Falco rusticolus, gyrfalconPlate 13 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 1 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Falco rusticolus, gyrfalconPlate from Hermann Schlegel and A.H. Verster de Wulverhursts Traite de Fauconnerie (1844-1853)
Sparrowhawk, goshawk and gyrfalconEurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus (top), goshawk, Accipiter gentilis (center), and gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus (bottom)
Harrier, buzzard, osprey, gyrfalcon and goshawkMontagu's harrier, Circus pygargus a, common buzzard, Buteo buteo b, osprey with fish, Pandion haliaetus c, gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus d, and northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis e
Hawking for heron, 18th century. A hunter releases two gyrfalcon, to hunt a heron in the air
Sfecmas Nord 1402 Gerfaut Delta-Wing Experimental Resear?Sfecmas Nord 1402 Gerfaut Delta-Wing Experimental Research Aircraft Parked Date: 1950s
Sfecmas Nord 1405 Gerfaut II / 2 Delta-Wing Experimental?Sfecmas Nord 1405 Gerfaut II / 2 Delta-Wing Experimental Research Aircraft Parked Date: 1950s
GYRFALCON (sometimes Gerfalcon) (Falco gyrfalco) Date: 1851
Peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus, and gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus