Roman mosaic of the Muses. 3rd-4th century AD. Torre de PalmRoman mosaic of the Muses. From left to right: Calliope, Euterpe, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Clio, Polyhymnia, Urania, Terpsichore. 3rd-4th century AD. From Torre de Palma
Three Goddesses. Hestia, Dione and Aphrodite. East PedimentThree Goddesses. Hestia, Dione and Aphrodite. From the East Pediment of the Parthenon, Athens. High Classical Greek. 438-432 BC. British Museum. London. England. United Kingdom
Mrs Charles Sweeny as Astrae the Star-MaidenMrs Charles Sweeny, formerly Miss Margaret Whigham and later the Duchess of Argyll (1912 - 1993), pictured as Astrae
Orpheus and Eurydice - Edmund DulacOrpheus realises he has lost his love Eurydice to the underworld. Date: 1935
Psyche and Cerberus - Edmund DulacPsyche, on her way to visit Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, encounters the three-headed monster Cerberus, who she distracts with a honey cake
Selene and Endymion - Edmund DulacThe handsome and manly shepherd of Latmos, Endymion, entranced so by Selene, the Goddess of the Moon, sleeps and remains ever youthful under loving gaze. Date: 1935
Romans offering meals to gods and goddesses in the Lectisternium, an ancient Roman propitiatory ceremony. Prisoners and debtors were freed to celebrate. Celebration du Lectisterne
LucinaThis oil painting depicts Lucina, a title given to the ancient Roman goddesses, Juno and Diana, who represented childbirth and acted as protection for women in labor
Hermes and IrisA painting depiction of what might be the Greek Goddess, Iris, with her symbolic jug of water, and Hermes, with his flaming red hair and dagger
Painted wooden stela of Neswy. EgyptPainted wooden stela of Neswy with his Ba at the top
Ancient goddesses from antique vasesAncient goddesses Diana 1, Proserpina 2, Ceres 3, Iris 4, Venus and Amor 5. From antique vases by Aubin Louis Millin. Diana, Proserpina, Cerere, Iride, &c
Golden Horn of Gallehus, drinking horn or TunderenseGolden Horn of Gallehus, Denmark, drinking horn or Tunderense. Decorated with armed figures, snakes, centaurs, dogs, and other ancient Norse, German or Roman mythology
Great stone sarcophagus of Tutankhamen revealedThe huge stone sarcophagus of the Egyptian boy-king Tutankhamen showing the relief of winged figures of the goddesses Isis, Nephthys, Neith and Selk standing on each corner. Date: 1924
Mrs Anthony Eden by Madame YevondeMrs Anthony Eden, nee Beatrice Beckett photographed by Madame Yevonde
Birth house (mammisi) at Edfu, EgyptThe birth house (mammisi) is part of the temple complex at Edfu, Egypt, and served as a sanctuary for pregnant women worshipping Hathor, the Ancient Egyptian goddess of motherhood and fertility
Temple of Hathor in Deir el-Medina near Luxor, EgyptInside the temple of Hathor, Ancient Egyptian goddess of motherhood, in Deir el-Medina near Luxor (Thebes), Egypt
Ancient Egyptian pectoral from Tutankhamuns tombA pectoral from the tomb of Pharao Tutankhamun (reigned 13321323 BC). It is composed of a winged scarab, flanked by the goddesses Nephtys (left) and Isis (right) kneeling. Date: circa 1925
Four portraits for an exhibition by Madame YevondeGoddesses and Others -- four portraits for an exhibition by Madame Yevonde at her studio in Berkeley Square, London
Faery Visions - In the Waters of ScamanderAphrodite, Hera and Athene bathe in the River Scamander. Date: 1929
Ye Goddesses and Little Fishes by Jack GreenallWonderfully colourful and graphic depiction of typical modern girls of the 1920s sunbathing in technicolour swimsuits by a pool. Date: 1929
Cartoon, Underwater mythology, WW1Cartoon, Underwater mythology. In the Kingdom of Neptune, Alceste and Truth are introduced by the god to the sirens who chase the German submariners. Date: 1918
Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Athena, Apollo and the nineRoman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Goddess Athena, God Apollo and the nine Muses (goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the arts. Reliefs. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Victory goddesses decorate candelabras and sacrifice bullsRoman art. Victory goddesses decorate candelabras and sacrifice bulls. Part of the frieze from the central building of Trajans Forum in Rome completed in 112 AD. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Votive relief. About 560 BC. Three dancing women - CharitesGreek art. Archaic period. Votive relief. About 560 BC. Three dancing women - Charites (Graces), goddesses of beauty and joyfulness. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Temple of Venus and Roma. 2nd century. Roman Forum. ItalyItaly. Rome. Roman Forum. Temple of Venus and Roma, begun in 121 by Emperor Hadrian and finished in the 141 by Antoninus Pius
God Surya. 9th-10th centuriesSurya, the Sun God, depicts riding a chariot drawn by seven horses, holding two lotus flowers
Fortuna & SperanzaFORTUNA (fortune) and SPERANZA (hope) - two Roman goddesses who bring good things to those they favour
Oh! Oh! Delphine by C Ms McLellanPromotional postcard for Oh! Oh! Delphine by C. M. S. McLellan; music Ivan Caryll. First produced in England, Shaftesbury Theatre, 18th February 1913
Egypt. Philae. Temple of IsisTemple of Isis. EGYPT. Philae. Temple of Isis. Goddesses Isis and Nephtis, sisters of Osiris. Bas-relief located on the northern outside wall of the sanctuary. Egyptian art. Ptolemaic period
Ornate Montgolfier balloonAn ornate Montgolfier balloon, Le Flesselles, measuring 126 feet high and 100 feet wide. Montgolfier and six others ascended in this balloon above Lyons, France, on 19 January 1784. 1784
The Temple of Diana. Rome c. 1890
The wall of the Temple of Diana. Rome c. 1890s
Ptolemy Crowned by GodsThe ruler Ptolemy I Soter - self-proclaimed king - is crowned by the Goddesses who preside over South Egypt and North, thus confirming his seizure of power
Wagner / Ulk / BerlinRICHARD WAGNER German composer, deified at Bayreuth, with deposed gods and goddesses below: There is only one God, and His name is Wagner!
Dedication of the Roman CapitolThe Roman Capitol is dedicated to the deities Jupiter, Minerva and Juno