Granada / The AlhambraThe Court of Lions
Alhambra. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Granada. Alhambra. Patio of the Lions. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture
Alhambra / Spain / Lions CrtThe Court of the Lions within the Palace of the Alhambra
Map of the kingdoms of Granada and Murcia (Granata et Murcia regna) by W. Blaeu. Decorated with the Arms of both States, the figure of a surveyor and a naval combat. Published in Amsterdam, 1635
Alhambra / Spain / Gen ViewA view of Granada and the Alhambra
Violet Carson as Ena Sharples, Coronation StreetViolet Carson (right, 1898-1983) as Ena Sharples in the long-running TV soap, Coronation Street, with her two friends, Minnie Caldwell (played by Margot Bryant)
Alhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Comares Palace. Court of the Myrtles. Mosaics. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Mosaic
Noonday, GranadaThis painting shows a busy street corner of Granada, a city in Andalusia, southern Spain, with men and women carrying shopping baskets and a white packhorse stood on the right. Date: circa 1915
The Alhambra. Nasrid dynasty. Tower of the Princesses. RoyalThe Alhambra. Moorish. Nasrid dynasty. Tower of the Princesses. Royal Palace. 15h century. Granada. Andalusia. Spain
Spanish Reconquest. Granada War (1482-1492). Surrender of the town of Montefrio, near Granada, 1486. The Moors delivering the keys of the town to the Catholic Monarchs
Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and warrior. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and two warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Eugenie de Montijo (1826-1920). Spanish aristocratEugenie de Montijo (Eugenia de Palafox Portocarrero y Kirkpatric) (1826-1920). Spanish aristocrat and Empress consort of the French (1853-1870) as wife of Napoleon III (1808-1873). Portrait
Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The Generalife. 19th-centuryGranada, Andalusia, Spain. The Generalife. Palace built between the 12th and 14th centuries. It was used as a resting place by the Nasrid kings. Engraving. Glorias Espanolas (Glories of Spain)
Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The Alhambra. Comares Palace. Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles). Engraving. Glorias Espanolas (Glories of Spain). Volume II. Published in Barcelona, 1890
Lion hunt from the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 13th centuryMoor on horseback hunting a lion with a spear from a ceiling fresco painting of the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 13th century. Tire des Peintures de l'Alhambra
Moor in robes with sword from the Alhambra Palace, Granada, SpaiMoor or Arab man in robes with sword from a gilt ceiling fresco of court life in the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 13th century. Statue Maure tiree de l'Alhambra a Grenade
Moorish costumes from ceiling fresco paintings in the Alhambra Palace, Granada, 13th century. Statues Maures tiree de l'Alhambra a Grenade
Costume of a woman of Granada, Andalusia, Spain, 16th century. She wears a velvet cap, large cape like a poncho, short boots with wooden soles attached by cords. Costume de femme de Grenade
Moorish art: architectural decoration from the Alhambra PalaceMoorish art: architectural decoration. Specimens of borders and wall decorations from the Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain. Mauresque. Hand-finished chromolithograph by F
Moorish art: mosaic and enameled terracotta tiles. Examples of Moorish design from the Alhambra Palace in Granada and the Alcazar in Seville, Spain. Mauresque
Coats of arms of the Kingdoms of Lyons and GranadaCoats of arms of the Kingdoms of Lyons, France, with purple lion on silver field, and Granada, Spain, with red pomegranate on gold field. Royaumes: Leon, Grenade
Woman of Granada, Spain, 16th century. She wears a large violet silk mantle folded and tied to the arms, red gown with square-cut bodice, gold toque
Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba (1453-1515), called El Gran Capitan (The Great Captain). Spanish general. Portrait. Engraving by Geoffroy. Detail. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume IV, 1856
Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba (1453-1515), called El Gran Capitan (The Great Captain). Spanish general. Portrait. Engraving by Geoffroy. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume IV, 1856
Spain, Andalusia. Panoramic view of the Alhambra of GranadaHistory of Spain. Andalusia. Granada. Panoramic view of the Alhambra. Engraving by Geoffroy. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume IV, 1856
Royal Standard of Charles I of Spain and V of Germany (1500-1558). Two-headed imperial eagle
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. Casa de los Tiros (House of the Shots). Facade of the 16th century Renaissance building
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. Royal Hospital. It was founded by the Catholic Monarchs who comissioned the building in 1504. Designed by the architect Enrique Egas, it was built in 1511
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. Saint John of God Hospital. It was founded by John of God (1495-1550) on ground ceded by monks of the Royal Monastery of Saint Jerome. The hospital was finished in 1544
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. Charles V Palace. Its construction was ordered by the emperor Charles V due to the need for a place that met all the comforts of the time for the emperor and his family
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. Palace and fortress rebuilt in the 13th century. Emirate of Granada. Nasrid dynasty. Tower of the Princesses (Torre de las Infantas)
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. Water Tower (Torre del Agua). Three-floor tower, located next to the aqueduct that takes water from the Generalife to the Alhambra
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. The Alcazaba. The construction of the complex was commissioned by Mohammed I in 1238
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. Gate of Arms. North side of the Alcazaba
Spain, Andalusia, Granada, The Alhambra. Entrance door to the Garden of the Ramparts (Jardines de los Adarves), enclosure of the Alcazaba
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Generalife. Occupied the slopes of the Hill of the Sun (Cerro del Sol)
Pedro Fernandez de Velasco (1425-1492). Castilian nobleman. He became Royal Chamberlain of King Henry IV of Castile, and viceroy and governor of Castile. House of Velasco. 2nd Count of Haro
Exhibition of the painting by painter Francisco PradillaSpain, Madrid. Exhibition of the painting by the Spanish painter Francisco Pradilla (1848-1921) La Rendicion de Granada (The Surrender of Granada), in the Senate conference room
Courtyard of the Dolls, Real Alcazar, Seville, 18th centuryCourtyard of the Dolls, Patio de las Munecas, in the Royal Palace or Real Alcazar in Seville, Andalucia, Spain, 18th century. Cortile dell Alcasar di Seviglia
Uniforms of the Portuguese cavalry, 1800sUniforms of the Portuguese Army, 1800s. Mounted Lisbon police guard 5, cavalryman from the Legion of Alorgna, and cavalryman from the Regiment of Alcantara
Man and woman dancing the bolero, Granada, 18th century. Man in majo suit, woman in long dress, both with castanets, accompanied by two guitarists
CRYSTAL PALACE ALHAMBRAThe Alhambra Court at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, modelled on the Court the Lions in the Alhambra, Granada, Spain Date: 1860
Programme for Alicia Markova and Anton Dolin showcaseThe cover of the programme for a Alicia Markova and Anton Dolin Gala Performance of Ballet at the Granada, Woolwich, London
Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain - Mirador of Lindaraja (or Daraxa) - The dressing room or bedroom of the Sultana had this bay window (or a mirador)
gypsies granada spain
Granada Spain early 1900s
Granada, Spain
Saint Francis Borgia (1510-1572). Marquis of Lombay and later 4th Duke of Gandia
Legend of the Moor's Last Sigh. After the conquest of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, the Muslim king Boabdil and his entourage were exiled from the city in 1492
Granada War - Taking of Loja by King Ferdinand the CatholicGranada War (1482-1492). Taking of Loja by King Ferdinand the Catholic (1452-1516) in 1486. Chromolithography. Historia General de Espana (General History of Spain), by Miguel Morayta. Volume III
Conquest of al-Andalus by Ferdinand the SaintSiege of the city of Jaen by King Ferdinand III the Saint (1199/1201-1252). Muhammad I surrendered the city of Jaen to King Ferdinand, signing a treaty of vassalage with him
Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba (1453-1515), called El Gran Capitan (The Great Captain). Spanish general. Engraving by Serra. Museo Militar, 1883. Later colouration. Date: 2019
Fadrique Enriquez de Velasco (1465-1538). Lord of Medina de Rioseco, 4th Admiral of Castile. Portrait, detail. Illustration by Letre. Lithography. Cronica General de Espana
Music cover, A Garden in Granada, words and music by Sam M Lewis, Abel Baer and Ion Vasilescu, featured and broadcast by Reginald Pursglove and his Orchestra. Date: 1938
Tryptich of the Virgin. The Pieta. By Rogier van der WeydenRogier van der Weyden (1400-1464). Flemish painter. Triptych of the Virgin. The Pieta (central table)
History of Spain. Battle of river Salado (30 october 1340)
Girl of Granada of the poorest class during the Islamic era, Emirate of Granada (1238-1492)
19th century vintage photograph - Spain Granada view of the Alhambra, by Juan Laurent
Alameda de la Alhambra, Granada, SpainVintage 19th century photograph: entrance to the gardens Alameda de la Alhambra, Granada, Spain
Alhambra Palace, Granada, SpainVintage c.1900 photograph: Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, The Patio of the Lions (Patio de los Leones)
Granada, Spain - general view of the Alhambra PalaceVintage 19th century photograph: Granada, Spain - general view of the Alhambra Palace
The Alhambra, Granada, Spain. Date: circa 1920s
Walther von Bopfinger, died 1359Walther Bopfinger, died 1359, in chainmail and plate armour, leather tunic, with coat of arms on shield with bouche. From a grave effigy in St. Blasius church in Bopfingen
Hall of the Two Sisters, Alhambra Palace, 18th centuryHall of the Two Sisters (Sala de Dos Hermanas), Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 18th century. Sala delle due Sorelle
An Alhambra vase, Hispano-Moresque ware. Vaso aribico
Amateur female photographers at work 1890Amateur female photographers at work in the Court of Lions in the Alhambra, Granada
Mole-Richardson Lighting, Granada Televison StudiosMole-Richardson Lighting for Granada Televison Studios, Manchester. circa 1957
Ambrosius Ehinger en route for New GranadaAmbrosius Ehinger, a German conquistador, heads on horseback with a contingent of men through the jungle towards New Granada, where he has been appointed governor by the Welser family. Date: 1529
GRANADA / SIERRA NEVADAGranada: view of the Sierra Nevada from the Alhambra gardens Date: 1908
GRANADA / ALHAMBRA TOWERGranada: Tower of Comares, the Alhambra Date: 1908
British Tourist VandalsModern Christians in the palace of the ancient Moorish kings, Alhambra - English tourists in Granada indulge in a little vandalism... Date: circa 1870
Islamic pottery. Taifor. Plate decorated with horse. Ceramic glaze. From Medina Elvira (Granada). 10th century. Archaeological Museum of Granada. Andalucia
Prayer of the Garden (1498-1500) by Sandro Botticelli (1445Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510). Italian painter. Prayer of the Garden (1498-1500). Royal Chapel. Granada. Spain
Friar Juan Sanchez Cotan (1560-1627). Spanish painter. StillBaroque art. Seventeenth century. Friar Juan Sanchez Cotan (1560-1627). Spanish painter. Still Life with thistle and carrots. Fine Arts Museum. Granada. Andalusia. Spain
WEYDEN, Rogier van der (1400-1464). Nativity