUYSEN (1679 - 1750) Dutch cleric, oriental scholar and printer. Date: circa 1710
Hendrik SpiegelHENDRIK DIRKSEN SPIEGEL Dutch burgermeester Date: 1598 - 1667
Hendrik HondiusHENDRIK HONDIUS (de Hondt) the elder Flemish artist, particularly admired for his engravings. Date: 1573 - 1649+
Hendrik BlesHENDRIK BLES Dutch artist
Battle between Dutch and Spanish ships on the HaarlemmermeerHendrik Cornelisz Vroom (1566-1640). Dutch painter. Battle between Dutch and Spanish ships on the Haarlemmermeer, 1629. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Portrait of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange (1584-1647), cFrederick Henry, Prince of Orange (1584-1647). Portrait of 1632, by Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt (1566-1641). Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
The Return to Amsterdam of the Second Expedition to the EastHendrik Cornelisz Vroom (1566-1640). Dutch painter. The Return to Amsterdam of the Second Expedition to the East Indies, 1599. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Fishing Pinks in Breaking Waves, c. 1875-1885, by Hendrik WiHendrik Willem Mesdag (1831-1915). Dutch painter. Fishing Pinks in Breaking Waves, c. 1875-1885. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
The Yellow Riders, 1885-1886, by George Hendrik Breitner (18George Hendrik Breitner (1857-1923). Dutch painter. The Yellow Riders, 1885-1886. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Princess of Orange visiting the workshop of Bartholomeus vanHendrik Jacobus Scholten (1824-1907). Dutch painter. The Princess of Orange visiting the workshop of Bartholomeus van der Helst, c.1850-1870. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
The Rokin in Amsterdam, 1897, by George Hendrik Breitner (18George Hendrik Breitner (1857-1923). Dutch painter. The Rokin in Amsterdam, 1897. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Landscape with shepherds by Hendrik Mommers (1623-1693)Hendrik Mommers (1623-1693). Dutch painter. Landscape with shepherds. Gemaldegalerie. Berlin. Germany
Hendrik Goltzius - 2HENDRIK GOLTZIUS Dutch engraver, etcher and painter Date: 1558 - 1617
Hendrik Van CuyckHENDRIK VAN CUYCK Flemish churchman, bishop, Dean of S. Pierre at Louvain. Date: 1546 - 1609
Hendrik Van CleefHENDRIK VAN CLEEF Flemish artist from Antwerp Date: circa 1510 - 1589
Hendrik Graef Den BergheHENDRIK GRAEF van den BERGHE Dutch soldier and statesman, brother-in-law of Willem of Orange, but nevertheless supported the Spanish occupation. Date: 1573 - 1638
Jan Van Balen (1611-1654) Flemish painter, born in Antwerp, travelled in Italy, first studies with his father Hendrik. Date: circa 1635
Hendrik BerkmansHENDRIK BERKMANS Dutch artist who did good battles but found he could make more money doing portraits Date: 1629 - 1690
Prince Hendrik Quay, Amsterdam, NetherlandsPrince Hendrik Quay and the Catholic basilica of St Nicholas, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Date: circa 1905
Hendrik VerschuyringHENDRIK VERSCHUYRING Dutch artist Date: 1627 - 1690
Hendrik Van Der BorchtHENDRIK VAN DER BORCHT Flemish artist, worked for a while in England: best known for fruit and flowers. Date: 1583 - 1660
Hendrik Van Den BergHENDRIK graf VAN DEN BERG Flemish military commander Date: 1573 - 1638
Hendrik Van SteenwyckHENDRIK VAN STEENWYCK Flemish artist Date: 1550 - 1604
Heinrich PetersHEINRICH (Hendrik ?) PETERS Who he is I cannot tell, but he must be quite important or de Brij wouldn t have engraved his portrait. Date: 1546 - ?
Lodewijk Grave NassauLODEWYIJK grave van NASSAU- DIETZ Dutch soldier and statesman, younger brother of Hendrik. Date: 1538 - 1574
Hendrik Van KeyserHENDRIK VAN KEYSER Dutch architect from Amsterdam, designed the town hall at Delft. Date: 1565 - 1621
Jan Hendrik HofmeyrJAN HENDRIK HOFMEYR South African statesman Date: 1845 - 1909
An Alchemist and his Assistant. Heerschop, Hendrik 1620-1672
Statue of Baron Leys, Antwerp (Anvers), BelgiumStatue of Jan August Hendrik Leys (1815-1869), Antwerp (Anvers), Belgium - painter. Date: circa 1905
Banque Nationale at Antwerp, BelgiumBanque Nationale at Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium (Anvers) - designed by Belgian Architect Hendrik (Henri) Beyaert (built between 1875-1880). Date: 1919
VAN DYCK, Sir Anthony (1599-1641). The Musician Hendrik Liberti. 1627 - 1632. Flemish art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Beurs van Berlage on the Damrak. Designed as a commodity exchange by architect Hendrik Petrus Berlage (constructed between 1896 and 1903)
Hendrik Van BalenHENDRIK VAN BALEN Flemish artist Date: 1560 - 1632
Prince Hendrik of the NetherlandsDuke Heinrich Wladimir Albrecht Ernst of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1876-1934), later Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands
Prince Arthurs engagementPrince Arthur, Duke of Connaught (1850-1942) in 1878 with his fiancee Luise Margarete of Prussia and her sisters, Marie (centre)
Lorentz / Hendrik / Nobel 02HENDRIK ANTOON LORENTZ Dutch physicist
Frederik Hendrik SthldrFREDERIK HENDRIK, prince van Oranje, stadhouder, son of Willem I, father of William I of England (holding bedpost) on his deathbed : he raised the power of the stadhouder
Hendrik Van BrederodeHENDRIK VAN BREDERODE Dutch statesman, patriot leader of Les Gueux (the beggars) opposing Spanish domination of the Netherlands
Hendrik Goltzius / BoulonoHENDRIK GOLTZIUS Dutch engraver, etcher and painter
Wilhelmina / Dutch / 1909WILHELMINA, QUEEN OF HOLLAND Reigned 1890-1948 - seen here with her husband, Heinrich, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and their baby daughter Juliana
Wilhelmina / Dutch / 1901WILHELMINA, QUEEN OF HOLLAND Reigned 1890-1948 - seen here with her husband, Heinrich, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Duke Heinrich / Dutch / 1901DUKE HEINRICH of MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN Prince Consort of Wilhelmina, Queen of Holland
Hc Vroom / BoulonoisHendrik Cornelius Vroom Dutch Painter