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Glyptothek Collection

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of a statue of Ares. Roman sculpture after original of

Head of a statue of Ares. Roman sculpture after original of
Ares, the god of war. Roman equivalent : Mars. Head of a statue of Ares. Roman sculpture after original of about 430 BC. Glytothek. Munich

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Drunken old woman. Roman sculpture after original of about 2

Drunken old woman. Roman sculpture after original of about 200 BC. The woman clasps a wine jug. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Menander (ca. 342-ca. 292 BC). Portrait

Menander (ca. 342-ca. 292 BC). Portrait
Menander (ca.342-ca.292 BC). Greek dramatist, representative of the athenian New Comedy. Roman copy of a Greek original. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: 3rd Century AD Century 240 Ancient Age Rome Antique

3rd Century AD Century 240 Ancient Age Rome Antique
3rd, Century, AD, century, 240, ancient, age, Rome, antique, antiquity, Art, dead, deceased, Europe, funerary, Germany, Glyptothek, hybrid, sea, creatures, munich, portrait, relief, reliefs, Roman

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Funerary stele of Hiras, son of Nicanor. 2nd century BC

Funerary stele of Hiras, son of Nicanor. 2nd century BC
Funerary stele of Hiras, son of Nicanor. Ca 100 BC. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Greek art. Grave relief of Mnesarete. About 380 BC. Glyptoth

Greek art. Grave relief of Mnesarete. About 380 BC. Glyptoth
Greek art. Grave relief of Mnesarete. About 380 BC. The dead woman is seated in front of a sorrowing girl. The name is recorded on the pediment Mnesarete (daughter) of Socrates. Glyptothek. Munich

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Statue of a military commander. 1st century BC

Statue of a military commander. 1st century BC
Roman art. Statue of a military commander. 1st century BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Dionysus Bevilacqua. Roman sculpture after Greek originals o

Dionysus Bevilacqua. Roman sculpture after Greek originals of the 4th century BC, previously in the Bevilacqua Collection (Verona). Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Emperor Septemus Severus (193-211 AD). Bust

Emperor Septemus Severus (193-211 AD). Bust
Septimius Severus (145-211), also known as Severus. Roman Emperor from 193-211. Born in Leptis Manga, province of Africa. Dynasty, Severan

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Marcus Aurelius (121-180). Roman Emperor. Bust

Marcus Aurelius (121-180). Roman Emperor. Bust
Marcus Aurelius (121-180). Roman Emperor from 161 to 180. Bust. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Trajan (53 AD-117 AD). Roman Emperor. Bust

Trajan (53 AD-117 AD). Roman Emperor. Bust
Trajan (53 AD-117 AD). Was Roman Emperor from 98 AD until his death. Bust shows him with the civic crown, sword belt and aegis (a divine weapon). Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Roman mosaic

Roman mosaic with a cube pattern giving a three dimensional effect. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Artemis. Sculpture. 1st century AD. Roman work after Greek o

Artemis. Sculpture. 1st century AD. Roman work after Greek o
Artemis. Goddes of the Hunt. Daughter of Zeus and sister of Apollo. Roman equivalent is Diana. Sculpture. 1st century AD. Roman work after Greek originals. A richly decorated diadem. Glyptothek

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Muse. The Roman sculpture after an original of about 130 BC

Muse. The Roman sculpture after an original of about 130 BC was restored by Bertel Thorvaldsen. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Sarcophagus of a married couple. About 240 AD. Ancient Rome

Sarcophagus of a married couple. About 240 AD. Ancient Rome
Roman art. Sarcophagus of a married couple. About 240 AD. The couple extending hands to each other also appear in the side panels. He as a Greek orator, she as a muse, a cultural ideal. Glyptothek

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Floor mosaic. About 200 AD. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounde

Floor mosaic. About 200 AD. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounde
Floor mosaic. About 200 AD From a Roman villa near Sentium (Sassferrato) in the Marches. Aion, god of Eternity, surrounded by a zodiac wheel, the seated earth mother Tellus

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Sulla. Head from the statue of a man. About 20 BC

Sulla. Head from the statue of a man. About 20 BC
Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138 BC-78 BC). known commonly as Sulla, was a Roman general and statesman. He had the distinction of holding the office of consul twice, as well as that of dictator

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Alexander Schwarzenberg. Head

Alexander Schwarzenberg. Head
Alexander the Great (356-323 BC). King of Macedon. Alexander Schwarzenberg. Roman copy after an greek original by Lissipos, 330 BC. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of Ares, god of war. Roman sculpture

Head of Ares, god of war. Roman sculpture after an original of 330 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Bust of Athena. Roman sculpture after original of about 420

Bust of Athena. Roman sculpture after original of about 420
Athena. Goddess of wisdom, courage, law and justice. (Roman equivalent: Minerva). Bust of Athena. Roman sculpture after original of about 420 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of Asclepius. Roman sculpture after original of about 4

Head of Asclepius. Roman sculpture after original of about 4
Greek Art. Head from a statue of Asclepius, the god of healing. Roman sculpture after original of about 420 BC. Glyptotek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Statue of a Silenus. Roman sculpture after a model of about

Statue of a Silenus. Roman sculpture after a model of about
Greek art. Niche. Statue of a Silenus (old satyr). Roman sculpture after a model of about 330 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany. Europe

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Barberini Faun. A sleeping satyr. About 220 BC. Greek baroq

Barberini Faun. A sleeping satyr. About 220 BC. Greek baroq
Greek art. Barberini Faun. A sleeping satyr. About 220 BC. Probably stood in a sanctuary of Dionysus and was later brought to gardens on the banks of the Tiber. Greek baroque. Roman copy. Glyptothek

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Roman sarcophagus. About 140 AD. Marriage of Dionysus and Ad

Roman sarcophagus. About 140 AD. Marriage of Dionysus and Adriadne. Detail Adriane in the carriage. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Statue of a woman, holding ears of corn and poppis. About 11

Statue of a woman, holding ears of corn and poppis. About 11
Roman art. Statue of a woman, holding ears of corn and poppis. About 110 AD. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Nero (37 A?i? 68). Was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68. Bust

Nero (37 A?i? 68). Was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68. Bust
Nero (37 A?i? 68). Was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68, and the last in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Nero was adopted by his great uncle Claudius. Bust. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Sculpture. The ancient torso (Artemis statue). Was restored

Sculpture. The ancient torso (Artemis statue). Was restored
Artemis. Goddes of the Hunt. Daughter of Zeus and sister of Apollo. Roman equivalent is Diana. The ancient torso (roman sculpture after an Artemis statue of the 4th century BC)

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus. Wedding of Poseidon and Amphi

Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus. Wedding of Poseidon and Amphi
Roman Art. Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus or A?u?Statue Base of Marcus AntoniusA?u?, relief freize of a monumental statue group base

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Sculpture of Paris as an archer. 19th century reconstruction

Sculpture of Paris as an archer. 19th century reconstruction
Reconstruction of the West Pediment of Temple of Aphaia. Paris with the phrygian cap, depicted as an archer. Color. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Model of the Temple of Aphaia. Aegina. Greece

Model of the Temple of Aphaia. Aegina. Greece
Model of the Temple of Aphaia. 6th-5th centuries BC. Aegina Island, Greece. Wood. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: 19th century reconstruction of the Aegina West Pediment. Tem

19th century reconstruction of the Aegina West Pediment. Tem
Aegina West Pediment. Sanctuary of Aphaia, Aegina Island, Greece. Reconstruction by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1884). 19th century. Athena and warriors. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Eirene, goodess of Peace and, as mother of Pluto, of Prospe

Eirene, goodess of Peace and, as mother of Pluto, of Prospe
Greek art. Eirene, goodess of Peace and, as mother of Pluto, of Prosperity. Roman sculpture after an original of 370 BC, which stood in the market place of Athens. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of greek philosopher Plato

Head of greek philosopher Plato
Plato (428-348 BC). Greek philosopher. Head. Roman copy. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Detail of a head of the statue of a goddess. Roman copy

Detail of a head of the statue of a goddess. Roman copy
Detail of a head of the statue of a goddess, probably Aphrodite. Roman copy of a greek original of the 3rd century BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Greek art. Munich Votive Relief. About 200 BC. Family about

Greek art. Munich Votive Relief. About 200 BC. Family about
Greek art. Munich Votive Relief. About 200 BC. In a idyllic landscape a family about to make a sacrifice approaches the god, seated on a throne, and his companion. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Votive relief for the shepherd god. About 160 AD. Two figure

Votive relief for the shepherd god. About 160 AD. Two figures of Pan in a grotto with an altar and a tree between them, above three nymphs, Hermes and a cult pillar of Hecate. Glyptothek. Munich

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Medusa Rondanini. Roman copy of a classical work of the 5th

Medusa Rondanini. Roman copy of a classical work of the 5th
Medusa Rondanini. The Gorgon. The model for this Roman work was the Gorgon head on the shield of the cult statue in the Parthemon on the Acropolis in Athens

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Germany. Munich. Glyptothek. Built by architect Leo Von Klen

Germany. Munich. Glyptothek. Built by architect Leo Von Klenze (1784-1864). Neoclassicism

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Aphaia Temple on Aegina. Wooden model

Aphaia Temple on Aegina. Wooden model. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Boy with the Goose. Roman scupture

Boy with the Goose. Roman scupture after original of about the 3rd century BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Bronze head from the statue of a satyr. About 100 BC

Bronze head from the statue of a satyr. About 100 BC
Roman Art. Bronze head from the statue of a satyr. About 100 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Athena, Apollo and the nine

Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Athena, Apollo and the nine
Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Goddess Athena, God Apollo and the nine Muses (goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the arts. Reliefs. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. The moon goddes Selene

Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. The moon goddes Selene
Front side of Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. The moon goddes Selene and her lover Endymion. Chariot and horses of Selene Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Victory goddesses decorate candelabras and sacrifice bulls

Victory goddesses decorate candelabras and sacrifice bulls
Roman art. Victory goddesses decorate candelabras and sacrifice bulls. Part of the frieze from the central building of Trajans Forum in Rome completed in 112 AD. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Fragment of a sarcophagus. About 270 AD

Fragment of a sarcophagus. About 270 AD
Roman art. Fragment of a sarcophagus. About 270 AD. The lion hunt is a symbol of great bravery (lion and front part of the horse are casts from originals in Milan, Chapel Hill). Glyptothek. Munich

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Portrait of Germanic man. 4th century AD

Portrait of Germanic man. 4th century AD
The Germanic peoples. Portrait of Germanic man. 4th century AD

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Germany. Munich. Glyptothek. Room of the Roman Portraits. In

Germany. Munich. Glyptothek. Room of the Roman Portraits. Inside

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of woman. About 200 AD

Head of woman. About 200 AD. Bust. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Emperor Severus Alexander (222-235 AD). Bust

Emperor Severus Alexander (222-235 AD). Bust
Severus Alexander (208 A?i? 235) was Roman Emperor from 222 to 235. Alexander was the last emperor of the Severan dynasty. Bust. Glytothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Statue of a Woman. About 170 AD

Statue of a Woman. About 170 AD. Glytothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Commodus (161-192). Roman Emperor from 180 to 192. Bust

Commodus (161-192). Roman Emperor from 180 to 192. Bust
Commodus Antoninus Augustus (161-192). Roman Emperor from 180 to 192. He also ruled as co-emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 until his fathers death in 180. Bust. Glyptothek. Munich

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Geta (189-211 AD) son of Septimus Severus

Geta (189-211 AD) son of Septimus Severus
Geta (189 A?i? 211), was a Roman Emperor co-ruling with his father Septimius Severus and his older brother Caracalla from 209 to his death, when he was murdered on command of his older brother

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of a man with a Priests cap. About 120 AD

Head of a man with a Priests cap. About 120 AD
Roman art. Imperial era. Head of a man with a Priests cap. About 120 AD

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of a woman with diadem. About 110 AD

Head of a woman with diadem. About 110 AD
Roman Art. Imperial era. Head of a woman with diadem. About 110 AD. Glytothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Emperor Antonius Pius (138-161 AD). Bust

Emperor Antonius Pius (138-161 AD). Bust
Antoninus Pius ( 86 AD A?i? 161 AD), also known as Antoninus, was Roman Emperor from 138 to 161. He was a member of the Nerva-Antonine dynasty and the Aurelii. Bust. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of a woman, with garland of ears of corn. Pristess. Abo

Head of a woman, with garland of ears of corn. Pristess. Abo
Roman art. Head of a woman, with garland of ears of corn. Pristess. About 140 AD. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Bust of Faustina the Younger (130 A?i? 175). Wife of the e

Bust of Faustina the Younger (130 A?i? 175). Wife of the e
Annia Galeria Faustina Minor, Faustina Minor or Faustina the Younger (130 A?i? 175). Was a daughter of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius and Roman Empress Faustina the Elder

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Lucius Verus (130 A?i? 169). Roman co-emperor with Marcus A

Lucius Verus (130 A?i? 169). Roman co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius, from 161 until his death. Dynasty Antonine. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Antinous (111 A?i? 130). Was a Bithynian youth and a favour

Antinous (111 A?i? 130). Was a Bithynian youth and a favourite of the Roman emperor Hadrian. He was deified after his death, although his exact status in the Roman pantheon was uncertain

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Bust of a woman. About 80 AD

Bust of a woman. About 80 AD
Roman art. Bust of a woman. About 80 AD. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. Mar

Sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. Mar
Front side of sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. Marriage of Dionysus and Adriane. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Heracles head with wreath. 4th century BC

Heracles head with wreath. 4th century BC
Heracles. Was a divine hero in Greek mythology. Son of Zeus and Alcmene. Heracles head with wreath. Roman sculpture after an original of about 330 BC

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of a Heracles statue. Roman sculpture

Head of a Heracles statue. Roman sculpture after an original of the 2nd century BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Sarcophagus of a married couple. Detail relief. About 240 AD

Sarcophagus of a married couple. Detail relief. About 240 AD
Roman art. Sarcophagus of a married couple. About 240 AD. The couple extending hands to each. Detail. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Apollo with lire

Apollo with lire. Roman sculpture after an original of the classical period. The inset eyes are of marble and the eyelashes of bronze. Was found in a Roman villa in Tusculum. Glyptothek. Munich

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Relief of gladiators. About 30 BC

Relief of gladiators. About 30 BC. The slab probably belongs to a grave memorial and recalls the extravagant gladiator fights sponsored by the deceased. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Altar of Domitius. Detail. Ca. 150 BC

Altar of Domitius. Detail. Ca. 150 BC
Altar of Domitius. At the base is depicting the wedding of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Ca. 150 BC. Detail of the nuptial courtship with a Nereid on a hippocampus bringing a present and winged erotes

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Bust of Berenice II (ca. 269-221 BC)

Bust of Berenice II (ca. 269-221 BC)
Berenice II (ca. 269-221 BC). Wife of Ptolemy III Euergetes. Bust. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Livia, wife of Augustus (58BC-19 AD)

Livia, wife of Augustus (58BC-19 AD)
Livia Drusilla, (58 BCA?i? 28 AD), after her formal adoption into the Julian family in AD 14 also known as Julia Augusta, was the wife of the Roman emperor Augustus. Statue. Glyptothek, Munich

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of the trojan helper. East Pediments Group of the Temp

Head of the trojan helper. East Pediments Group of the Temp
East Pediments Group of the Temple of Aegina, depicting Heracles against Troy. Detail of the head of a trojan helper. Around 480 BC. Glyptothek Museum. Munich, Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of an sphinx. East Pediments Group of the Temple of Ae

Head of an sphinx. East Pediments Group of the Temple of Ae
East Pediments Group of the Temple of Aegina, depicting Heracles against Troy. Detail of the head of a sphinx of the roof. Around 480 BC. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of an archer. East Pediments Group of the Temple of Ae

Head of an archer. East Pediments Group of the Temple of Ae
East Pediments Group of the Temple of Aegina, depicting Heracles against Troy. Detail of the head of an archer. Around 480 BC. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: East Pediments Group of the Temple of Aegina. Ca. 490 BC. D

East Pediments Group of the Temple of Aegina. Ca. 490 BC. D
East Pediments Group of the Temple of Aegina. Ca. 490 BC. First battle of Greeks and Trojans. Goddess Athena, center, opponent, helper and a fighting warrior. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Central coronation of the west pediment of the Temple of Aeg

Central coronation of the west pediment of the Temple of Aeg
Ridge decoration of the west pediment of the Temple of Aegina. Two women and a large palmette and tendrils ornament. Ca. 500 BC. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Shield of a trojan warrior. Temple of Aphaia. Aegina. Greece

Shield of a trojan warrior. Temple of Aphaia. Aegina. Greece
West Pediment. Temple of Aphaia, Aegina. Shield of a trojan warrior. The emblem on the shield is a boar. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Sphinx

Sphinx. Sculpture. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Head of an statue of Aphrodite. Ca. 300-290 BC

Head of an statue of Aphrodite. Ca. 300-290 BC
Head of an statue of the Aphrodite goddess. Ca. 300-290 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Greek art. Grave monument of Archippe in the form of a lekyt

Greek art. Grave monument of Archippe in the form of a lekythos. About 390 BC. The seated dead woman, a woman (Xeno) with child. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Greek art. Grave relief of Artemon. About 350 B. C

Greek art. Grave relief of Artemon. About 350 B. C
Greek art. Grave relief of Artemon. About 350 B.C. Two men joined by a handshake. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Detail of the masks of a votive stele. 4th century BC

Detail of the masks of a votive stele. 4th century BC
Votive stele depicting a sacrificial procession to Dionysus and Artemis for the win in a contest of theater. Votive offering, ca. 360 BC. Detail of the masks. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Votive stele depicting a sacrificial procession to Dionysus

Votive stele depicting a sacrificial procession to Dionysus and Artemis for the win in a contest of theater. Votive offering, ca. 360 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Demosthenes (384-322 BC). Roman bust

Demosthenes (384-322 BC). Roman bust
Demosthenes (384-322 BC). Political and Athenian orator. Bust. Roman copy of an original of 280 BCE Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Stele depicting a couple in a banquet. Ca. 340 BC

Stele depicting a couple in a banquet. Ca. 340 BC
Stele with relief depicting a couple in a banquet. The man stretched and the woman sitting. Ca. 340 BC. Glyptothek Museum. Munich. Germany

Background imageGlyptothek Collection: Temple on Aegina. Doric capital from the cella of the temple

Temple on Aegina. Doric capital from the cella of the temple
Greek art. Aphaia Temple on Aegina. Doric capital from the inner room (cella) of the temple. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

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