Woman in an asymmetrical evening gown holding a mirror. 1924Woman with bob haircut in an asymmetrical evening gown holding a mirror. 1924. Robe du Soir, after a sketch by the designer Worth. 1924
Fashionable woman in a kimono-style coat dress, 1920s. Robe manteau de Jean Patou
Front cover to The Art of Perfumes, Rigaud, 1915Front cover with title label pasted onto a decorative floral pattern paper cover
Promotional art for Un Air Embaume, Perfume of Rigaud, 1913. A floral-spicy perfume by Henri Rigaud launched in 1912 and later discontinued
Promotional art for Des Roses, Perfume of Rigaud. A young girl buries her face in rose petals in a rose field. The line was launched in 1908 and discontinued
Promotional art for Mary Garden, Perfume of Rigaud, 1913. It was launched in 1910 and later discontinued. Named for the popular Scottish-American operatic lyric singer, 1874-1967
Promotional art for Oeillet d'Andalousie, Perfume of RigaudPromotional art for Oeillet d'Andalousie, a discontinued Perfume of Rigaud. An Andalusian woman with fan, in shawl and ruffled skirt, stands next to a potted carnation and basket of fruit
Promotional art for L'Heure Charmante, a Perfume of Rigaud. Two lovers in a garden point to a sundial. The perfume was launched in 1914 but discontinued
Promotional art for Lilas de Rigaud, Lilac of Rigaud. A woman in a white gown and necklace plucking lilac flowers from a bush. A bonnet and basket of lilac flowers at her feet
Promotional art for Muses des Bois, a Perfume of Rigaud. Two young women sit with a deer in a forest clearing. The line was discontinued
Promotional art for Pres de Vous, a Perfume of Rigaud. A man leans near a woman seated on a wall in the moonlight near a chateau. Pres de Vous was launched in 1912
Promotional art for Prince Igor, a Perfume of Rigaud. A bejeweled Russian prince sits on a throne within an arched border
Women in sports and afternoon suits by Lucile, 1931Woman in sport outfit in green-and-white diagonal skirt, plain green wool jacket with grey fox collar. Afternoon suit in green and black velvet, black fox collar. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in evening dresses designed by Luceber, 1931Woman in Always Young evening dress in black crepe de chine, with draped scarf held on the shoulder by a rhinestone buckle. Woman in Divine Mistress evening dress in green Roman crepe
Women in dress and coat ensemble by Philippe & Gaston, 1931Woman in black wool coat with astrakhan collar, Gringoire. Woman in lace and crepe de chine dress, Mon Desir. Marcel wave bob hairstyles. Fashions by Philippe & Gaston
Evening and dinner dresses by Martial et Armand and Lucile ParayMitchette evening dress in black wool by Martial et Armand. Dinner dress in black lace and muslin by Lucile Paray, fashion and costume designer. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Women in coats and dresses by Martial et Armand, 1931Woman in brown wool coat with Karakul wool collar, Tambour. Woman in green geo with tiny pleats, Claironnette. Fashions by Paris fashion brand Martial et Armand. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Evening dress in white Romaine crepe by Maggy Rouff, 1931Evening dress in white Romaine crepe, tied with scarf at the back, Ambassadeurs. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Maggy Rouff. Belgian-born fashion and costume designer
Women in evening dresses by Henri Paris, 1931Woman in Si Belle evening dress in blue romain crepe. Woman in Vierge Folle evening dress in yellow crepe georgette decorated with spangles. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in chic suits and coats by Bernard, 1931Woman in coat of chestnut wool with lambswool collar. Woman in suit of China blue and brown wool, with Astrakhan collar. Both in berets and Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in luxury dinner dresses by Luceber, 1931Woman in Troublante dinner dress in black Moroccan crepe with fur stole. Woman in Frivolite dinner dress in navy blue crepe georgette. Marcel wave bob hairstyles and cloche hats
Woman in evening gown of black satin by Henriette Jeantou, 1931Woman in Goddess evening gown of black satin with gathers by Henriette Jeantou. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Henriette Jeantou. Deesse: Robe du soir en satin noir garnie fronces
Women in coat and dress by Monari, 1931Woman in Pensez-y velvet corduroy coat trimmed with otter. fur Woman in tunic of grey crepe de Chine trimmed with orange. Marcel wave bob hairstyles and cloche hats. Fashion designs by Monari
Women in matching dress and coat by Yteb, 1931Women in matching black satin crepe dress with egg-yellow facing and ratine wool coat by designer Yteb, Elizabeth Hoyningen-Huene. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Elegant evening dress in Nile green silk muslin, 1931Evening dress in Nile green silk muslin designed by Maison Premet, fashion brand led by Madeleine Premet. Both with Marcel wave bobs. Naiade: Robe en mousseline de soie vert Nil
Wool coats by Martial et Armand and Philippe et Gaston, 1931Woman in En Faveur coat in green wool with Karakul wool trim by Martial et Armand. Woman in Modeste coat in blue wool with coypu fur collar by Philippe et Gaston
Women in matching coat and dress by Philippe & Gaston, 1931Woman in Espoir coat in green wool with otter collar. Woman in Souris dress in green crepe de Chine to match the coat. Marcel wave bob hairstyles. Fashion designs by Philippe & Gaston
Women in fashionable dresses by Francis, 1931Woman in Gamine dress in burgundy Moroccan wool, necklace and belt in red and black beads. Woman in Mon Caprice dress in black crepe de Chine, ruffled sleeves and skirt. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in fashionable dresses by Henri Paris, 1931Woman in dress in black Moroccan wool, trimmed with small pleats. Woman in afternoon dress in navy blue, white bib embroidered with navy and white beads. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Matching wool dress and coat by fashion designer Yteb, 1931Women in matching wool dress and coat by fashion designer Yteb, Elizabeth Hoyningen-Huene. Marcel wave bob hairstyles. Epatante: robe tres pratique en lainage dessine allant avec le manteau Epatant
Women in black and white dress and coat by Dupouy-Magnin, 1931Coat in black velvet trimmed with ermine, Paris. Afternoon dress in black crepe satin trimmed with white crepe satin, Prognostic. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in dress and coat of red wool by Zimmermann, 1931Woman in dress in red Moroccan wool with black patent buttons and belt. Woman in calf-length coat in red Moroccan wool, trimmed with silver fox. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in afternoon dress and jacket by Luceber, 1931Woman in Pourquoi afternoon dress in blue velvet and ochre crepe de Chine, and matching jacket. Woman in Madrilene afternoon dress in black Moroccan wool. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Woman in suit and coat of brown wool by Blanche Lebouvier, 1931Woman in brown wool coat with beaver collar, orange silk blouse, brown velvet waistcoat inlaid into brown wool skirt. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Blanche Lebouvier
Women in black suit and grey evening dress by Champcommunal, 193Woman in black velvet suit with silver fox collar. Woman in evening dress in grey georgette. Scarf, ruffles and skirt hem finished in an antique style. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in chic coat and dress by Jenny, 1931Woman in black velvet coat with ermine collar, Coutulot. Woman in black and white crepe satin dress, Flossie. Fashion designs by Jenny, French fashion designer Jenny Sacerdote
Queen Elizabeth washes her hands in a bowl held by her page boyQueen Elizabeth of England washes her hands in a bowl held by her page boy in a garden. A courtier in a ruff collar sniffs a clove orange beside her
A woman holds a perfume flask as butterflies flutter around it, ancient Persia. She stands with a deer under a willow tree as a musician plays music on a lute
A noble woman burns incense while being carried on a palanquin, ancient India. Two punkhawallahs in turbans wave large fans to keep her cool
A queen stands smelling fragrance burnt in a large amphora, ancient Egypt. A musician plays the harp in the moonlight
A young woman with lacquer parasol smelling a perfume flask, ancA young Chinese woman with lacquer parasol smelling a perfume flask, ancient China. A perfume seller sits next to a carpet with other scent bottles
Decorative front cover with vignette of woman at her toilette, RDecorative front cover with calligraphic title and vignette of woman holding a flask of perfume at her toilette with fairies holding a mirror and garlands of flowers
Advert for Richard Hudnut's perfume, Parfum Le Debut Vert, 1928Art Deco advert for Richard Hudnut's perfume, Parfum Le Debut Vert, in octagonal green flacon with matching green box, 1928
Art Deco interior of the Richard Hudnut shop, rue de la Paix, Paris, 1928. A large pink sofa under a mirror, glass chandelier, and pink ceiling
Art Deco interior of the Richard Hudnut shop, rue de la Paix, Paris, 1928. A glass case with perfume bottles under a mural painted by the lacquerist Jean Dunand, pink ceiling and glass chandelier
Art Deco interior of the Richard Hudnut shop, rue de la Paix, Paris, 1928. A glass case showing perfume bottles next to a pink armchair, large mirror, chandelier, carpet
Five o'clock dress in bronze Moroccan crepe decorated with beads. Cloche hat. Toilette de the en crepe marocain
Afternoon dress in Lyons velvet with large bow on one hip. Robe d'apres-midi en velours de Lyon
Afternoon dress of purple faille-satin with matching cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-mide en faille-satin
Red bolero frock in satin and velvet chiffon coat with fox banding. Robe bolero en satin. Manteau de velours chiffon richement garni de renard
Woman in afternoon dress of velvet chiffon with Karakul wool triWoman in afternoon dress of green velvet chiffon, with Karakul wool trim on the skirt. Green cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours chiffon. Jupe drapee, bordee de caracul
Woman in blue afternoon dress of crepe mongol over a satin slip. Cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe mongol sur fourreau de satin
Afternoon robe in black faille, black lace trim, fox fur stole, brimless hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en faille
Woman in princess robe in silk velvet, with lame plastron. Hat with lame ribbon. Princesse en velours chiffon
Afternoon dress in silk velvet embroidered with silver braid galloons. Blue cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en velours de soie, brodee de galons d'argent
Woman in kasha dress and cloche hatKasha dress with bolero trimmed with bands in the same material. Galalith buckles. Cloche hat. Robe en kasha. Bolero agremente d'applications d'etoffe
Afternoon dress of blue satin crepe with cross-over top. Grey hat. Robe de visite en crepe satin, haut tres croise
Evening dress in lilac velvet chiffon. Robe du soir en velours chiffon
Woman in velvet afternoon dress and cloche hat with buckleAfternoon dress of velvet, contrasting velvet and silver lace bib, cloche hat with buckle. Robe d'apres-midi en velours
Jumper frock of crepe de Chine and figured velvet. Purple cloche hat and fur stole. Robe en crepe de Chine et velours faconne
Afternoon coat of silk velvet, Medici collar and cuffs of fox fuAfternoon coat of chocolate silk velvet, Medici collar and cuffs of grey fox fur. Purple cloche hat. Manteau en velours chiffon, garni de renard
Dress with crepe roma top and velvet chiffon skirtEnsemble: Dress top in fuchsia crepe roma, shirred chocolate skirt of velvet chiffon, coat with rich fox banding. Ensemble: haut de la robe en crepe romain. Jupe froncee en velours chiffon
Kasha coat with fur collar and cuffsKasha cloth coat with bands cut en forme. Collar and cuffs in fox fur. Manteau en kasha drap, garni de bandes en forme. Grand col et parements de renard clair
Two-piece ensemble: jacket of brown velvet with fur trim, chestnTwo-piece suit: jacket of dark brown velvet with fur trim, chestnut satin cloth skirt. Ensemble elegant: Jaquette de velours fonce. Robe en drap satin
Black velvet coat banded with fox fur. Manteau inedit de velours noir, garni de renard
Afternoon dress and jacket of green crepe romaAfternoon dress of green crepe roma, jacket decorated with white silk galloon collar embroidered in gold. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe romain
Afternoon dress of chocolate Moroccan crepe adorned with metal and silk embroidery. Cloche hat. Robe d'apres-midi en crepe satin, brodee soie et metal
Chestnut coloured asymmetrical velvet frock, large buttons, with matching cloche hat. Robe en velvet. Boutons corozo. Jupe croisee et rallongee a gauche
Black satin visiting dress, skirt with six flaring flounces. Cloche hat. Toilette de visite en satin noir. Jupe a volants ondulants
Afternoon dress of grey Moroccan crepe, cloche hat with featherAfternoon dress of grey Moroccan crepe, collar and cuffs in two-colour crepe Georgette embroidered in silver. Cloche hat with feather. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe marocain
Sports outfit of green velvet skirt, jumper of ribbed velours trSports outfit: green velvet skirt, jumper of ribbed velours tricot, matching cloche hat. Robe genre sport. Jupe velours uni, sweater en velours tricot cotele
Afternoon dress of purple crepe marocain, cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe marocain
Afternoon dress of crepe roma, orange cloche hatAfternoon dress of crepe roma, pleated skirt, orange cloche hat. Toilette d'apres-midi en crepe romain
Coat dress of kasha wool with coloured satin ornaments. Cloche hat. Robe manteau en kasha, garnie satin couleur tranchante
Evening dress of velvet chiffon decorated with gold silk muslinEvening dress of tangerine velvet chiffon decorated with gold silk muslin with silver brocade. Robe de soiree en velours chiffon et mousseline noirs et brocart d'argent
Evening dress of black satin, rose on the hip, with matching black velvet cape. Toilette de soiree en satin, cape en velours chiffon
Dancing frock of lilac crepe satin. Robe a danser en crepe satin
Dancing frock in black velvet chiffon with crossed back. Robe a danser en velours chiffon
Black chiffon evening dress and velvet coatEvening dress of black chiffon on a slip of silver lame. Evening coat in blue velvet, silk kimono sleeves, fur collar. Robe du soir en mousseline sur fond de lame argent
Evening dress of black crepe voile on black crepe satin. Robe de soiree en crepe voile noir, sur fourreau de crepe satin
Evening dress of ribbed silver lame with velvet panelsEvening dress of ribbed silver lame, with asymmetrical pale and dark blue velvet panels. Robe du soir en lame cotele et velours chiffon deux couleurs
Dancing frock in sky-blue crepe georgette. Marcel wave hairstyle. Robe a dancer en crepe Georgette brode de strass
Five o'clock dress in black crepe georgette. Toilette de the en crepe Georgette noir et dentelle
Dancing frock in pale green chiffon embroidered with coloured silk or trimmed with velvet appliques. Marcel wave hairstyle. Robe a danser en mousseline