Brass rubbing, Adrian, grandson of Bartholomew RoelandMonumental brass rubbing, Adrian, grandson of Bartholomew Roeland, Breda, Holland. 1550
Summer holidays Seaton, Devon, EnglandA boy shows his grandmother something he has found in a rock pool on the beach at Seaton, Devon, England
Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494). An Old Man and his GrandsoDomenico Ghirlandaio (14491494). Italian Renaissance painter from Florence. An Old Man and his Grandson (ca. 1490). Tempera on wood. Museum of Louvre. Paris. France
Henry Duke of LancasterHenry, duke of LANCASTER also known as Henry of Grosmont, Henry of Monmouth great-grandson of Henry III, founder of Corpus Christi college at Cambridge Date: 1299? - 1361
Illustration by Reginald Birch to Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett. "Are you the earl?" said Cedric. "I'm your grandson. I'm Lord Fauntleroy." Date: 1886
Frederick Charles (1828-1885). Prince of Prussia. Grandson of Frederick William III of Prussia. Portrait. Engraving. Historia de la Guerra Franco-Alemana de 1870-1871. Published in Barcelona, 1891
Henry d'Artois (1820-1883). Count of Chambord. French royal prince, grandson of King Charles X of France. Legitimist pretender to the French throne as Henry V (1844-1883). Portrait
Prince Robert (Robert d'Orleans) (1840-1910). Duke of Chartres. Orleanist pretender to the French throne. Grandson of King Louis Philippe I of France. Portrait. Engraving
Louis the German (c. 806-876), or Louis II, first king of East Francia. Grandson of emperor Charlemagne and third son of Louis the Pious, emperor of Francia, and Ermengarde of Hesbaye
Saint Cloud, Merovingian prince and later hermit monkSaint Clodoald or Saint Cloud, Merovingian prince, grandson of Clovis I and son of Chlodomer, 522-560. In halo, diadem, armorial robe with fleurs-de-lys, holding crown and sceptre
Coats of arms of mythological figures Osiris and Hercules LybiusCoats of arms of mythological figures Osiris son of Cham, son of the Patriarch Noah, and Hercules Lybius, 10th king of the Gauls, surnamed the grandson of Osiris
Louis, Duke of Burgundy, 1682-1712. Petit Dauphin, eldest son of Louis, Grand Dauphin, and Dauphine Maria Anna, grandson of King Louis XIV. Louis, Duc de Bourgogne
David Ryckaert III, Flemish landscape painterDavid Ryckaert III, 1612-1661, Flemish painter known for his contribution to genre painting. Grandson of David Rijckaert I and nephew of Marten Ryckaert. David Ryckaert Jr
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, Roman general and dictatorLucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, commonly known as Sulla, Roman general and statesman who became dictator after the first large-scale civil war in Roman history
Quintus Pompeius Rufus, consul of the Roman Republic, 1st centurQuintus Pompeius Rufus (died 88 BC), consul of the Roman Republic, colleague of the dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla. From a bronze denarius coin issued by his grandson, Quintus Pompeius Rufus. Rufo
Kaiser Wilhelm I and his grandson - future Kaiser Wilhelm IIKaiser Wilhelm I (1797-1888) and his grandson - future Kaiser Wilhelm II (1859-1941) waving to crowds (seemingly) below - A Greeting to the People. Date: 1887
Rip Van Winkle - Judith Gardenier, Rip Van Winkle's married daughter, with his grandson. Artist: Arthur Rackham
Al-Kadhimiya Mosque, Baghdad, IraqAl-Kadhimiya Mosque (Masjid Al-Kazimiyyah) or Al-Kadhimayn Shrine (Ḥaram Al-Kazimayn) - a Shi'ite Islamic mosque and shrine located in the Kadhimayn suburb of Baghdad, Iraq
Piper Seneca G-AZJBPiper PA-34-200 Seneca G-AZJB (msn 34-7250017), owned by Winston Spencer Churchill, grandson of the wartime Prime Minister, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. Date: circa 1975
Two grandsons of the late Edward VIIThe Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) and his brother Prince Albert (later George VI) at the time of their grandfather's funeral. Date: May 1910
Children of King Alfonso XIII and Queen Ena of SpainPhotographic postcard showing the three eldest children of King Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) and Queen Ena of Spain (1887-1969)
FELIPE V INSTALLEDWhen Carlos II dies with no heir, the duc d'Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV, is installed as Felipe V, triggering the War of the Spanish Succession. Date: 16 November 1700
FUNERALS/DUKE OF YORKThe funeral procession of Edward Augustus, Duke of York, grandson of George II Date: 1767
Tomb of Gervase (or Stephen) Alard, Winchelsea, SussexTomb with effigy, formerly believed to be that of Gervase Alard (1270-1340), Admiral of the Cinque Ports and first recorded Mayor of Winchelsea (in 1294), in the Church of St Thomas the Martyr
Sir Francis Burdett (1770-1844), 5th Baronet, was an English reformist politician, the son of Francis Burdett and his wife Eleanor, daughter of William Jones of Ramsbury Manor, Wiltshire
House of a Swiss farmerThatched house of a Swiss farmer, 18th century. Casa di un Contadino Swizzero
The medieval castle of Grandson, Vaud, Switzerland. Castello di Grandson
Article in The Illustrated London News reporting on the 1933 visit of the Emir of Katsina to Britain
Family Sailing Outing Date: 1947
GRANDPARENTS 1940SA grandmother gives her young grandson a comforting hug, during the uncertainty of the war years. Grandfather carries on reading his book, regardless. Date: 1940s (re-enactment)
LIONEL TRAINS ADVERTAdvertisement for Lionel model train sets featuring a pipe- smoking man leaving a toy locomotive for his grandson for Christmas Date: circa 1950
FALL / SALUKI / 1933CHAMPION ASWAN OF RURITANIA Owned by Miss Doxford. Champion grandson of Kelb and made up in 1930. Date: 1933
Alexandra / Olaf StuartQUEEN ALEXANDRA Wife of Edward VII, with her grandson Olaf (son of her daughter Maud) Date: 1844 - 1925
Christening of Edward VIIIQueen Victoria with her son Edward VII, grandson George V and great-grandson the baby Edward VIII (later Duke of Windsor) at his christening. Date: 1894
Princess Helena of Waldeck and Pyrmont with her childrenPrincess Helena of Waldeck and Pyrmont (1861 - 1922), married to Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, the youngest son of Queen Victoria, and daughter of the Prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha familyDuke Charles Edward of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, with the Duchess (Victoria Adelaide) and their family, from left: Prince John Leopold; Prince Hubert; Princess Caroline; Princess Sybil
Don Diego de Mendoza Austria Moctezuma, cacique of Tlatelolco. Grandson of Moctezuma II. (16th C). Genealogy of Diego de Mendoza Austria and Moctezuma. National Archives of Mexico
Lassie and Laddie - Movie star dogsLassie - American canine actor of great versatility (!), pictured with his Grandson Laddie. Date: circa early 1940s
Richard Tattersall JnrRICHARD TATTERSALL junior Bloodstock auctioneer, grandson of the Richard T. who founded the family business. with his autograph Date: 1785 - 1859
Four Generations of Swedish Royalty - (seated) King Oscar II (18291907) pictured with (back left) his son (the future King) Gustaf V (Oscar Gustaf Adolf)
Margate, Kent - Grandparents take Grandson to the seasideMargate, Kent - Grandparents take their Grandson (very smartly dressed!) to the seaside Date: circa 1920s
The Winter Family on a Summers Day! Posing for a family group portrait on the back step of their home. Three generations pictured. Date: 1920s
Louis XIV (1638-1715), King of France, with his grandson. Engraving. Colored
Duc De ChambordHENRI, duc de Bordeaux and comte de CHAMBORD, grandson of Charles X and son of duc de Berry, claimant to the French throne, known to legitimists as Henry V. Date: 1820 - 1883
Duc De Chambord (Young)HENRI, duc de Bordeaux and comte de CHAMBORD, grandson of Charles X and son of duc de Berry, claimant to the French throne, known to legitimists as Henry V. When young. Date: 1820 - 1883
Prince Victor BonapartePrince NAPOLEON-VICTOR BONAPARTE BONAPARTE, son of Prince Napoleon and grandson of THE Napoleons youngest brother Jerome. He claimed the throne and was much caricatured. Date: 1862 - 1926
Lucien, Card. BonaparteLUCIEN BONAPARTE, Prince of Canino and cardinal; son of Charles and grandson of Napoleons brother Lucien. Date: 1828 - 1895
Chas. Napoleon BonaparteCHARLES NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Prince of Canino, son of Charles (1801-1954) grandson of Napoleons brother Lucien. He served with distinction in the war with Prussia. Date: 1839 - 1899
Francois Duc De BeaufortFRANCOIS de VENDOME, duc de BEAUFORT son of Cesare de Vendome and grandson of Henri IV : French admiral, depicted in armour. Date: 1616 - 1669
Man Reading 1940SGrandfather sits in his armchair reading a copy of the Beckenham Journal, keeping up with the wartime news. Lots of public information leaflets, etc. are to hand. Date: 1940s (re-enactment)
Grandmother / ChildrenA grandmother hugs her grand- daughter and grandson, who is wearing a sailor suit. Date: 1930s
Comte De Chambord 1849HENRI de Bourbon, comte de CHAMBORD grandson of Charles X claimant to the French throne Date: 1820 - 1883
Napoleon-Victor BonapartNAPOLEON-VICTOR BONAPARTE French statesman, grandson of Jerome Date: 1862 - 1926
Gaspard De ColignyGASPARD DE COLIGNY de CHASTILLON grandson of l Amiral Coligny, Military, Marechal de France Date: 1584 - 1646
Sir Francis BaringSIR FRANCIS BARING Grandson of German Lutheran immigrant and cloth manufacturer pictured here with John Baring and C Wall Date: 1740 - 1810
Charles, 2nd Duke of Saxe-CoburgCharles Edward, 2nd Duke of Albany, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha from from 30 July 1900 to 14 November 1918, (1884-1954). in the uniform of Ninth, Charlie became Duke of Saxe-Coburg in 1899
Illustration, The Old Man and his Grandson -- The Old Man sat by himself and ate his food from a wooden bowl. Date: 1909
Couple with grandson and dogA middle-aged couple with their grandson and a dog. Date: circa 1910s
Portrait of Theodoric and his grandson Amalaric. 18th century engraving. Litography
19 ? by Bruce Bairnsfather19..? No! This isn t an air-raid bomb bother. Only his grandson Harold, aged eight, has just asked Old Bill what he did in the great war. Date: 1917
Old Bills War-Aim, by Bairnsfather" To live to see a day like this" A cartoon by Bruce Bairnsfather featuring his popular character Old Bill. The cartoon appeared in a special War Aims issue of The Bystander
Queen Mary with Prince CharlesQueen Mary consort, with her great-grandchild Prince Charles (later Charles, Prince of Wales), on the her christening. Date: December 1948
Great-grandfather with great-grandsonA great-grandfather holding his great-grandson
Claude De Sainte-MartheCLAUDE DE SAINTE-MARTHE French churchman, grandson of Scevole de Sainte-Marthe. Date: 1620 - 1690
Orleans Comte De ParisLOUIS-PHILIPPE-ALBERT d ORLEANS. known as the Comte de Paris, son of Ferdinand duc d Orleans, grandson of Louis Philippe, unsuccessful claimant to the throne. Date: 1838 - 1894
Louis De LA ValliereLOUIS CESAR de la BAUME-LE- BLANC, duc de LA VALLIERE grandson of Louise de la Valliere, mistress of Louis XIV : bibliophile. Date: 1708 - 1780
Leo Tolstoy and his Grandson out ridingRussian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) and his Grandson out riding in the last year of his life. Date: 1910
China - Chinese Farmers (one v. old) from the Ningpo DistrictChina - Chinese Farmers (one v.old) from the Ningpo District. Card produced by the United Methodist Free Churches: Home and Foreign Missions. Date: 1905
WW2 - Comic Postcard - Listening to Winston ChurchillChurchill: " We Shall never stop, never weary
Swedish Royalty - Prince Lennart (as a young man)Gustav Lennart Bernadotte. A grandson of Gustav V of Sweden, known as Prince Lennart (1909-2004). Date: circa 1930
Ridiculous question from Grandfather to Grandson" Now, Tommy; you know that Christopher Columbus made three voyages; tell me, on which one did he die?" !!! Date: 1895
Design for book cover, The Squires GrandsonDesign for a book cover entitled The Squires Grandson, by J.M. Callwell. Gouache and pencil on heavy paper with gold paint highlights. Blackie, London; Silver Studio. 1897