Sensory homunculusThis model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its sensory perception
Motor homunculusThis model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its movement
Hominid craniaL to R: Australopithecus africanus; Homo rudolfensis; H.erectus; H. heildebergensis; H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens
Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)A cast of the partial skeleton (nicknamed Lucy) of Australopithecus afarensis found at the Hadar, North East Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson
Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)A partial skeleton (nicknamed Lucy) of Australopithecus afarensis found at the Hadar, North East Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson
Homo neanderthalensis in action at Swanscombe, UKAn illustration by Angus McBride showing a group of Homo neanderthalensis on the ancient banks of the river Thames in modern day Swanscombe, Kent
Proconsul africanusAn illustration of the extinct primate, Proconsul africanus. Like Dendropithecus, they mostly lived in tropical forests in East Africa during the Miocene about 50 million years ago
Australopithecus afarensisIllustration by Maurice Wilson of extinct African hominids (Australopithecus afarensis) living 3-4 million years ago. They walked upright, although they retained the ability to climb trees
Hominid reconstructions in chronological orderFrom left to right: Australopithecus, Early Homo erectus (Java Man), Late Homo erectus (Peking Man), Homo heidelbergensis (Rhodesian Man), Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon)
Homo heidelbergensis in actionA reconstructed scene by Angus McBride showing Homo erectus killing an elephant. Homo heidelbergensis lived for about 1.5 million years and is believed to have used sophisticated tools
Guy (1946-1978), a western lowland gorillaGuy the gorilla was one of London Zoos best-loved residents. After his death, he lived on as a display and research specimen at the Natural History Museum
Mandrillus sphinx, MandrillWatercolour and bodycolour by John Keulemans, 1907 Date: 1907
Gorilla gorilla, western gorillaOil painting on canvas of a western gorilla by Henrik Gr ld (1858-1940), undated. Original held at the Natural History Museum at Tring, part of the Natural History Museum, London
Gorilla gorilla gorilla, western lowland gorilla
Wallaces Orang UtanPongo pygmaeus, bornean orangutan specimen. An Alfred Russel Wallace specimen
Homo erectus cranium casts Peking Man & OH9Left: This skull is a reconstruction based upon evidence discovered at locality 1, Zhoukoudian Cave which date back 500, 000 years
Homo erectus (or Homo ergaster), Turkana boy (KNM-WT 15000)A replica of the fossil cranium (with reconstruction) that once belonged to a male Homo erectus aged 9 to 12 years old when he died
Homo erectus, Java Man cranium (Sangiran 17)
Aegyptopithecus zeuxisIllustration of an Egyptian Ape by Maurice Wilson. The forerunners of both monkeys and apes. These small arboreal primates lived 35-32 million years ago in the tropical rain forests of northern Egypt
Ateles paniscus, black spider monkeyPortrait of a red faced black spider monkey, native to the Amazon forest of Brazil. Photographed by Frank Greenaway
Pongo pygmaeus, orangutanPortrait of a female orangutan, native to the Islands of Java, Sumatra and Borneo. Photographed by Frank Greenaway
Homo erectus, Java Man (Sangiran 17) cranium castThree quarter view of partially reconstructed cranium of Homo erectus Java Man about 700, 000 years old known as Sangiran 17. Discovered by Towikromo in 1969
Homo erectus crania (Ngandong 1 & Trinil)The larger cranium belongs to Homo erectus discovered at Ngandong near to the Solo River on the island of Java, Indonesia
Homo heidelbergensis, Boxgrove Man tibiaThe tibia or shin bone of Boxgrove Man (Homo heidelbergensis) discovered in a quarry at Boxgrove, West Sussex, UK
Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon manA model head of Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon man. Cro-Magnon man, an anatomically modern human lived around 30, 000 years ago in the Dordogne region of France. This model was created by Maurice Wilson
Homo neanderthalensisA model head of Neanderthal man (Homo neanderthalensis) created by Maurice Wilson. Neanderthal man is believed to have lived between around 130, 000 and 35, 000 years ago
Homo heidelbergensis, Boxgrove ManAn artists impression of Boxgrove Man (Homo heidelbergensis) based on fossil evidence discovered at a quarry in Boxgrove, Chichester, W. Sussex
Paranthropus sp. (left) and Homo erectus (right)Illustration by Maurice Wilson. 2 to 1.5 million years ago parts of Africa were populated by these two hominids. Paranthropus foraged peacefully but here is threatened by Homo erectus
Lemur catta, ring tailed lemurPlate 4 from Histoire Naturelle des Singes et des Makis, by Jean-Baptiste Audebert, 1808
Gigantopithecus model jawModel of Gigantopithecus jaw with Gorilla jaw for scale
Australopithecus boisei (OH5) & Homo habilis (OH24) craniaTwo cranium casts of: (left) Australopithecus boisei known as OH5 and (right) homo habilis known as OH24. Both original specimens were discovered within Bed 1 at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
Australopithecus africanus mandible (MLD 2)Mandible and teeth of an adolescent male (of about 12 years) Australopithecus africanus discovered at Makapansgat by A.R. Hughes and S. Kitching in July 1948
A Happy FamilyPlate 13 taken from The Life and Habits of Wild Animals, illustrated with designs by Joseph Wolf, London 1874. Date: 1874
Pongo pygmaeus, Orang utanThis glorious orang utan was shot by naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace in the mid-1800s
Skull cups and bone fragments, Goughs CaveSkull cups identified among human remains from Goughs Cave, Somerset. At around 14, 700 years old, the skull cups are the oldest directly dated examples in the world
Paranthropus robustus cranium (SK 48)A cast of the cranium belonging to an adult female Paranthropus robustus discovered at Swartkrans, South Africa by Dr. Robert Broom and J.T. Robinson. P. robustus lived around 1.5 million years ago
Skull cup found at Goughs CaveA skull cup identified among human remains from Goughs Cave, Somerset. At around 14, 700 years old, the skull cups are the oldest directly dated examples in the world
Australopithecus sp. hip boneThe hip bone (Os coxae) of Australopithecus from Sterkfontein, South Africa
Homo habilis cranium & mandible fragment castsCasts of fragments mandible and cranium fragments of a Homo habilis discovered at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania dating back to between 1.85 million years ago to 1.6 million years ago
Trachypithecus cristatus, silver leaf monkey. Males skull. Catalogue reference 1909.4.1.5
Boxgrove excavation siteA view of the archaeological excavation site at Boxgrove, West Sussex, UK
Australopithecus sp. thigh & hip bone
99% Ape cover illustration
Trachypithecus delacouri, delacours langurSkull of Trachypithecus delacouri, delacours langur. Type specimen catalogue number 32.4.19. Male
Hoxnian anters, bones & hand axe from SwanscombePart of a deer antler, fragment of elephant bone and flint hand axe all discovered at Swanscombe, Kent, south of the River Thames
Simias sp. pig-tailed monkey from SumatraIllustration from Gleanings of Natural History (1758-74) by George Edwards (1694-1773)
Affenbande am FlusseA troup of monkeys on the riverside, page 199 from Loango Expedition 1873-1876 published in 1879, by P Gussfeldt et al
Ibis, monkey, common genet and crow designDrawing by Alfred Waterhouse for the ornamentation of the Natural History Museum, London, 1875-1876. Waterhouse designed the museum in the 1860s, and it first opened its doors on Easter Monday 1881
Mandrillus leucophaeus, drillPlate 139 (58) Le Drill Vieux. From Histoire Naturelle des Mammifcres, avec des figures originales, Vol. 1, 1819-42, by Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Baron Georges L. C. Frederic D. Cuvier
Homo heidelbergensis cranium (Petralona 1)An adult male cranium (cast) discovered at the foot of Katsika Hill, Petralona, south east of Thessaloniki, Greece. The specimen dates back 400, 000 years. It was discovered by J
Homo erectus cranium (OH9)The cranium (cast) of Homo erectus discovered at Bed II, site LLK at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania by Louis Leakey in 1960. This specimen is the Holotype of Homo leakeyi. This specimen dates back c
The Malay ArchipelagoTitle page of The Malay Archipelago, The Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of travel with studies of Man and Nature. By Alfred Russel Wallace, 1874
Dragonflies and FishDragonflies from Libellulinae Europaeae by Toussaint de Charpenter, 1840. Fish from Voyage de la Coquille, Zoology Atlas II by Duperrey
Detail of terracotta moulding of monkeys in the Waterhouse BThe Waterhouse Buiding at the Natural History Museum, London was designed by Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905) and first opened its doors on Easter Monday 1881
Homo sapiens cranium (Qafzeh 11)Lateral view of a cast of the Qafzeh child (Early Modern Homo sapiens) discovered at Djebel kafzeh, Israel by B. Vandermeersch, 1965-1969, dating back to around 100, 000 years
Homo ergaster cranium (KNM - ER 3733)Homo ergaster cranium from Koobi Fora, Area 104, Kenya. Cast of KNM - ER 3733. side view. Scale in cms. This specimen discovered in 1975 by Bernard Ngeneo dates back to 1.6 million years ago
Macacus tcheliensis, macaqucPlate 32 from Recherches pour servir a l histoire naturelle des Mammiferes by H. (Henri) Milne-Edwards (1800-1885). Published Paris, 1868-74
Paranthropus robustus cranium with perforationsCast of cranial bones of Paranthropus robustus with two perforations probably made by a leopard. Original skull from Swartkrans, Transvaal, S. Africa
Homo rudolfensis cranium (KNM - ER 1470)Homo habilis cranium from Koobi Fora, Area 131, Kenya. Cast of KNM - ER 1470 (1st reconstruction). Three-quarter view. Scale in cms
Simia melanocephalaPlate 29 from Recueil d Observations de Zoologie et d Anatomie Comparee, Vol. 1, by Alexander von Humboldt & Aime Bonpland, published 1811
Rhinopithecus roxellanae, snub-nosed monkeyPlate 36 from Recherches pour servir a l histoire naturelle des Mammifcres, Vols. 1-4, 1868-74, by Dr. Henri Milne-Edwards (1800-1885) & Dr. Alphonse Milne-Edwards (1835-1900)
Homo sapiens cranium (UC 101)Skull UC 101 discovered at the upper cave (Shandingdong), Zhoukoudian, China. This specimen belonging to Modern Homo sapiens dates back to 30, 000 years ago
Plate 73 of the Reeves Collection (Zoology)LS Plate 73 of the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China, 1774-1856
Archaic Homo sapiens cranium (Laetoli 18)A front view of a cranium belonging to Archaic Homo sapiens dating back to 150, 000 years ago. This specimen known as Laetoli 18 was discovered within the Ngaloba bed at Laetoli in Tanazania
Casts of Australopithecus boisei jaw bonesCasts of Upper jaw (left) of Australopithecus (Paranthropus) boisei from the Olduvai Gorge; lower jaw (right) of Australopithecus (Paranthropus) boisei from Peninj
Pithecia pithecia, white-faced sakiFox-tailed Monkey, Simia pithecia. Plate facing p. 169 of Museum Leverianum; specimens from the museum of the late Sir Ashton Lever, by George Shaw. Published by James Parkinson, proprietor, 1792-1796
Brachyteles sp. woolly spider monkeyBrachyteles frontatus. Hand coloured lithograph from a drawing by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins (1807-1889)
Pithecia sp. saki and Pithecia leucocephala, white-headed sPithecia pogonias & head of Pithecia leucocephala. Hand coloured lithograph from a drawing by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins (1807-1889)
Macaca thibetana, Pcre Davids macaque
The Anthropomorpha of LinnaeusAn illustration by Bontius (1658) of early impressions of the Orangutan
Le Sajou Brun, MalePlate 30 (170) Le Sajou Brun, Male. From Histoire Naturelle des Mammifcres, avec des figures originales, Vol. 1, 1819-42, by Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Baron Georges L. C. Frederic D. Cuvier
Homo sapiens, human and Gorilla gorilla, western gorillaDrawing of a human skeleton and a gorilla skeleton. Published in Transactions of the Zoological Society of London Vol. 5, Part 1 by Richard Owen, 1866
Homo erectus cranium (Ngandong 12)The cranium (cast) of a young adult male discovered at Ngandong on the Solo River terrace near Randublatung, Java. It was excavated by C. ter Haar and team in 1931-33. This specimen dates back c
Cercopithecus mona, mona monkeyMounted skeleton of a mona monkey
Homo erectus, Java manA model of Homo erectus, known as Java man, based on fossil evidence found in archaeological sites along the Solo River, Indonesia. The fossils date back to around 500, 000 to 800, 000 years ago
Homo erectus, Peking manA model head of Homo erectus known as Peking man, based upon evidence discovered at Zhoukoudian Cave (Locality 1), China dating back 500, 000 years. This model was created by Maurice Wilson
Galago moholi, South African galagoMounted skeleton of Galago moholi, South African galago, monkey
Hylobates lar, gibbonSkeleton of a gibbon suspended from the ceiling of the Natural History Museum, Londons Central Hall as part of the Primate Gallery display
Pongo pygmaeus, orangutan and Gorilla gorilla, western goril
Colobus polykomos, king colobusMounted skeleton of a king colobus monkey
Bronze sculpture of Chimpanzee headBronze sulpture of Chimpanzee head in the Primate gallery at the Natural History Museum, London