The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Act III, scene III. Ariel: You are three men of sin. Illustration by Edmund Dulac. Date: 1908
Capital with harpies, Monastery, Santa Catalina of MontefaroCapital with harpies (lion-headed bird). From the Monastery of Santa Catalina of Montefaro, 14th century (1370). La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain
Harpy, griffin, satyr, giant, seahorse and NereidMythical creatures: harpy, griffin, satyr, giant or Titan, seahorse and Nereid or Triton
American harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rene Primevere Lessons Complements de Buffon, Pourrat Freres, Paris, 1838
Harpy eagle, Brazilian merganser, HarpalusHarpy eagle, Harpia harpyja 3, Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus, critically endangered 4, Harpalus beetle 1, and harp snail, Harpa major 2. Harpale, harpe, harpie, harle
Double mina from Chios with an harpy. Coin. SPAIN
Spain. Catalonia. Balaguer. Fragment of plasterwork from SuddSpain. Catalonia. Balaguer. Islamic Art. Fragment of plasterwork from Sudda or governors residence. Built by governor Yusuf al-Muzaffares (1045-1082). Relief of Harpy, mithology bird-woman
Harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja, and crested eagle, Morphnus guianensis
Harpia harpyja, harpy eagleA specimen of a harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) on display at the Natural History Museum at Tring
Harpy from Aldrovandis OperaIllustration of a Harpy from Aldrovandis Opera
Harpy. Found in Peru in 17th c. according to the text. Litography
Turkey. Mediterranean Coast. Antalya. XanthusTURKEY. MEDITERRANEAN COAST. ANTALYA. Xanthus. Roman theatre (2nd c.). In the background on the left the funerary monument known as the Harpy Tower (480 BC). Roman art. Early Empire. Architecture
Argonauts & HarpiesThe Argonauts, on their way to Colchis where they plan to steal the Golden Fleece, are attacked by a swarm of harpies, who are nastier than they look
Harpies / JohnstoneThough Johnstone includes the harpy in his natural history of birds, they are only half- birds, having human faces; they have nasty habits and they smell awful