Seminara (Italy). Sanctuary Madonna dei PoveriMadonna dei Poveris Sanctuary. ITALY. Seminara. Madonna dei Poveris Sanctuary. Reconstructed after the earthquake of 1908. Late Byzantine art. Architecture
Mexico. Uxmal. Pyramid of the MagicianPyramid of the Magician. 6th-10th c. MEXICO. YUCATN. Uxmal. Puuc style. Maya art
Giza. Great Sphinx and. Great Pyramid of GizaThe Giza Sphinx. 26th-25th c. BC. EGYPT. GIZA. Giza. Egyptian art. Old Kingdom. Sculpture
Mexico City. Quetzalcoatl SnakeMEXICO. Mexico City. National Museum of Anthropology. Teotihuacan Hall. Quetzalcoatl Snake. Aztec art. Sculpture
LIBYA. Tadrart Acacus. Depiction of a hunting scene (circa 1500 BC). Neolithic art. Cave
Tomb of the Augurs. Etruscan artTomb of the Augurs. 6th c. BC. ITALY. Tarquinia. Necropolis of Monterozzi. Tomb of The Augurs. The Augurs. Etruscan art. Fresco
GREECE. CRETE. IRAKLION. Knossos. Knossos Palace. Storage pitchers. Minoan art / Cretan art. Ceramics
Tanzania. Kondoa Irangi. Koro rock paintingsTANZANIA. Kondoa Irangi. Animals grazing. Koro rock paintings. Upper Paleolithic. Cave
Mexico. Villahermosa. Cultura OlmecaMEXICO. Villahermosa. Parque-Museo de La Venta. Olmeca Culture. Head. Olmec art. Sculpture
Libya. Leptis Magna. ArchaeologyLIBYA. TRIPOLI. Leptis Magna. Roman theatre, built in 1 AD. Roman art. Early Empire
Iran. Persepolis. ApadanaPalace of Darius I. Apadana or Audience Hall. 6th c. BC. IRAN. FARS. Persepolis. Apadana or Audience Hall of Darius I. Persian art. Achaemenid period
Argentina. Cave of the Hands. Cave paintingsARGENTINA. SANTA CRUZ. Perito Moreno. Cave of the Hands. Cave painting depicting hands, guanacos and geometric figures (11000-7500 BC). Neolithic art. Cave
Ecce Homo, 1525. Polychrome sculpture by Alonso Berruguete. Renaissance art. Sculpture on wood. SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Valladolid. National Museum of Sculpture
Detail of the Virgin and child. Sculpture by Felipe Vigarny. Renaissance art. Sculpture. SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Valladolid. National Museum of Sculpture
Reclining Christ. Polychrome sculpture by Gregorio Fernandez. Baroque art. Sculpture on wood. SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Valladolid. National Museum of Sculpture
ITALY. Pompeii. Frescoes in the House of Venus in the Shell (CasadellaVenerein Conchiglia). Roman art. Early Empire. Fresco
ITALY. Pompeii. Cupid. Roman art. Early Empire. Fresco
ITALY. Pompeii. House of the Faun. Faunus. Roman art. Early Empire
Borobudur Temple. 9th c. INDONESIA. Borobudur. Reliefs of the temple wall. Frieze depicting Buddhist scenes. Hindu art. Relief on rock
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. New Spain (Mexico)ORTELIUS, Abraham (1527-1598). Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. 1570. It is considered to be the first modern atlas. Map of New Spain (Mexico), 1579. Printed in Antwerp by Christophe Plantin (1588). Etching
Istanbul. Topkapi Palace. Circumcision ChamberTopkapi Palace. 1475-1478. TURKEY. Istanbul. Topkapi Saray Palace. S Odasi or Circumcision Chamber, built by sultan Ibrahim in 1641. Ottoman art. Architecture
Egypt. Abu Mena. Basilica of ArcadiusBasilica of Arcadius. EGYPT. ALEXANDRIA. Abu Mina. Basilica of Arcadius. Ruins. Paleo-christian art. Architecture
Catalan WaySPAIN. Barcelona
Anubis. Egyptian paintingTomb of Khaemwese. ca. 1151 BC. EGYPT. Dayr al-Bahri. Valley of the Queens. Egyptian art. New Kingdom. Fresco
Tomb of Artaxerxes II. ca. 358 BC. IRAN. FARS. Naqsh-e Rustam. Artaxerxes II tomb. Persian art. Achaemenid period
BELGIUM. Laeken. Church of Saint Walpurgis. Facade. Baroque art. Architecture
Cathedral of Santa Maria de Tui. 1120-1225. SPAIN. Tuy. Cathedral. Groined vault in the cupola. Romanesque art. Architecture
MEXICO. YUCATN. Chich鮠ItzᮠEl Castillo, akaMEXICO. YUCATN. Chich鮠 Itzᮠ El Castillo, aka Chichen Itza (at the background) and the Thousand Columns. Maya art
FORT, Jean Antoine Simeon (1793-1861). Napoleonic Wars. The French troops, led by Marshals Joachim Murat and Jean Lannes, crossing the Danube in Vienna to attack the Austrian troops (1805). Painting
INDIA. Khajraho. Hindu temple Kandariya Mahadeva (Shiva Deity), ca 1050
MEXICO. BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR. Painted Cave. Cave paintings at San Francisco Mountains (circa 1100 BC). Neolithic art. Cave
FRANCE. Casteil. Abbey of Sant Martel CanigFRANCE. Casteil. Abbey of Sant Mart el Canig apital. Romanesque art
SPAIN. Santillana de Mar. St. Juliana Collegiate Church. Romanesque art
VALUEECUADOR. Otavalo. Bust of the Indian Rumi
SPAIN. Cadaqu鳮Portlligat. House - museum SalvadorSPAIN. Cadaqu鳮 Portlligat. House - museum Salvador Dali. Studio of Salvador Dali. Surrealism
JUNI, Juan de (1507-1577). The Burial of Christ. ca. 1539. Renaissance art. Sculpture on wood. SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Valladolid. National Museum of Sculpture
SPAIN. Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Exterior sight. Architecture
ITALY. Pompeii. Casa della Venere in Conchiglia. Roman art. Early Empire
ITALY. Pompeii. Via della Fortuna. Roman art. Early Empire
ITALY. Pompeii. Quadriportico of the theater. Roman art. Early Empire
VALUEITALY. Pompeii. Via della Fortuna
ITALY. Pompeii. Theater street. Roman art. Early Empire
ITALY. Pompeii. The House of the Small Fountain (Casa della Fontana piccola). Frescoes. Roman art. Early Empire. Fresco
ITALY. Pompeii. Arco Onorario. Roman art. Early Empire
ITALY. Pompeii. Ionic capitals. Roman art. Early Empire
ITALY. Pompeii. Temple of Apollo. Roman art. Early Empire
ITALY. Pompeii. The Forum. Roman art. Early Empire
ITALY. Pompeii. Temple of Apollo. Statue of Apollo. Roman art. Early Empire
BRAZIL. Ouro Preto. Interior of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi (18th c.). Paintings by Manuel da Costa Ata. Colonial baroque. Painting
FRANCE. Codalet. Monastery of St. Michel of CuixஅFRANCE. Codalet. Monastery of St. Michel of Cuix View of the clositer. Romanesque art
CAMBODIA. Angkor. Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat Temple (12th c.), dedicated to Vishnu. Khmer art
SPAIN. Torres del RChurch of the Holy SepulchreSPAIN. Torres del R Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Star-shaped dome. Romanesque art. Architecture
SPAIN. Romanyࠤe la Selva. Daina Cave. RomanySPAIN. Romanyࠤ e la Selva. Daina Cave. Romanyࠄ olmen, aka Cova d en Daina. Neolithic art. Architecture
Mahabat Maqbara Mausoleum. 1892. INDIA. Junagadh. Indo-islamic style. Hindu art. Architecture
Weimar. House / Museum. Friedrich von SchillerSchiller, Friedrich von (1759-1805). German poet and playwright. Fredirch Von Schiller House-Museum in Weimar. GERMANY. Weimar. Friedrich von Schiller House Museum
Tomb of the Lioness. Etruscan artTomb of The Lionesses. ITALY. Tarquinia. Necropolis of Monterozzi. Tomb of The Lionesses. Dancer. Etruscan art. Fresco
Sweden. Birka. Viking settlementSWEDEN. BJ֒ K֮ Viking settlement of Birka (9th-10th c.)
Sri Lanka. PolonnaruwaSRI LANKA. POLONNARUWA. Polonnaruwa. Royal Palace (12th c.)
Spain. Vilassar de Mar. Roman CataloniaSPAIN. Vilassar de Mar. Maritime Museum. Milestone in Via Augusta year 9-8 A.D. Roman art. Early Empire
Spain. Segovia. La Granja PalaceSPAIN. Segovia. Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso (St. Ildefonses Farm). Eastern facade, designed in 1735 by Felipe Juvara, . Baroque art. Architecture
Spain. Mataroman CataloniaSPAIN. Matar oble house on the outskirts of the ancient Iluro. Atrium and impluvium
Spain. Monastery of. San Salvador de LeyreMonastery of San Salvador of Leyre. SPAIN. Yesa. Monastery of San Salvador of Leyre. Crypt (11th c.). Romanesque art. Architecture
Spain. Montblanc. CrossSPAIN. Montblanc. Cross of Saint Mary next to the church. Renaissance style cross with a Gothic capital
Spain. Montblanc. Abrigo Mas d en GranSPAIN. Montblanc. Mas d en Gran Shleter. Zoomorphic figure n. 1 in Levantine naturalistic style. Neolithic art. Cave
Spain. Eguilaz. Aizkomendi DolmenSPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. ALAVA. San Millᮮ Eguilaz. Aizkomendi Dolmen. Chalcolithic. Architecture
Spain. Antequera Menga CaveSPAIN. Antequera. Menga Caves. Corridor entrance. Neolithic art. Architecture
Thatta. Makli NecropolisTomb of Isa Khan Tarkhan. ca. 1644. PAKISTAN. SINDH. Thatta. Makli Necropolis. Islamic art. Architecture
Spain. LePantheon of the KingsRoyal Collegiate Church of San Isidoro. Royal Pantheon. 12th c. SPAIN. Le Royal Collegiate Church of San Isidoro. Detail of the column. Romanesque art. Architecture
Norwich. CathedralCathedral of the Holy Trinity. 1096-1501. UNITED KINGDOM. Norwich. Cathedral. Central nave and main altar. Romanesque art. Architecture
Mexico. Uxmal. Maya city. Nunnery QuadrangleNunnery Quadrangle. MEXICO. YUCATN. Uxmal. Ruins of city founded in the 7th c. Classic Period. Puuc style. Palace complex consists of four buildings forming a quadrangle. Maya art
Mexico. Zacatecas. CathedralMEXICO. Zacatecas. Cathedral. Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption
Mexico. Veracruz. San Juan de ڬuaMEXICO. Veracruz. San Juan de Ul rtress
Mexico. Tula. RefineryMEXICO. HIDALGO. Tula. Oil refinery. Toltec art. Sculpture
Mexico. Palenque. Temple of the InscriptionsTemple of the Inscriptions. MEXICO. CHIAPAS. Palenque. Late classic period. Temple built on a 9-level step pyramid. Maya art
Mexico. Chichen Itza. Pyramid of KukulcanMEXICO. YUCATN. Chich鮠 Itzᮠ Castle or Pyramid of Kukulcan. Pre-Columbian art
Mexico City. Autonomous UniversityMEXICO. Mexico City. Reforma Avenue. Mexico Autonomous University
MEIER, Richard. Museum of Contemporary artMEIER, Richard (1934). Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona. SPAIN. Barcelona. Architecture
Libya. Tadrart Acacus. ArchaeologyLIBYA. Tadrart Acacus. Representation of a village (12.000-8000 a.C.). Neolithic art. Cave
Latvia. Riga. Musicians of BremenLATVIA. Riga. Old Town. Monument dedicated to the Musicians of Bremen, next to St. Peters Church. Contemporary Art
Iran. Tchogha Zanbil. ZigguratIRAN. KHUZESTAN. Chogha Zanbil. Ziggurat (13th c. BC). Elam Kingdom. Mesopotamian art. Architecture
Italy. Rome. Musei CapitoliniCapitoline Brutus. 4th - 3rd c. BC. ITALY. Rome. Capitoline Museums. Palazzo dei Conservatori. Detail. Roman art. Republican period. Sculpture
Guatemala. Tikal. Maya pyramidGUATEMALA. PETEN. Tikal. Tikal National Park. Maya Pyramid Ii at the ancient main square of Tikal. Maya art. Architecture
Guatemala. Tikal. Tikal National ParkGUATEMALA. Tikal. Tikal National Park. View of the temples I, II and IV standing out the rainforest. Maya art. Architecture