View of the Isle of Staffa and the entrance to Fingal's CaveView of the isle of Staffa from the northwest, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, and the entrance to Fingal's Cave. Small island of volcanic basalt columns, inhabited by two households in 1797
View of Fingal's Cave on the island of Staffa, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. Grotto of volcanic basalt columns. Grotte de Fingal dans l'ile de Staffa
View of the Basin of Chites, Reunion Island, 1804View of the Basin of Chites, Reunion Island. Two mountain ranges terminate in a great pyramid. Vue du bassin des Chites, dans l'ile de Bourbon
Falls on the Riviere des Roches, Reunion Island, 1804Falls on the Riviere des Roches, Reunion Island. Chute de la riviere des roches, dans l'ile de Bourbon
Basalt mass of prismatic columns on a plain of sand, Reunion Island. Bastion basaltique de la plaine des Sables, dans l'ile de Bourbon
Configuration of basalt lava in the Saint Denis river, Reunion Island
La Motte mountain, near Catania, Sicily. Composed of a mass of prismatic columns of lava from the volcano Mount Etna. Montagne de la Motte, pres de Gatane
Geologist and artist sketching Mount Somma, Vesuvius, Naples, ItGeologist Giambattista Brocchi and artist Giovanni De Min sketching Mount Somma, on the slopes of the volcano of Vesuvius, Naples, Italy. Veins of lava with basalt prisms
View of the Cyclopean Islands, Catania, Sicily, 1822Piles of hexagonal basaltic columns making up the Cyclopean Islands, Catania, Sicily. South of the volcano Mount Etna. Vue des iles des Cyclopes vis a vis de la Ville de Gatane
Waterfall and windmill of Schiva-noja, Castelnuovo, Italy. On a bed of Masegna, hard porphyritic rock, on shelly marl, Euganean Hills. Sketch provided by Count Marzari
Columnar basalt mass in the Vale of Cuva, Vicentin, northern ItaColumnar mass in the Vale of Cuva, near Chiampo, in Vicentin, northern Italy. Articulated basalt A - B, and formless lava in masses C-D and beds E
Mass of basalt prisms with articulated base near la Piana, Vicentin, northern Italy. Amas de prismes basaltiques articules dans leur partie inferieure pres le hameau de la Piana, dans le Vicentin
Waterfall over basalt prisms on the river Alpone, in the Vicentin, northern Italy. Chute de l'Alpone dans le Vicentin
The course of the river Alpone in the Vicentin, Italy, 18th centThe course of the river Alpone through basalt prisms in the Vicentin, Italy, 18th century. Cours de l'Alpone au milieu de prismes basaltiques dans le Vicentin
The vale of the river Poscola, Vicentin, ItalyThe river Poscola gushing from Mount Verlaldo and cutting a vale through fossil limestone, Vicentin. Italy. The river uncovers basalt prisms near the hamlet of Pietra Buona
Basalt mound between Cerealto and Altissimo, in Vicentin, ItalyBasalt mound between Cerealto and Altissimo, in Vicentin. A mound of 25-degree diagonal, over layers of vertical and horizontal prisms. Butte basaltique entre Corealto et Altissimo dans le Vicentin
Church on the hill known as Monte Purga di Bolca, Verona, ItalyChurch on the hill known as Monte Purga di Bolca, Verona province. Isolated basalt cone resting on several layers of fossil coal and basalt. Colline appelee Purga di Bolca dans le Veronais
Columnar basalt mass known as the Devil's Mount, VeronaColumnar basalt mass known as the Devil's Mount (Monte del Diavolo), near St. Jean Hilarion, near Vincenza, Verona, Italy. The prismatic columns are mostly buried in the earth
Oberwinter, a basalt mountain on the Rhine, Germany, 18th centurOberwinter, a basalt mountain on the left bank of the Rhine opposite Unkel, Germany. A natural amphitheatre with heaps of horizontal basalt columns
Hasenberg mountain with its basalt prisms, Czech Republic, 18thHasenberg mountain with its basalt prisms, near Libochowitz, Bohemia (Czech Republic). Klopay castle on the summit is built of basalt. After a drawing by Czech geologist Franz Ambrosius Reuss
View of a basalt wall at Meisner, Hesse, GermanyView of the basalt plateau with its wall of horizontal five-sided columns (D) Kitzkammer cave (A) and fallen prisms (B, C). View of Meisner, Hesse, Germany, from the southeast
Crater of the Cup Aizac mountain with prismatic basalt pavementCrater of the Cup Aizac mountain with lava flow creating a prismatic basalt pavement. In the Vivarais or Ardeche range
Causeway on the banks of the Auliere river near Colombier, FrancCauseway on the banks of the Auliere river near Colombier, Vivarais range, France. Irregular basalt colonnade on a layer of sand over pebbles
Causeway at Rigaudel bridge, Vivarais, France, 18th centuryCauseway at Rigaudel bridge, Vivarais/Ardeche range, France. Basalt prisms containing granite, chrysolite and pyroxene, on a layer of sand over pebbles
Colonnade of basalt prisms near the extinct volcano Chenavari PeColonnade of basalt prisms or giant's causeway near the extinct volcano Chenavari Peak, Vivarais/Ardeche range
Ruins of Rochemaure castle on an outcrop of basalt prisms, 18thRuins of the 11th-century Rochemaure castle on an outcrop of black basalt prisms near Montelimar in the Vivarais/Ardeche range
Gentlemen geologists and artist on Mount Vesuvius, 1812Gentlemen geologists and artist on Mount Vesuvius in 1812. Prismatic basalt columns formed in the lava flow from a volcanic eruption in 1631