Neon Frontage at Walthamstow Dog Racing StadiumFamous for its greyhound racing track, Walthamstow Stadium opened in 1933. With a distinctive pink and green neon-lit frontage, the stadium has been one of the capitals most recognised landmarks
Festival of BritainNight scene showing the illuminated exhibition site of the 1951 Festival Britain on Londons South Bank with the Skylon glowing in the dark and the Dome of Discovery visible
Early Precambrian EarthAn impression of the Earths surface during the early Precambrian period (4, 500 to 543 million years ago), by Barry Evans
Moscow has a PlanMOSCOW HAS A PLAN - propaganda book by M Ilin describing the Soviet 5-year economic plan in glowing terms. We build in our country a new order
Comic postcard, man with red nose and drink - to keep the home fire burning. Date: 1914-1918
Comic postcard, man with red nose in blackout. Date: 1940s
A mother tells fairy tales to her children in front of a glowing fire. Date: 1912
Common Glow-worm - female - glowing on a cut grass stalk to attract males - late in the dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica ). meadow in Ural Mountains - Tchelyabinsk region - Russia
Advert, Cosmos Lamps
Musique Sur Leau, Le Soir, VeniseA painting of a dark, night time scene with glowing lights revealing a number of gondola boats at a music event on the waters of Venice, Italy. Date: circa 1916
Colour illustration of woman with red, long beads, earringsColour lustration of woman with red, long beads and earrings, and jewel box, in front of a hand mirror. Captioned: ??Man-Killers: The Weapons Woman Wields??
Music cover, Glowing Embers by Evan Marsden, Narrative-Intermezzo, piano solo Date: 1924
UFOS/MISSOURI CATTLECattle are found dead - and mysteriously mutilated - on a ranch near St Louis, and that same night, a glowing UFO is reported in the neighbour- hood... Date: June 1978
Comic postcard, man with a glowing nose in the blackout, WW2 - One For the Road! Date: circa 1940s
Comic postcard, man and policeman in blackout, WW2 - the mans red glowing nose is too bright! Date: circa 1940s
At the Cheltenham Chases, 1932. Society news from the racecourse
Erica speciesTumid heath, Erica tumida, Mr. Jacksons heath, Erica jacksonii, Dr. Neills heath, Erica neillii, Mr
Driving in the Rain Date: 1950
Common Glow-worm - female - climbed on top of a cut grass stalk in the dusk - attracts males by glowing and waving abdomen from side-to-side - late in the dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica)
Common Glow-worm - female - attracts males by glowing - holds to top of a cut grass stalk - dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica ). meadow in Ural Mountains - Tchelyabinsk region - Russia
Ufo / Hopkinsville / 1955At the Sutton Farm near Hopkinsville eight adults and three children were terrorised by small glowing aliens who were immune to gun shots
A Young Woman Warming her Hands over a Brazier: Allegory ofCesar Boetius van Everdingen (1617-1678). Dutch painter. A Young Woman Warming her Hands over a Brazier: Allegory of Winter, c. 1644-1648. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Bengal / Indian Tiger - at night, with eyes glowing in the dark (Panthera tigris). India
Crystal Palace at Sydenham is destroyed by fireThe Crystal Palace at Sydenham is destroyed by a devastating fire on 30th November 1936
Pressed amber also known as ambroid which is formed by fusing small pieces of amber together
Eriocnemis vestita, glowing pufflegPlate 275, hand coloured lithograph from A Monograph of the Trochilid, or Family of Hummingbirds, (1861) by John Gould
A Sunset Fantasy landscapeA sunset Fantasy landscape, with two birds of prey (Peregrine Falcons)
Communist Wolf PackTHE RED GUARD The Communists depicted as a pack of wolves, ravening with glowing eyes
The Cuckoo by Charles E. Brookfield (19 May 1857 20 October 1913) adapted from Decore by H. Meilhac (Theatre des Varietes, Paris, 27th January 1888)
WW1 poster, YMCA and YWCAPoster, His Home Over There, YMCA and YWCA. More than 2000 Such Homes for Our Boys, United War Work Campaign, 11-18 November. circa 1918
Meteorite burning up in the atmosphereA meteorite burns up as it enters Earths atmosphere, exploding in a shower of glowing debris Date: 1954
Drinks during an interval at the Olympia Music Hall in ParisL abreuvoir de L Olympia pendant un entr acte (Drinks during an interval at the Olympia Music Hall in Paris) - c
Luminous Deep-Sea Fish by G H DavisVarious fish capable of luminescence, along with a diagram of the organs that the fish possess that cause this luminescence. Date: 1927
Mexican amberPiece of amber from Mexico from the Upper Oligocene about 25 million years old. Donated by Christine Bayliss
Lebanese amberA piece of Lebanese amber from the Lower Cretaceous about 120 million years ago
Phosphaenus hemipterus, glow wormPhotograph of a glow worm (Phosphaenus hemipterus)
Palaeocene volcanic landscape, AntrimAn artists impression of Palaeocene (65 to 54.8 million years ago) volcanic landscape in Antrim, Northern Ireland, Britain
Danaus plexippus, monarch butterflyThe monarch, also known as the milkweed is the largest butterfly found in the U.K. It is not a native butterfly, but is a rare visitor from the U.S.A
Volcano typesBlock diagram showing: (top left) Glowing cloud eruption, (top right) a shield volcano and (Bottom) a strato-volcano
Autunite comprises of (hydrated calcium uranyl phosphate). This is a green, radioactive, highly fluorescent mineral. This specimen is from the Natural History Museum, London
MeteoritesAn artists impression of a falling group of meteorites
Centipede in Baltic amberCentipede, Chilopoda in Baltic amber. The centipede has been half polished away and is filled with pyrite crystals
Snipe fly in Baltic amberA snipe fly preserved in Baltic amber with a pseudoscorpion hanging onto its legs. Specimen dates from the Upper Eocene, about 35 million years old
Isle of Wight amberSpider in Isle of Wight amber. Lower Cretaceous about 130 million years old. Borrowed from Museum of Isle of Wight Geology
Plate XXXVIII: Lava curtain and royal partyPl XXXVIII. Observation on the volcanoes of the two Sicilies, Naples, 1776 & 1779 compiled by Sir William Hamilton (1730-1803) while Ambassador to the Kingdom of Naples
Fungus gnat in amberFungus gnat, about 2mm in length, in Eocene Baltic amber about 40 million years old
Krakatoa in eruptionKrakatoa during an early stage of the eruption. Plate 1 from The Eruption of Krakatoa (1888) by G. J. Symons
Fluorescent groupA group including amber, ruby, ivory, fluorite and opal photographed in ultra violet light. See 179 for the same group in white light
Kamayut fire walking festival - Rangoon - Down the centre is a shallow pit about 20 feet long, 4 feet wide of glowing charcoal fire
The Full Moon. Like the moon, my brethren dear, I am full as full can be, Full of grace and lager beer, Full of food and sanctity! Date: circa 1910s
Phantom on the LineA ghostly female figure stands on the track in the path of an oncoming train with her arms outstretched. The lights of the train surround her in a ghastly glow. Date: circa 1910
Cauldron and kettle at a gipsy encampmentA cauldron and a kettle heating over a log fire in the open air at a gipsy encampment
Heat-resistant asbestosA photograph taken for a commercial client, demonstrating the heat-resisting properties of Asbestos, long before the modern dangers of the material were recognised. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Copper Beeches - 1Holmes and Watson - he lights his pipe from a glowing cinder from the grate
Woman on Rug by FireA young woman sits on a leopard skin rug, complete with head, in front of a roaring fire
Innocence in Blue 1950SPretty, innocent young woman virginally resplendent in a shaded blue gown with pleated skirt & finely ruched corsage, narrow diamante bracelet & white strappy shoes
Advert / Rashleigh LampsRashleigh electric lamps
Sunset on the SeaA sailing ship on the crest of a wave basks in the glow of a sunset at sea
Moonlit Hut & RiverA sense of foreboding pervades as a man & boy hurry past a wooden shack with its red glowing windows to a boat moored on a river bank beneath a castle & moonlit sky