Advert, Baxter Brothers & Co, Dundee, ScotlandAdvert for Baxter Brothers & Co Limited, Spinners and Manufacturers of Flax, Hemp and Jute, Dens Works, Dundee, Scotland. 1905
Quince tree and fruit, Cydonia oblonga Pyrus cydonia, Linn. Coignassier
Hogarth / Harlots Prog. / 4The Harlots Progress 4. Hogarths Harlot in Bridewell Prison
Nurse Sister Hemp Ww1?Head and shoulders photograph of a nurse, inscribed " Best wishes, Sister Hemp"
Cannabis plant, Cannabis sativaCannabis plant with leaves, buds and roots, Cannabis sativa. Handcolored copperplate engraving by J
Indian hemp, marijuana, hashish or ganja, Cannabis sativa
Making rope from hemp, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Brewing, steel ware and gloves, and a mineral waters spa in Regency England
Trades in Regency England: cable making, straw workTrades in Regency England. Men twisting rope in a cable making factory in Deptford 1, women and children making straw hats in Dunstable 2 and a woman making lace outside a cottage in Buckingham 3
African bowstring hemp, Sansevieria hyacinthoides. Aloe guinensis radice geniculata foliis ex atro undulatim variegatis, Commelin, Aloes de Guinee
Advert, Cox Brothers Limited, Lochee, ScotlandAdvert for Cox Brothers Limited, Camperdown Jute, Flax and Hemp Works, Lochee, Scotland. 1905
Cannabis, Cannabis sativa, and flax, Linum usitatissimum. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Common hemp nettle, Galeopsis tetrahit, and black horehound, Ballota nigra. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Stinging nettle, Urtica dioica, and hemp nettle, Galeopsis speciosa. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Hemp or marijuana, Cannabis sativa. Handcoloured illustration drawn and lithographed by Henry Sowerby from Edward Hamiltons Flora Homeopathica, Bailliere, London, 1852
New Zealand flax or harakeke, Phormium tenax. Phormion
Hemp, Cannabis sativa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany, Longman, Hurst, London, 1816
Rope maker twisting rope yarns together on a rope walk while an apprentice turns a wheel to revolve the hook
Flax and cannabisFlax, Linum usitatissimum 1, and hemp or cannabis, Cannabis sativa, male 2, female 3
Marijuana or cannabis, Cannabis sativa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr
Adverts, Bank of Scotland, Cox Brothers, DundeeAdverts for The Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, and Cox Brothers Limited, Jute, Flax and Hemp Works, Dundee, Scotland. 1905
Adverts, Baxter Brothers, P & R SandersonAdverts for Baxter Brothers & Co Ltd, Spinners and Manufacturers, Dens Works, Dundee, and P & R Sanderson, Tweed Mill, Galashiels, Scotland. 1905
Curtis British Entomology Plate 400Lepidoptera: Nudaria mundana (Muslin Footman) [Plant: Eupatorium cannabinum (Hemp Agrimony)] Date: 1824-39
Womens sun hats for the spring 1930Model wearing the latest style in wide brimmed hats. Date: 1930
HOGARTH HARLOT PLATE 4The Harlots Progress 4. Hogarths Harlot in Bridewell Prison. Date: 1732
Kief (Hashish / Maruijana / Cannabis) Smoker - AlgeriaHashish Smoker (or Kif (kef, Kief, keef), Cannabis, Marijuana) - Algeria
Hemp harvest. Banks of the Rhine. Peasants working the hemp plant. Engraving. L Illustration Journal Universel (1860). 19th century. Colored
Hemp harvest. Banks of the Rhine. Engraving. L Illustration Journal Universel (1860). 19th century
Eupatorium CannabinumHEMP AGRIMONY Date: early 20th century
Yorkshire Line SwinglersLine swinglers preparing hemp for rope Date: 1814
Page of fashion adverts 1933Three fashion adverts for womens clothing for the 1930s. 1933
Hemp-leaved rose, Rosa cannabina, and lustre d eglise, Rosa gallica.. Hemp-leaved rose, Rosa cannabina, and lustre d eglise, Rosa gallica
Advert for Peacock hats 1928Attractive model wearing hat made from Chinese hemp and straw trimmed georgette embroidery. 1928
Cannabis sativa, hempIllustration of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), by James Kerr (1738-1782). Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Agave sisalana, sisal
Cannabis sativa, cannabisIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Sanseveria hyacinthoides, bowstring hempIllustration by Caspar Commelin (1667-1731) from Prludia Botanica of Type Specimens of plants named by Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)
Cannabis sativa, marijuanaIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Linen Processing MachineItalian machines for the softening and treatment of hemp Date: circa 1850
Italian Peasant SpinnersItalian peasant women in traditional costumes, spinning hemp. Date: 1930s
Hemp Processing 18th CVarious stages of hemp processing in 18th century France. Date: Circa 1760
Harvesting Hemp 18th CMen and women harvesting hemp in 18th century France. Some of them are threshing hemp. Date: Circa 1760
Serbian Hemp workersRural Serbian Hemp workers
Summer head-wear, 1926Cyclamen coloured hemp straw trimmed with flowers and velvet ribbon. This design was produced by Woolland Bros of Knightsbridge in 1926
Plants / Cannabis SativaMARIJUANA, INDIAN HEMP also known by several other names A medicinal plant which has been prescribed for almost every ailment
Drying Hemp, RussiaRussian peasants cultivating hemp (cannabis sativa) : they are setting it out on racks to dry