Whaling HarpoonA harpoon gun on the deck of the Norwegian whaling ship M. V. Rodny, at Ayr Harbour, Scotland
Upper Palaeolithic tools 18 - 30, 000 years oldL-R: a) Bone used to make needle blanks. b) Bone needle. c & d) Harpoon head and Barbed Point carved from antler. e & f) Two heads carved in mammoth ivory
Eskimo Hunts a NarwhalAn Eskimo fisherman pursuing a narwhal
Hunting walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, in the Arctic ice floes. Whalers on a small boat hunting with harpoon. Chasses aux morses. Chromolithograph by C
Bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, beached on the shore. Two whalers stand in front of the carcass, near a sailboat and harpoon. Common whale, Balaena mysticetus
Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon N7265C - 37396 Hot StuffLockheed PV-2 Harpoon N7265C / 37396 Hot Stuff (MSN 15-1362, Model 15-27-01), of American Military Heritage Foundation, Indianapolis, IN. Date: circa 2000
Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon N2PV (msn 15-1220), at Las Cruces International, New Mexico. Date: circa 1997
HMS Argus 149Royal Navy - HMS Argus 149, an aircraft carrier, seen in March 1939. Argus served from 1918 to 1944
Lockheed PV-2 HarpoonUnited States Navy - Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon from St.Louis Naval Air Station providing shelter during a downpour at an airshow in the US. Date: circa 1950
Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon N6857C Fat Cat Too (msn 15-1216), of the Combat Air Museum, at Midland Airport on 8-10 October 1992. Date: 1992
Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon N7670C (msn 15-1438, ex BuAer 37472) Date: circa 2010
Historical views of Poland. Polish men in the city of Cracow 55, Peter the Wild Boy found in a forest near Hamelin 56, and the inflammable springs near Cracow 57
Sperm whale being hunted by whalers, 19th centurySperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus, being harpooned by whalers, 19th century
Bowhead whale and cachelotWhalers harpooning a bowhead whale a, Balaena mysticetus, and cachelot or pot whale b, Physeter macrocephalus
Bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, being hunted by whalers with harpoons
Inuit (Eskimo) men hunting whales and sealsInuit (Eskimo) men in fishing boats hunting whales with harpoons at sea, and others on the ice hunting seals and fish with spears
Harpoons. Bone. Maglemosian Culture, 8700-6500 BCHarpoons made of elk or red deer bone. Maglemosian Culture, 8700-6500 BC. National Museum. Copenhagen. Denmark
Reindeer antler harpoons. 9500 BC. Paleolithic. New Zealand. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Whaler with HarpoonA fisherman on the deck of a whaling ship next to a large harpoon. Date: early 1930s
Old Maid card game - The Deep Sea Diver. circa 1950s
A bone harpoon heads on clothand is a view of bone harpoon heads on cloth. (Location: Ireland). Date: circa early 1900s
Finland. Utensils for river fishing. Harpoon of five tips and nets of fence for the spawning season. National Museum of Finland. Helsinki
Harpoons. 6500-4000 BC. DenmarkHarpoons of deer antler for hunting small whales and seals. 6500-4000 BC. From Zealand coasts and fjords of Eastern Jutland. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Harpoon carved from antlerCast of an antler harpoon from the Magdalenian culture, 11, 000-18, 000 years ago (Upper Palaeolithic)
Hand-axes, blades & harpoonThe two axe-heads on the left are from the Middle Palaeolithic about 40, 000 BC; the three specimens on the right are from the Upper Palaeolithic abot 20, 000 BC (Agfa Film)
Whale Gun and Snow-shoe, 1875Engraving of a typical harpoon gun, used for shooting whales or walrus in the Arctic region, and a patent snow-shoe or ski, 1875
Racial / Eskimos / Ross ExpJohn Rosss arctic expedition: Native Eskimo friends of Ross and his expedition. L to R: Shulanina, Tulluachiu and Tirikshiu
Hunting Walrus 1555Walrus hunted by Norwegians
French Whaler 1850French whaler standing with his rope and harpoon
Racial / Greenland C1850Natives of Greenland
Whaling in DeptfordCatching a whale off Deptford Pier
Baleen Whale & WhalersA whale-boat approaches a Baleen Whale in the northern seas
Racinet Eskimo CostumeAn illustration which depicts numerous articles of clothing, implements and artifacts of Eskimos
Futuristic seabed fishing -- the fishermen are all wearing diving helmets and oxygen packs, and are firing harpoons at the fish