San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2012. Jos頓acristSacristᮬ Jos鮠Spanish film and theatre actor
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2012. Javier RebolloSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish director Javier Rebollo poses after the screening of his film El Muerto y Ser Feliz, (The dead man and being happy)
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Qin LanSPAIN. Donostia. Chinese actress Qin Lan poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening Lu Chan's film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Lu ChanSPAIN. Donostia. Chinese director Lu Chan poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening of his film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Liu YeSPAIN. Donostia. Chinese actor Liu Ye poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening Lu Chan's film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. City of Life and DeathSPAIN. Donostia. Chinese actress Qin Lan is flanked by film director Lu Chan and actor Liu Ye, as they pose at Kursaal Palace after the screening their film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing)
SPAIN. Donostia. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Entrance of the nationalist troops into San Sebastian (13th September 1936)
SPAIN. Pasajes de San Juan. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Fishing boat at the servixce of the Basque government
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Irun. Militia at the Loyola bridge
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Dead militia men during the defence of Irun (September 1936). SPAIN. Madrid. Fundacion de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo (FAL)
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Brad PittPITT, Brad (1963). American film actor. Presentation of Quentin Tarantinos film Inglourious Basterds during the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 18, 2009. SPAIN. Donostia
ZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio. The duke of VeraguaZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio (1870-1945). The duke of Veragua. 1900s. Portrait of Crist Col e la Cerda. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. GUIPUZCOA. Donostia. San Telmo Museum
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Richard GereGERE, Richard (1949). American film actor. Presents his film Arbitrage during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival opening ceremony, on September 21, 2012. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jens AlbinusSPAIN. Donostia. German actor Jens Albinus poses for photographers after the screening of Mathias Glasners film This is Love. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 20, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2003. Sean PennPENN, Sean (1960). American actor and film director. US actor Sean Penn poses few hours before receiving the 51 San Sebastian International Film Festival Donostia Award. 23-09-2003. SPAIN. Donostia
ZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio. Anny BourdinZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio (1870-1945). Anny Bourdin. 1906. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. GUIPUZCOA. Zumaya. Zuloaga Museum
ZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio. Alcạr of SegoviaZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio (1870-1945). Alcạ r of Segovia. 1930s. Contemporary Art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. GUIPUZCOA. Zumaya. Zuloaga Museum
ZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio. GironaZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio (1870-1945). Gerona. 1931. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. GUIPUZCOA. Zumaya. Zuloaga Museum
Spain. San SebastiᮮFilm Festival 2009SPAIN. Donostia. Hundreds of fans await in the rain in front of the Kursaal palace in San Sebastian, North of Spain
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Yvonne BlakeSPAIN. Donostia. San Telmo Municipal Museum
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Snow White (2012)SPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actresses Maribel Verdu, Inma Cuesta, Sofic Oria, Macarena Garcia and Angela Molina pose after the screening of their film Blancanieves (Snow White)
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. S. Sarandon, R. GereSPAIN. Donostia. US actors Susan Sarandon and Richard Gere present their film Arbitrage during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival opening ceremony, on September 21, 2012
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. S. Sarandon, N. JareckiSPAIN. Donostia. US actress Susan Sarandon and US director Nicholas Jarecki present their film Arbitrage during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival opening ceremony, on September 21
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Pablo BergerSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish director Pablo Berger poses after the screening of her film Blancanieves (Snow White), during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 22, 2012
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Oliver StoneSTONE, Oliver (1946). American director. Arrival at the Maria Cristina hotel to take part during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 22, 2012. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Maribel VerdVerd ribel. Spanish actress. Poses after the screening of her film Blancanieves (Snow White), during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 22, 2012. SPAIN
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Macarena GarcSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actress Macarena Garcia poses after the screening of her film Blancanieves (Snow White), during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 22, 2012
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Jorge DrexlerSPAIN. Donostia. President of the jury of Horizontes Latinos section, Uruguayan musician Jorge Drexler, takes part during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival opening ceremony
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. John TravoltaTravolta, John. American actor. Signs autographs after arriving to present his film Savages during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 22, 2012. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Christine VachonSPAIN. Donostia. President of the jury of the official section, director Christine Vachon, takes part during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival opening ceremony, on September 21, 2012
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Ben AffleckAffleck, Ben. American actor and director. Poses after the screening of his film Argo, during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 22, 2012. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. ngela MolinaMolina, Angela. Spanish actress
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. SebastiᮠCorderoSPAIN. Donostia. Ecuatorian director Sebastian Cordero, president of the jury of the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festivals section Horizontes Latinos
San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. Inma CuestaSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actress Inma Cuesta poses after the screening of her film Blancanieves (Snow White), during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 22, 2012
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Yun JungheeJEONG-HEE, Yoon (1944). South Korean actress. Opening ceremony of the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 17, 2010. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Santiago SeguraSEGURA, Santiago (1965). Spanish actor and film director. Poses during a photocall after the screening of his film El Gran Vazquez. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. RaizSPAIN. Donostia. Chilean director Raoul Ruiz takes part in a photocall after the screening of his film Misterios de Lisboa (Mysteries of Lisbon). 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Kim Jee WoonSPAIN. Donostia. South Korean director Kim Jee Woon poses after the screening of his film I Saw the Devil. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Julia RobertsROBERTS, Julia (1967). American film actress. Receives the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festivals Donostia Award from Spanish actor Javier Bardem. September 20, 2010. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. John MalkovichMALKOVICH, John (1953). American film actor. Takes part in the presentation of Mexican Director Diego Lunas film Abel, produced by Malkovich. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Goran PaskaljevicSPAIN. Donostia. Yogoslavian director Goran Paskaljevic, president of the official jury, takes part during the opening ceremony of the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Javier BardemBARDEM, Javier (1969). Spanish actor
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Felipe CazalsSPAIN. Donostia. Mexican director Felipe Cazals poses after the screening of his film Chicogrande. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 17, 2010
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. lex de la IglesiaDE LA IGLESIA, lex (1965). Spanish film director. Poses after receiving the Cinematography National Award during the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Bruno GanzGANZ, Bruno (1941). Swiss actor. Poses during a photocall after the screening of his film Satte Farben vor Schwarz (Colours in the Dark). 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. NEDSSPAIN. Donostia. Scottish director and actor Peter Mullan and actor Connor McCarron pose during a photocall after the screening of their film NEDS. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2010. El Gran VằuezSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actors Alex Angulo, Merc蠌lorens, Santiago Segura y el director ӳcar Aibar pose after the screening of their film El Gran Vằuez'
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Tim RobbinsROBBINS, Tim (1958). American film actor. US actor and director Tim Robbins takes part in a press conference at the Arriaga theatre, to present the play, directed by himself, 1984
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. El Gran VằuezSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actors Santiago Segura and Merc蠌 lorens pose after the screening of their film El Gran Vằ uez. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010
San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. ChicograndeSPAIN. Donostia. Mexican actors Daniel Mart z, Damian Alcạ r y Juan Manuel Bernal
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ricardo DarDAR͎, Ricardo (1957). Argentinian film and theater actor. Poses at Maria Cristina Hotel where he is presenting his film El Secreto de sus Ojos. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Robert DuvallDUVALL, Robert (1931). American film actor. Poses for photographers at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of Aaron Schneiders film Get Low. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Quentin TarantinoTARANTINO, Quentin (1963). American film director and actor
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Naomi WattsWATTS, Naomi (1968). Australian film actress. Poses for photographers after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 25, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Pablo PinedaSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actor Pablo Pineda, poses at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of his film Yo, Tambien (Me, too). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 23, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Mohammad RasoulofSPAIN. Donostia. Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof shows his green scarf as he poses in a photocall after the screening of his film The White Meadows (Keshtzar haye sepid)
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Mikel OlaziregiSPAIN. Donostia. Mikel Olaziregi, director of the San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Marib鬠VerdVerd ribel. Spanish actress. Receiving the Premio Nacional de Cinematografia (National Cinematography Prize) at the Hotel Maria Cristina. 57th San Sebastian International Film
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Louis-Ronan ChoisySPAIN. Donostia. French actor Louis-Ronan Choisy poses in a photocall after the screening of their film Le Refuge. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 19, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Kerry WashingtonSPAIN. Donostia. US actress Kerry Washington poses for photographers after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 25, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Juan Jos頃ampanellaCAMPANELLA, Juan Jos頨 1959). Argentinian film director. Poses at Maria Cristina Hotel where he is presenting his film El Secreto de sus Ojos. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Lola DueDUEс S, Lola (1971). Spanish actress. Poses at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of her film Yo, Tambien (Me, too). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 23, 2009. SPAIN
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Julie SokolowskiSPAIN. Donostia. Actress Julie Sokolowski poses at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of Bruno Dumonts film Hadewijch. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 22, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jimmy SmitsSPAIN. Donostia. US actor Jimmy Smits poses after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 25, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Isabelle CarrSPAIN. Donostia. French actress Isabelle Carr頰 oses in a photocall after the screening of her film Le Refuge, during the second day of the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. John CusackCUSACK, John (1966). American film actor. Photocall to promote his film 2012, at the Kursaal Palace. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 24, 2009. SPAIN. Donostia
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jim JarmuschSPAIN. Donostia. US film director Jim Jarmusch poses with actor Isaac De Bankole for photographers in a photocall at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of his film The Limits of Control
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Javier RebolloSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish director Javier Rebollo recieves the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festivals Silver Shell to the best director
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. J. Cusack, C. EjioforSPAIN. Donostia. US actors John Cusack and Chiwetel Ejiofor take part in a photocall to promote their film 2012 at the Kursaal Palace. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ian MckellenMcKELLEN, Ian (1939). British theater and film actor. Poses at the Kursaal Palace, few hours prior to receive the Donostia Award to his career. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Hana MakhmalbafSPAIN. Donostia. Iranian director Hana Makhmalbaf poses for photographers after the screening of her film Green Days (Ruzhaye sabz). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 26, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Chiara MastroianniSPAIN. Donostia. French actress Chiara Mastroianni, smiles as she poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening of Christophe Honores film Making Plans for Lena (Non ma fille, tu n iras pas danser)
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Bong Joon-hoSPAIN. Donostia. Film director Bong Joon-ho of South Korea, poses for photographers at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of his film Mother (Madeo).57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Bahman GhobadiSPAIN. Donostia. Iranian film director Bahman Ghobadi at Kursaal Palace after the screening of their film No One Knows about Persian Cats (Kasi az gorbehaye irani khabar nadareh)
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. B. Pitt and Q. TarantinoSPAIN. Donostia. US actor Brad Pitt and director Quentin Tarantino pose during a photocall for the presentation of Tarantinos film Inglourious Basterds during the 57th International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Antonio SkᲭetaSKARMETA, Antonio (1930). Chilean writer. Author of the novel El baile de la vcitoria. Interview at the Hotel Maria Cristina. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival, September 19, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ang LeeLEE, Ang (1954). Taiwanese-born American film director. Poses for photographers after the screening of his film Taking Woodstock. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 20, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ana KokkinosSPAIN. Donostia. Australian director Ana Kokkinos recieves the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festivals award to the best script, por her film Blessed. September 26, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Aaron SchneiderSPAIN. Donostia. US director Aaron Schneider poses for photographers at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of his film Get Low. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 22, 2009
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. The Shock DoctrineSPAIN. Donostia. British film directors Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross take part in a photocall at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of their film The Shock Doctrine
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. This is LoveSPAIN. Donostia. The director Mathias Glasner and the actor Jens Albinus, pose for photographers after the screening of their film This is Love. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Mother and ChildSPAIN. Donostia. US actress Kerry Washington and Naomi Watts pose for photographers after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Me, tooSPAIN. Donostia. Lola Due and Pablo Pineda pose for photographers after winning the Silver Shell award to the best actress and actor, for their film Yo, Tambien (Me, too)
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Le RefugeSPAIN. Donostia. French actress Isabelle Carr頩s kissed by director Fran篩s Ozon and actor Louis-Ronan Choisy as they take part in a photocall after the screening of their film Le Refuge