Ptychozoon kohli, flying geckoHand coloured lithograph from final volume of Erpetologie Generale ou Histoire Naturelle complcte des Reptiles (1854) by A.M.C. Dumeril, G. Bibron, and A. Dumeril
Gecko speciesStellion, Stellagama stellio, turnip-tailed gecko, Thecadactylus rapicauda, gecko, Hemidactylus species, flying gecko, Ptychozoon horsfieldii, Lichtensteins short-fingered gecko
Jacky lashtail, Amphibolurus muricatus, and Cape dwarf gecko, Lygodactylus capensis.. Handcolored copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles 1816-1830
Reptile / Cayman CrocodileA cayman crocodile and other reptiles including : gangetica, gecko, salamander and a baby crocodile hatching from an egg
Alligator and wall geckoAlligator, Alligator mississippiensis, and common wall gecko, Tarentola mauritanica
House gecko and broad-tailed geckoHouse gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus 1, and broad-tailed gecko, Phyllurus platurus 2. Tarantola delle case, Filluro della Nuova Olanda
Lyreshead lizard and mophead iguanaLyreshead lizard, Lyriocephalus scutatus 1 and diving lizard or mophead iguana, Uranoscodon superciliosus 2. Lofiro ad elmo bifido, Lofiro a sopraccigli
Unknown gecko species and giant leaf-tailed geckoUnknown gecko species from Arabia (Scollop-tailed gecko, Lacerta caudiverbera), and giant leaf-tailed gecko, Uroplatus fimbriatus (fimbriated gecko, Stellio fimbriatus)
Tokay gecko, Gekko gecko (Common gecko, Lacerta gecko). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Hill after an illustration by George Shaw from his General Zoology, Amphibia, London, 1801
Broad-tailed gecko and jacky lashtail lizardBroad-tailed gecko, Phyllurus platurus (broad-tailed lizard, Lacerta platura) and jacky lashtail lizard, Amphibolurus muricatus (muricated lizard, Lacerta muricata)
Two species of lizards and a geckoTwo species of lizards 1, 2 and a gecko 3. Le Lezard gris eguillonne des Indes orientales, le Lezard brun a ecailles rondes des Indes orientales, une Salmandre, Geko
Lacertilia lizards and chameleons: Cameroon sailfin chameleon, Trioceros montium, chameleon forest dragon, Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus, flying dragon, Draco volans, Texas horned lizard
Gila Monster and Gecko Date: 1950
REPTILE / GECKOA cayman crocodile and other reptiles including : gangetica, GECKO, salamander and a baby crocodile hatching from an egg
Common Wonder / Frog-eyed Gecko (Teratoscincus scincus). Central Karakum desert - Turkmenistan - former CIS - Spring - April
Tokay Gecko - adult on a corner of a building after night feeding on insects (Gecko gecko ). Bohol - Philippines - February
Common Wonder Gecko / Frog-eyed Gecko - looks for prey under a bush in sand dunes - licks his eye to prevent it from drying - feeds mostly on insects (Teratoscincus scincus)
Mauritius ornate day gecko adult watches for prey from a tree trunk endemic to Mauritius Bras d Eau National Park subject to a Mauritian Wildlife Foundation regeneration programme June North of
Broad-tailed gecko, Phyllurus platurus.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1800
Lined gecko, Gekko vittatus.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792
House gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus, and broad-tailed gecko, Phyllurus platurus.. Handcolored copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles 1816-1830
A juvenile Common (Spiny-tailed) House Gecko hunts for insects, attracted by a night-light on a jetty (Hemidactylus frenatus (Schlegel))
Tokay Gecko - adult front foot holding onto a corner of a building (Gecko gecko ). Bohol - Philippines - Early morning - February
Tokay GECKO - on wooden flooring (Gekko gekko ). Bali, Indonesia
Iguana, delundung, racoon and gecko designFour springers in entrance hall. Drawing by Alfred Waterhouse for the ornamentation of the Natural History Museum, London, 1876
Phyllurus platurus, leaf-tailed gecko
Homonota darwini and Naultinuselegans, two species of lizar
Oedura marmorata, marbled velvet gecko. Lectotype, catalogue number BMNH XXII 2b
SalamandersPlate 8 from 298 water-colour drawings of insects and larvae (1622) by C. Flegel