Tooth-like flowered zygopetalum, Zygopetalum maxillareTooth-like flowered zygopetalum orchid, Zygopetalum maxillare. Native to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, sent by F. Warre from Rio de Janeiro to nurseryman George Loddiges in Hackney
Purple wreath, Petrea volubilis. Native to tropical America, imported by nurseryman George Loddiges. Stapelia-flowered petrea, Petrea stapelsiae
Lemon-coloured oncidium, Oncidium citrinum. Native from Colombia to Trinidad, imported from Trinidad by nurseryman George Loddiges
Laelia anceps orchidTwo-edged laelia orchid, Laelia anceps. Imported from Mexico by nurseryman George Loddiges
Variegated monkey flower, Erythranthe luteus var. variegatus. Native to Chile, introduced by nurseryman George Loddiges. Mimulus variegatus, Mimulus luteus var. variegatus
Spotted-stalked peperomia, Peperomia maculosa. Discovered by botanist Charles Plumier in St. Domingo (Haiti), introduced by nurseryman George Loddiges. Piper maculosum
Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum oppositifolium. Sent from Nepal by Dr. Nathaniel Wallich to nurseryman George Loddiges in 1819. Opposite-leaved Solomon's Seal, Convallaria oppositifolia
Stelis multirostris orchid. Introduced from the West Indies by nurseryman George Loddiges. Racemed pleurothallis, Pleurothallis racemiflora
Shaving brush tree, Pseudobombax grandiflorum (or Bombax album). Native to Brazil, introduced by George Loddiges, and sent by John Shepherd of the Liverpool Botanic Garden
Encyclia adenocaula orchidEncyclia adenocaula epiphytic orchid. Imported from Mexico by nurseryman George Loddiges. Warted epidendrum, Epidendrum verrucosum
Aerides odorata orchid, endangered. Native to Southeast Asia and China. Imported from Java and flowered at George Loddiges nursery. Green-leaved air plant, Aerides virens
Climbing fetterbush, Pieris phillyreifolia. Phyllirea-leaved andromeda, Andromeda phyllireaefolia
Prosthechea pterocarpa orchid. Native to Mexico, raised by nurseryman George Loddiges in London. Wing-fruited epidendrum, Epidendrum pterocarpum
Boat orchid, Cymbidium finlaysonianum. Named for orchid collector George Finlayson. Found by plant hunter Hugh Cuming in Singapore and imported by nurseryman George Loddiges
Pinalia floribunda orchid. Found in Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, imported from Singapore by nurseryman George Loddiges. Many-flowered eria, Eria floribunda
Large-flowered bulbophyllum, Bulbophyllum macranthumLarge-flowered bulbophyllum orchid, Bulbophyllum macranthum. Imported from Singapore by nurseryman George Loddiges
Dwarf sophronitis orchid, Cattleya pumilaBordered dwarf cattleya or dwarf sophronitis orchid, Cattleya pumila. Imported from Brazil and raised by nurseryman George Loddiges
Diaphananthe pellucida orchid. Transparent angrec, Angraecum pellucidum. Native to sub-Saharan Africa, imported from Sierra Leone by nurseryman George Loddiges
Gomesa bicolor orchid. Native to the Spanish Main (Caribbean region), imported by nurseryman George Loddiges. Two-coloured oncidium, Oncidium bicolor
Bulbophyllum auratum orchid. A native of Manila, imported by George Loddiges. Gold-edged cirrhopetalum, Cirrhopetalum auratum
Watery dendrobium, Dendrobium aqueum. Native to the south of India. From a plant that flowered at George Loddiges nursery, imported from Bombay
Cucumber orchid, Dendrobium cucumerinumCucumber orchid or gherkin orchid, cucumber dendrobium, Dendrobium cucumerinum. Epiphytic orchid native to eastern Australia, sent by William MacLeay to George Loddiges nursery
Lycaste macrophylla orchid. Native to central and south America, imported from Bolivia by nurseryman George Loddiges. Even-flowered lycaste, Lycaste plana
Bull orchid, Dendrobium taurinumBull orchid or bull-headed dendrobium, Dendrobium taurinum. Native to the Philippines and Indonesia. Sent to nurseryman George Loddiges by plant hunter Hugh Cuming from Manila
Swan orchid, Cycnoches pentadactylonFive-fingered swan-neck, Cycnoches pentadactylon. Native to Peru and Brazil. Plant obtained by George Loddiges nursery
Jian dao chun shi hu orchid, Dendrobium rhombeumRhomb-lipped dendrobium orchid or jian dao chun shi hu, Dendrobium rhombeum (Dendrobium heterocarpum). Native to China, Nepal, Bhutan and India
Flat-headed catasetum orchid, Catasetum planiceps. Native to South America, imported by nurseryman George Loddiges