Bust of an unknown woman in carnelian. Thought to be Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite beloved by Leander. Testa incognita. In corniola
Bust of a Bacchante in fawn skin and ivy garlandBust of a Bacchante in Nebris or fawn skin, with an ivy garland in her hair. In amethyst. Bachante. In ametisto
Bust of a Bacchante wearing a Nebris fawn skinBust of a Bacchante wearing a Nebris or fawn skin tied over one shoulder. In chacedony sapphire. Bachante. In calcidonio zaffirino
Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves and berriesBust of a Bacchante wearing a band of ivy leaves and berries in her hair. In plasma. Bachante
Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves and berriesBust of a Bacchante wearing a band of ivy leaves and berries in her hair. In lapis lazuli. Bachante. In lapis azzurro
Bust of a Bacchante wearing a band of ivy leaves in her hair. In onyx. Bachante. In onice
Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves in her hairBust of a Bacchante wearing a band of ivy leaves in her hair. In carnelian. Bachante. In corniola
Bust of a Bacchante in a band of ivy leaves and berriesBust of a Bacchante wearing a band of ivy leaves and berries in her hair. In carnelian. Bachante. In corniola
Bust of unknown woman in carnelian cameo. Testa Incognita. In corniola
Bust of unknown woman in bizarre headdress, in carnelian. Testa Incognita. In corniola
Mask of Bacchus, Roman god of wine, for a woman's use in a Bacchanalia. With wreath of vine leaved and grapes, hair gathered in ringlets. Bacho. In cameo
Bust of Julia Domna, Roman empressBust of Julia Domna or Augusta, c. 160 - 217 AD, Roman empress from 193 to 211 as the wife of Emperor Septimius Severus. Giulia Aug. In cameo
Bust of Faustina the Younger, Roman EmpressBust of Annia Galeria Faustina the Younger, c. 130 -- 176 AD, Roman empress as the wife of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. In red jasper. Faustina Minore. In diaspro rosso
Bust of Faustina Major, Roman EmpressBust of Annia Galeria Faustina the Elder, Faustina I or Faustina Major, 100 - 140 AD, Roman empress and wife of the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius. In variegated agate. Faustina Maggiore
Bust of Vibia Sabina, Roman EmpressBust of Vibia Sabina, 83-136 AD, Roman Empress, wife of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. in headdress with garland of roses. In carnelian. Sabina. In corniola
Bust of Roman Empress Poppaea SabinaBust of Poppaea Sabina, AD 30 - 65, also known as Ollia, Roman Empress as the second wife of the Emperor Nero. With garland of roses in her hair. Poppea. In cameo
Bust of Agrippina the Elder, wife of Germanicus Julius CaesarBust of Agrippina the Elder, c. 14 BC - AD 33, prominent member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, wife of Roman general Germanicus Julius Caesar. In chrysolite. Agrippina Maggiore. In grisolita
Bust of an unknown woman. With her hair loose and flowing. In carnelian. Testa Incognita. In corniola
Bust of Agrippina the Younger, Roman empressBust of Julia Agrippina, 15 - 59 AD, or Agrippina the Younger, Roman empress from 49 to 54 AD, fourth wife and niece of Emperor Claudius. In carnelian. Agrippina Minore. In corniola
Bust of a queen in red on white cameoBust of a queen, red head with diadem, exquisitely carved in cameo on a white ground. Regina Esterna. In cameo
Bust of bearded Hercules with club and cupBust of bearded Hercules with club and golden cup, a gift from Bacchus. In crystal. Hercole con la clava et con la tazz. In cristallo
Bust of Cleopatra VII Philopator, Queen of EgyptBust of Cleopatra VII Philopator, 69-30 BC, Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC. In cameo with ivy berries in her hair
Bust of Semiramis, queen of Assyria, with parazoniumBust of Semiramis, queen of Assyria. Mythological Lydian-Babylonian wife of Onnes and Ninus.. In profile with her long hair loose, holding a parazonium dagger. Semiramis. In cameo
Bust of Olympias in crown of vine leaves and snakesBust of Olympias, eldest daughter of king Neoptolemus I of Epirus, and mother of Alexander the Great
Bust of Sappho, Archaic Greek poetBust of Sappho, c. 630 - c. 570 BC, Archaic Greek poet from Eresos or Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. Garland of laurel leaves. In carnelian. Saffo. In corniola
Bust of Psyche holding a butterfly by its wingsBust of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul, holding a butterfly by its wings. Human beauty abducted by Eros. In carnelian. Psiche. In corniola
Head of the Gorgon Medusa with snakes and wings in her hairHead of Medusa with snakes and wings in her hair, one of the monstrous Gorgons. Carved by a master in red jasper. Medusa. In diaspro rosso
Bust of the goddess Minerva in winged helmetBust in profile of Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom, justice, law, victory, and the sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy
Bust of Pallas, daughter of TritonBust of Pallas in Etruscan helmet with raised crest, carved breastplate, daughter of Triton and messenger of the seas. In hyacinth topaz. Pallade. In hiacinto
Bust of bearded Hercules with laurel wreath. In nicolo. Hercole laureato. In nich'lo
Goddess Minerva in Pallas helmet and breastplateBust in profile of Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom, justice, law, victory, and the sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy
Bust of the ancient Egyptian goddess IsisBust in profile of Isis, goddess in ancient Egyptian whose worship spread through the Greco-Roman world. Wearing a flower crown in her hair, holding a sistrum, percussion instrument. Iside. In cameo
Roman emperor ElagabalusElagabalus, c. 204 - 222, Heliogabalus or Antoninus, Roman emperor from 218 to 222, while he was still a teenager. Bust in profile with laurel wreath. In carnelian. Elagabalo. In corniola
Roman emperor CaracallaMarcus Aurelius Antoninus or Caracalla, 188 - 217, Roman emperor from 198 to 217. Elder son of Emperor Septimius Severus and Empress Julia Domna. In carnelian. Caracalla. In corniola
Bust of Lucius Septimius Severus and Julia DomnaBust of Lucius Septimius Severus, 145 - 211, Roman emperor from 193 to 211. With second wife Julia Domna, married in 193. Settimio et Giulia. In cameo
Bust of Roman emperor SeptimiusBust of Lucius Septimius Severus, 145 - 211, Roman emperor from 193 to 211. In plasma. Settimio. In prasma
Bust of Roman emperor Antoninus PiusBust of Antoninus Pius or Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius, 86 - 161, Roman emperor from 138 to 161. Wearing laurel wreath. In variegated agate. Antonino. In agata varia
Bust of Trajan, Roman EmperorBust of Trajan or Caesar Nerva Traianus, 53 - 117, Roman emperor from 98 to 117. With balance, bushel of grain, ears of wheat or annona. In nicolo. Traiano. In nicholo
Bust of Galba, Roman EmperorBust of Galba, born Servius Sulpicius Galba, 3 BC - AD 69. Sixth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 68 to 69. In sapphire. Calba. In cameo
Bust of bearded Hercules the Cynic, Greek hero. In cornelian. Hercole cinico. In corniola
Bust of Galba, Roman EmperorBust of Galba, born Servius Sulpicius Galba, 3 BC - AD 69. Sixth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 68 to 69. Wearing a laurel wreath. In sapphire. Galba. In Zaffiro
Bust of Nero, Roman EmperorBust of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, AD 37 - AD 68. Fifth Roman emperor and final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, reigning from AD 54 until his death in AD 68. In carnelian
Bust of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus or Britannicus, AD 41- 55. Son of Roman emperor Claudius and Valeria Messalina. Britanico. In cameo
Bust of Emperor Claudius, Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, fourth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 41 to 54. Claudio. In cameo of celestial blue on sardonyx base
Bust of Lucius Caesar, adopted by OctavianBust of Lucius Caesar, 17 BC - 2 AD, son of Marcus Agrippa and Julia the Elder, adopted by Octavian. In heliotrope or bloodstone. Lucio. In elitropia
Bust of Germanicus Julius Caesar, Roman generalBust of Germanicus Julius Caesar, popular Roman general and politician, 15 BC - 19 AD. Known for his campaigns in Germania. Germanico. In cameo
Bust of Nero Claudius Drusus, Roman emperorBust of Drusus Julius Caesar, or Nero Claudius Drusus, 14 BC - 23 AD. Son of Emperor Tiberius, heir to the Roman Empire following the death of his adoptive brother Germanicus. Neron Claudio Druso
Bust of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus or Caligula, third Roman emperor, 12-41 AD. In laurel wreath. In carnelian. C. Caligula. In corniola
Bust of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, second Roman emperorTiberius Caesar Augustus, second Roman emperor, 42 BC - AD 37. Succeeded his stepfather, first Roman emperor Augustus. In laurel wreath. Tiberio. In cameo
Bust of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Roman general, statesman, and architect, c. 63 BC - 12 BC. In rostral crown. Marco Agrippa. In cameo
Bust of bearded Hercules with laurel wreath. In tricolor nicolo. Hercole laureato. In nicholo di tre colori
Bust of Caesar Augustus or Octavian, first Roman Emperor, 63 BC - 14 AD. Wearing a laurel wreath. Gem in hyacinth topaz found in the ruins of Catania in Sicily. Augusto. In hiacinto
Apotheosis of Caesar Augustus or Octavian, first Roman Emperor, 63 BC - 14 AD. Depicted with a goat chimera and dolphin. In crystal. Augusto et suo Ascendente. In cristallo
Bust in profile of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman general and statesman, 100 BC - 44 BC. Wearing laurel wreath, with star and lituus crook. In carnelian. C. Giulio Cesare. In corniola
Bust in profile of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman general and statesman, 100 BC - 44 BC. Wearing a laurel wreath interwoven with palm fronds, breastplate, lituus crook. In ovate chalcedony
Bust of Pompey the Great, Roman generalBust of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus or Pompey the Great, a leading Roman general and statesman, 106 BC - 48 BC. In carnelian. Cn Pompeo M. In corniola
Bust of Gaius Sulpicius, one of the patrician Sulpicia family. Perhaps Gaius Sulpicius Peticus or Gaius Sulpicius Gallus. In emerald plasma. Caio Sulpitio. In prasma
Bust of Lucius Junius Brutus, semi-legendary first ConsulBust of Lucius Junius Brutus (fl. 6th century BC), semi-legendary first Consul and founder of the Roman Republic. In carnelian. Lucio Iunio Bruto. In corniola
Bust of Numa Pompilius, legendary second king of RomeBust of Numa Pompilius, c. 753-672 BC, legendary second king of Rome, succeeding Romulus. Seen on silver coins. In carnelian. Numa Pompilio. In corniola
Bust of Antinous, Greek youth and favourite of HadrianBust of Antinous or Antinoös, c. 111 - 130, Greek youth from Bithynia and a favourite of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. In carnelian. Antinoo. In corgnola
Bust of a young Hercules, clean shaven with laurel wreath. In black agate. Hercole giovane. In agata nera
Bust of King Masinissa, ancient Numidian leaderBust of King Masinissa, c. 238 BC - 148 BC, ancient Numidian leader of Massylii Berber tribes during the Second Punic War. In helmet with biga war chariot. In amethyst. Massinissa Re. In Ametista
Bust of an unknown woman with hair in curls. In red jasper. Testa incognita. In diaspro rosso
Bust of Ptolemy Apion, King of CyrenaicaBust of Ptolemy Apion or Apion, c. 150 BC - 96 BC, last Greek King of Cyrenaica, with hair in curls. Tomoleo Apione. In cameo
Bust of Ptolemy XIV Philopator, brother of CleopatraBust of Ptolemy XIV Philopator, c. 59 - 44 BC, Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, brother of Cleopatra. In carnelian. Tolomeo. In corniola
Bust of Alexander III of Macedon, 356 BC - 323 BC, Alexander the Great, king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. In amethyst. Alessandro Magno. In ametisto
Bust of Alexander III of Macedon, 356 BC - 323 BC, Alexander the Great, king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. In variegated agate. Alessandro Magno cornuto. In agata varia
Bust of a young athlete crowned with laurel wreath. By the Greek artist Allion. In carnelian. Allione. In corniola
Bust of King Pergamon, Attalid kingdomBust of King Pergamon, founder of the city of Pergamon, in the Attalid kingdom, ancient Greece. In carnelian. Pergamo Re. In corniola
Bust of a Roman priest or Sacerdote, in palliolum hood. In carnelian. Sacerdote. In corniola
Asclepius, ancient Greek god of medicineAsclepius, hero and god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Depicted in carnelian with a serpent-entwined rod. Similar to the statue described by Callistratus. Esculapio
Bust of a Roman priest or SacerdoteBust of a bearded Roman priest or Sacerdote, in palliolum hood. In carnelian. Sacerdote. In corniola
Bust of Seneca, Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist, and satirist. In cameo. Seneca filosofo
Bust of Cicero, Roman statesman and philosopherProfile bust of Cicero, 106 BC - 43 BC, Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher and academic sceptic. Marcus Tullius Cicero, in black agate. M. Tullio Cicerone. In agata nera
Calligraphic frontispiece to Gemmae et Sculpturae AntiquaeCalligraphic frontispiece with Romulus and Remus suckled by a wolf in front of a carved stone. Le Gemme Antiche Figurate di Leonardo Agostini Senese
Self-portrait of Leonardo Agostini at age 63. Italian antiquary of the 17th century, 1593-1669. Leonardo Agostini Senese d'Anni 63
Ancient Latin inscription in marble. Gravestone of a personal cavalryman of the emperor, Equites singulares Augusti. Claudius Victori, lived for 27 years, served in the military for 8 years
Bust profile of an unknown woman in carnelian. Roman noble woman with her hair tied up in an elaborate hairstyle with bun. Testa incognita in corniola
Bust profile of an unknown sitter in carnelian. Said to be Annia Galeria Faustina the Elder, Roman empress and wife of emperor Antoninus Pius. Testa incognita in corniola
Bust profile of Lepidus, Triumvir, in carnelian. Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, c. 89-12 BC, Roman general and statesman who formed the Second Triumvirate alongside Octavian and Mark Antony
Bust profile of Augustus in carnelian. In laurel wreath. Caesar Augustus, 63 BC - 14 AD, also known as Octavian, first Roman emperor. Augusto in corniola
Bust profile of Julius Caesar in carnelian. Gaius Julius Caesar, 100-44 BC, Roman general, statesman, emperor and dictator. In laurel wreath, chlamys with clasp. Giulio Cesare in corniola
Bust of an unknown Classical bearded philosopher. In chalcedony. Filisofo incognito. In calcidonia
Dual portrait of Ermosio and Crairo facing each otherDual portrait in bust profile facing each other in red jasper. Portrait of two young men, one bearded, possibly friends or relatives, with Greek single names Ermosio and Crairo