Keir Hardie addressing suffragettes at Trafalgar SquareKeir Hardie (1856-1915), founder of the Labour party
Galileo & Cosmo De MedicGalileo shows the satellites of Jupiter to Cosimo de Medici
Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray (1760-1797). French novelist, journalist, playwright and politician. He sided with the Girondins. Deputy to the National Convention. Portrait
Elisabeth Ludovika of Bavaria (1801-1873). Queen consort of Prussia (1840-1861) as the wife of King Frederick William IV (1795-1861). Portrait. Drawing by A. Belvedere. Lithography by J. Donon
Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914). British politician. Defender of imperialism in foreign policy
16th century. Native American dance. Virginia. Men and women dancing around Three of the fayrest Virgins at center
The Zulu war. The entrenched position at Rorke's DriftThe scene as reinforcements arrive at Rorke's Drift, successfully defended by the British from 3, 000 Zulus
Fishermen, Algarve, PortugalA group of shore fishermen chat beside the wind-whipped Atlantic waves of the Algarve coast, Portugal. First published The Sunday Times Date: 1989
Edgar Degas (1834-1917). Women Ironing (1884-1886). Orsay Museum. Paris. France
Winston Churchill making a speech in 1941Clenched fists as Mr Churchill tells of the trials of Londoners during the heavy winter Blitz. 1941 Date: 1941
J L Tallien with daggerJean Lambert Tallien (1767 - 1820) French revolutionary, depicted addressing the Assembly, gesticulating with a dagger to make his point
John Harris - 1JOHN HARRIS Churchman : principal of New College, London, and author of Mammon : gesticulating. Date: 1802 - 1856
Furious Frenchman shouts at a Cheeky EnglishmanEnglish as She is Spik
An old actor lays down the law to a journalistOld actor (laying down the law to Journalist) - " And let me tell you that when I speak, I know what I m talking about, I ve seen the world - Peckham - everywhere!" Date: 1900
Castro Makes Speech 1993FIDEL CASTRO - President of Cuba, giving a speech in Havana in 1993. *UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN ASIA AT PRESENT*