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Glaze Collection

Background imageGlaze Collection: Babylons lion. Lion decorated the Processional Wal (Ishtar

Babylons lion. Lion decorated the Processional Wal (Ishtar Gate). 575 BC. Pergamon Museum. Museum Island. Berlin. Germany

Background imageGlaze Collection: Faience plate painted with a Chinoiserie decoration. C. 1670

Faience plate painted with a Chinoiserie decoration. C. 1670
Faience plate painted with a Chinoiserie decoration. C.1670-1690. Anonymous. Delft. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland

Background imageGlaze Collection: Spain. Teruel. Tower of Saint Martin

Spain. Teruel. Tower of Saint Martin
Spain. Teruel. Tower of the Church of Saint Martin. Mudejar. 14th century

Background imageGlaze Collection: Large colourful vase with central image of Jesus, Rouen

Large colourful vase with central image of Jesus, Rouen
Large colourful vase with central image of Jesus and the Good Samaritan surrounded by tulips in the style of enamellers. Painted by Denis Dorio

Background imageGlaze Collection: Pitcher (broken) with complex design, Rouen, 1708

Pitcher (broken) with complex design, Rouen, 1708
Pitcher (broken) with complex design, Rouen, 26 July 1708. Ornaments in the Dutch-Japanese style, colours in the Italian style

Background imageGlaze Collection: Salad bowl in colour festoon style, Brument, Rouen, 1699

Salad bowl in colour festoon style, Brument, Rouen, 1699
Salad bowl in colour festoon style, early attempt at polychrome, Brument, Rouen, 1699. Bordure et centre d'un saladier presentant les motifs du style rayonnant accompagnes de couleurs de rehaut

Background imageGlaze Collection: Octagonal platter on a pedestal, lacquer ground, Rouen

Octagonal platter on a pedestal, lacquer ground, Rouen
Octagonal platter on a pedestal, lacquer ground. With flowers and motifs in imitation of Chinese porcelain. Plateau octogone sur piedouche. Fleurs et motifs rappelant l'imitation chinoise

Background imageGlaze Collection: Sugar bowl and mustard pot in the festoon style, Rouen

Sugar bowl and mustard pot in the festoon style, Rouen
Sugar bowl and mustard pot in the festoon style. Rouen-style soft porcelain. Sucrier a riche ornementation de style rayonnant, moutardier decore dans la systeme precedent. Porcelain tendre Rouennaise

Background imageGlaze Collection: Grand platter for the table, Rouen

Grand platter for the table, Rouen
Grand platter for the table. With the coats of arms of Louis de Rouvroy and his wife Marie Gabrielle de Durfort. Grand plateau de table. Aux armes du Duc de Saint-Simon et de sa femme

Background imageGlaze Collection: Square planter with partition, Rouen

Square planter with partition, Rouen
Square planter with partition. In imitation of the Strasbourg or Marseille manufacture. Jardiniere de forme carree a double etagere. Specimen des imitations du genre de Strasbourg ou de Marseille

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plates in the rockery style, Rouen

Plates in the rockery style, Rouen
Plates in the rockery style. Decorated a la corne and with solitary flowers, rose, tulip, and coat of arms. Assiette: type du decor a la corne. Assiette a decor de fleurs isolees. Style rocaille

Background imageGlaze Collection: Fruit bowl in the rockery style, Rouen

Fruit bowl in the rockery style, Rouen
Fruit bowl in the rockery style. Central motif of emblems called au carquois. Compotier a bord decoupe, style rocaille Motif central compose d'emblemes constituant le decor dit au carquois

Background imageGlaze Collection: Fancy chest of drawers in the rockery style, Rouen

Fancy chest of drawers in the rockery style, Rouen
Fancy chest of drawers in the rockery style. Commode, petit meuble de fantaisie. Motifs elegants et typiques du style rocaille ordinaire

Background imageGlaze Collection: Column for the mantelpiece in the rockery style, Rouen

Column for the mantelpiece in the rockery style, Rouen. Colonne de cheminee. Riche et remarquable specimen de l'ornementation polychrome constituant le style rocaille

Background imageGlaze Collection: Platter with figures in the rockery style, Rouen

Platter with figures in the rockery style, Rouen
Platter with figures in the rockery style. A bucolic scene with dancers and musicians in the manner of 18th century painters

Background imageGlaze Collection: Church lamp in the rockery style, Rouen

Church lamp in the rockery style, Rouen. With design motifs a la corne and ornaments borrowed from imitation Chinese

Background imageGlaze Collection: Types of plate borders is polychrome design, Rouen

Types of plate borders is polychrome design, Rouen
Types of plate borders is polychrome design, flowers and garlands framed in ironwork motifs

Background imageGlaze Collection: Pyriform sugar box with polychrome design, Rouen

Pyriform sugar box with polychrome design, Rouen
Pyriform sugar box with polychrome design, flowers and garlands framed in ironwork motifs. Sucriere pyriforme, decor polychrome de fleurs et de guirlandes encadrees de motifs de ferronnerie

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style, Rouen

Plate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style, Rouen
Plate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style. With the coat of arms of Duc Francois III d'Harcourt. Assiette a personnages Chinois de genre Hollandais. Type Hollando-Japonais

Background imageGlaze Collection: Octagonal oblong platter with polychrome design, Rouen

Octagonal oblong platter with polychrome design, Rouen
Octagonal oblong platter with polychrome design, flowers and garlands framed in ironwork motifs

Background imageGlaze Collection: Soup-tureen lid and sugar box, Rouen

Soup-tureen lid and sugar box, Rouen
Round soup-tureen lid with serpent handle, and sugar box. Couvercle de soupiere ronde, sucrier. Types d'ornementation polychrome a motifs reguliers

Background imageGlaze Collection: Details of the border of a polychrome plate, Rouen

Details of the border of a polychrome plate, Rouen
Details of the border of a polychrome plate. Details de la bordure d'un plat. Ornementation polychrome regulier, remarquable par l'emploi du rouge pour le lineament exterieur du dessin

Background imageGlaze Collection: Planter or ice bucket in four colours, Rouen

Planter or ice bucket in four colours, Rouen
Octagonal planter or ice bucket in four colours, Rouen. Cache-pot ou seau a rafraichir, decor regulier en quatre couleurs

Background imageGlaze Collection: Water jug in imitation Chinese style, blue lapis ground, Rouen

Water jug in imitation Chinese style, blue lapis ground, Rouen. Pot a l'eau, fleurs et motifs rappelant l'imitation chinoise. Fonds Bleu-Lapis

Background imageGlaze Collection: Imitation Chinese service platter, Rouen, circa 1730

Imitation Chinese service platter, Rouen, circa 1730
Imitation Chinese service platter with coat of arms of Charles II François Frédéric de Montmorency. Produced by Jean-Baptiste Guillibaud, 1720-39

Background imageGlaze Collection: Terrestrial sphere, furniture for a hall or library, Rouen

Terrestrial sphere, furniture for a hall or library, Rouen
Terrestrial sphere, furniture for a hall or library. Decorated with lions, angels, allegorical figures of Ceres for Summer, Bacchus for Autumn. Painted by Pierre Chapelle, 1725

Background imageGlaze Collection: Celestial sphere for a hall or library, Rouen, 1725

Celestial sphere for a hall or library, Rouen, 1725
Celestial sphere, furniture for a hall or library. Decorated with zodiac constellations, allegorical figures of the Four Elements, Junon for the Air, Painted by Pierre Chapelle, Rouen, 1725

Background imageGlaze Collection: Ornamental plaque of a lady playing a harpsichord, Rouen

Ornamental plaque of a lady playing a harpsichord, Rouen
Ornamental plaque with central medallion of a lady playing a harpsichord, Rouen. For a stove or fireplace

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate with figures in the Italo-Nivernais style, Rouen, circa 16

Plate with figures in the Italo-Nivernais style, Rouen, circa 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat a figures dans le genre Italo-Nivernais

Background imageGlaze Collection: Polychrome plate with figures of Venus and Adonis, Rouen, 1736

Polychrome plate with figures of Venus and Adonis, Rouen, 1736
Polychrome plate with allegorical figures of Venus and Adonis within a rich border. Painted by CB, Claude Borne, Rouen, 1736

Background imageGlaze Collection: Polychrome plate depicting the four seasons, Rouen, 1738

Polychrome plate depicting the four seasons, Rouen, 1738
Polychrome plate with allegorical figures of the four seasons or Horae (Eiar, Theros, Phthinoporon, Hercules) and Helios in the sun chariot, within a rich border

Background imageGlaze Collection: Puzzle jug in the festoon style, Rouen

Puzzle jug in the festoon style, Rouen
Puzzle jug in the festoon style, with figures and quadrilles

Background imageGlaze Collection: Hexagonal table centerpiece with Venus and satyrs, Rouen

Hexagonal table centerpiece with Venus and satyrs, Rouen
Hexagonal table centerpiece with Venus and satyrs, blue arabesques on yellow ochre. Surtout de table, Venus entre deux satyres, arabesques bleues sur fond jaune ocre

Background imageGlaze Collection: Round plate with cupids in central rosette, Rouen

Round plate with cupids in central rosette, Rouen
Round plate with cupids in central rosette, black arabesques on yellow ocher. Assiette a rosace centrale avec personnages, arabesques noires sur fond jaune ocre. Apogee de la fabrication

Background imageGlaze Collection: Round plate with coat of arms in central rosette, Rouen

Round plate with coat of arms in central rosette, Rouen
Round plate with coat of arms in central rosette, black arabesques on yellow ocher. Assiette a rosace centrale avec double ecusson d'armoires, arabesques noires sur fond jaune ocre

Background imageGlaze Collection: Salt cellar and fancy case for pins or jewelry, festoon style, R

Salt cellar and fancy case for pins or jewelry, festoon style, Rouen. Saliere a trois compartiments de forme trilobee, Coffret de fantaisie pour epingles ou bijoux, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Porcelain ecritoire in the festoon style, Rouen

Porcelain ecritoire in the festoon style, Rouen
Porcelain ecritoire with inkwell and pen stand, decorated with owl, snake, masks, blue and yellow festoon style. Riche ecritoire de bureau, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate border motifs in festoon style, Rouen

Plate border motifs in festoon style, Rouen
Plate border motifs in blue, yellow and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate border motifs in blue and red festoon style, Rouen

Plate border motifs in blue and red festoon style, Rouen
Plate border motifs in blue and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647

Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647
Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat with the Poterat coat of arms, Rouen, 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat primitif de la Fabrique d'Edme Poterat

Background imageGlaze Collection: Platter border motifs in blue and red festoon style, Rouen

Platter border motifs in blue and red festoon style, Rouen
Border motifs for round and octagonal platters in blue and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures de plateaux, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Wall-mounted fountain, blue and red festoon style, Rouen

Wall-mounted fountain, blue and red festoon style, Rouen
Wall-mounted fountain, blue and red festoon style. Fontaine d'applique, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Vase known as a potpourri, festoon style, Rouen

Vase known as a potpourri, festoon style, Rouen
Vase known as a potpourri for the mantelpiece, blue and red festoon style

Background imageGlaze Collection: Part of an octagonaol platter on a pedestal, festoon style, Roue

Part of an octagonaol platter on a pedestal, festoon style, Roue
Part of an octagonaol platter on a pedestal, blue and red festoon style

Background imageGlaze Collection: Vase with eight flattened sides, festoon style, Rouen

Vase with eight flattened sides, festoon style, Rouen
Vase with eight flattened sides, flame top, festoon style, blue and red, for a mantelpiece ornament. Vase a huit pans de forme aplatie pour ornement de cheminee, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Quarter section of a long octagonal platter, festoon style, Roue

Quarter section of a long octagonal platter, festoon style, Roue
Quarter section of a long blue and red octagonal platter, festoon style. Section au quart d'un plateau long a huit pans

Background imageGlaze Collection: Part of a salad bowl in blue and red, festoon style, Rouen

Part of a salad bowl in blue and red, festoon style, Rouen
Part of a salad bowl in blue and red, festoon style. Fragment d'un saladier, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Square platter in blue and red, festoon style, Rouen

Square platter in blue and red, festoon style, Rouen
Square platter in blue and red, festoon style. Plateau carre, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Cover of a round soup tureen, festoon style, Rouen

Cover of a round soup tureen, festoon style, Rouen
Cover of a round soup tureen, festoon style in blue and red, snake handle, Rouen. Couvercle de soupiere ronde, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Cylindrical vase for a mantelpiece ornament, festoon style, Roue

Cylindrical vase for a mantelpiece ornament, festoon style, Roue
Cylindrical vase in blue and red for a mantelpiece ornament, festoon style. Potiche cylindrique pour ornement de cheminee, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647

Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647
Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat in the Italo-Nivernais style, Rouen, 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat primitif de la Fabrique d'Edme Poterat

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Plate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Plate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Plate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Plate border mofifs in blue camaieu, festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Cruet set in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Cruet set in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Cruet set in blue camaieu, festoon style. Porte-huilier et ses burettes en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Pyriform sugar box in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Pyriform sugar box in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Pyriform sugar box in blue camaieu, festoon style. Sucriere pyriforme en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style. Assiette en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen, 18th century

Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen, 18th century
Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style. With the coat of arms of Charles-Louis de Froulay de Tesse, Bishop of Mars. Aiguiere en camaieu bleu, aux armes de Froulay-Tesse, Eveque du Mans. style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style. Assiette en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style. Assiette en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen

Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen
Plate in blue camaieu, festoon style. Assiette en camaieu bleu, style rayonnant

Background imageGlaze Collection: Beginnings of the festoon style, Rouen, early 18th century

Beginnings of the festoon style, Rouen, early 18th century
Beginnings of the festoon style. From a pitcher dated 1707 and an oil cruet jug from 1710. Commencements du Style Rayonnant: Echantillon primitif, Burette d'huilier

Background imageGlaze Collection: Paving tile with the initials of Constable Anne de Montmorency

Paving tile with the initials of Constable Anne de Montmorency, two gauntlets holding swords, 16th century

Background imageGlaze Collection: Prayer niche. Late 13th-early 14th centuries. From Kashan

Prayer niche. Late 13th-early 14th centuries. From Kashan
Prayer niche. Late 13th century-early 14th century. From Kashan (Iran). Ilkhanid Period (125-1353). Stonepaste, moulded and painted under and over the glaze. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

Background imageGlaze Collection: Pair of tiles with phoenix. Early 14th century. From Kashan

Pair of tiles with phoenix. Early 14th century. From Kashan (Iran). Ilkhanid Period (125-1353). Stonepaste, moulded and painted under and over the glaze in lustre. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

Background imageGlaze Collection: Two border tiles with inscription. Early 14th century

Two border tiles with inscription. Early 14th century. From Kashan (Iran). Ilkhanid Period (125-1353). Stonepaste, moulded and painted over the glaze in lustre. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

Background imageGlaze Collection: Madrid, typographic establishment - Sucesores de Rivadeneyra

Madrid, typographic establishment - Sucesores de Rivadeneyra
Spain, Madrid. New typographic establishment of the Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, in the Paseo de San Vicente. Glazers and Minerva printing press. Engraving. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882

Background imageGlaze Collection: Royal Doulton Potteries Advertisement

Royal Doulton Potteries Advertisement
An illustrated advertisement for the Royal Doulton Potteries of Burslem, showcasing some examples of Old Sung Glaze card bowls and figurines. Date: circa 1917

Background imageGlaze Collection: Placing white tiles for firing, Alfred Meakin

Placing white tiles for firing, Alfred Meakin
Placing white tiles for firing of the Glaze Date: 1913

Background imageGlaze Collection: Dipping the ware in glaze, Alfred Meakin

Dipping the ware in glaze, Alfred Meakin
Dipping the ware in glaze before re-firing in Glost oven Date: 1913

Background imageGlaze Collection: Gika-Gika Pottery

Gika-Gika Pottery
A painting showing a presentation of Gika-Gika pottery, including a pot inlaid with aboriginal design, pot with opalescent glaze over coloured body and pastoral design

Background imageGlaze Collection: Chinese potter firing a porcelain plate in

Chinese potter firing a porcelain plate in a furnace to fix the glaze on it

Background imageGlaze Collection: Gallo-Roman glazed pottery

Gallo-Roman glazed pottery. Hand-finished chromolithograph from Ris Paquots General History of Ancient Glazed Pottery, French and International, Chez l Auteur, Paris, 1874

Background imageGlaze Collection: Chinese pottery firing, Qing Dynasty

Chinese pottery firing, Qing Dynasty
Chinese pottery making: potter firing a porcelain plate in a furnace to fix the glaze on it, and a potter firing porcelain plates over an open oven

Background imageGlaze Collection: Floral Design Date: 1925

Floral Design Date: 1925

Background imageGlaze Collection: Islamic pottery. Taifor. Plate decorated with horse. Ceramic

Islamic pottery. Taifor. Plate decorated with horse. Ceramic glaze. From Medina Elvira (Granada). 10th century. Archaeological Museum of Granada. Andalucia

Background imageGlaze Collection: 1 litre Imperial German stoneware bierstein - WWI

1 litre Imperial German stoneware bierstein - WWI
1 litre Imperial German stoneware bierstein. It is decorated with text in blue glaze. with the words 1914-1918 Heeresgruppe Kronpr. Rupprecht Von Bayern, together with a Hansa Cross

Background imageGlaze Collection: Jug

Earthenware jug with green glaze decoration, a handle and a pouring lip, with restorations to the rim, Surrey/Hampshire border ware, made in England c.1630-1670. Date: 1630-1670

Background imageGlaze Collection: Tile with phoenix and Quranic text. Iran. 1275-1325. Moulded

Tile with phoenix and Quranic text. Iran. 1275-1325. Moulded fritware with color i and lustre over glaze. Victoria and Albert Museum. London. England. United Kingdom

Background imageGlaze Collection: Isalmic Art. Spain. Glazed ceramic vessel. 8th - 10th centur

Isalmic Art. Spain. Glazed ceramic vessel. 8th - 10th century. It comes from the archeological site of Median Elvira. Archaeological Museum of Granada. Spain

Background imageGlaze Collection: Spain. Aragon. Teruel. Cathedral. Mudejar (12th-13th centuri

Spain. Aragon. Teruel. Cathedral. Mudejar (12th-13th centuri
Spain. Aragon. Teruel. Cathedral. Mudejar architecture. (12th-13th centuries). Bell tower decorated with ceramic glaze

Background imageGlaze Collection: Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque. Dome and Mirhab. Isfahan. Iran

Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque. Dome and Mirhab. Isfahan. Iran
Islamic Art. Safavid era. Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque. Built in 1598 during the reign of Abbas I and completed in 1602 in time of Sheikh Lotfollah

Background imageGlaze Collection: Sheikh Loftollah Mosque. Dome. Isfahan. Iran

Sheikh Loftollah Mosque. Dome. Isfahan. Iran
Islamic Art. Safavid era. Sheikh Loftollah Mosque. Built in 1598 during the reign of Abbas I and completed in 1602 in time of Sheikh Lotfollah

Background imageGlaze Collection: Poole Pottery - Setting the glazed ware in the kiln

Poole Pottery - Setting the glazed ware in the kiln
Setting the glazed ware in the kiln

Background imageGlaze Collection: UK ceramics Industry at Burslem, Staffs (1 / 4)

UK ceramics Industry at Burslem, Staffs (1 / 4)
Dippers at work, glazing the ware, Date: circa 1910s

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