Her Majestys Australian Ship (HMAS) Melbourne (21) shown with its complement of Douglas A-4G Skyhawks of 805 Squadron RAN ranged for entering port
The Star Money - 1Die Sternthaler : the child gathers up the star money
The Royal Gathering at Windsor, November 17th 1907
German Guardian AngelA guardian angel watches over a small child as it gathers flowers in the German countryside on a fine summers day
Passengers on the deck of an Emigrant Ship, 1849Engraving showing emigrants on the deck of their ship, at sea, 1849. A group of children are being taught their lessons by a school master whilst a small crowd gathers around the ships galley
Election Returns, USAA crowd gathers outside the office of the New York Herald newspaper to read the election returns; they have to be kept in order by police officers
Gathering DaffodilsA young girl gathers DAFFODILS Date: 1910
FRESH PEAS FOR SALEFresh gathered peas, young Hastings: a woman gathers her apron up to hold the peas poured out by a farmer on the back of a cart Date: 1795
Luther Translates BibleMartin Luther gathers scholars around him to complete the great task of translating the Bible into German Date: circa 1530
Social / Charing X PilloryTwo offenders stand in the pillory at Charing Cross, London, where a crowd - even some carriage folk - gather to see them exposed to public humiliation
Roll Up, Roll Up / FairA large crowd gathers round to look at the sideshows
Reading a Will / C19A sombre family gathers for the reading of a will
A woman in a flowing white dress sits underneath a tree filled with spring blossom and gathers the flowers on her lap. Date: 1905
Africa - Gathering Coconuts - Donkey PanniersEast Africa - Gathering Coconuts - Donkey Panniers. Date: 1997
Africa - Gathering Coconuts, Tanzania. Date: circa 1970s
NocturneA painting depicting a night time scene in which an audience gathers to listen to a violinist outside, under a starry sky. Date: circa 1914
Woman in evening gown of black satin by Henriette Jeantou, 1931Woman in Goddess evening gown of black satin with gathers by Henriette Jeantou. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Henriette Jeantou. Deesse: Robe du soir en satin noir garnie fronces
See-Through NightgownSultry, fifties temptress, wearing a see-through nightdress with ribbon stripe, soft gathers at the neckline & double spaghetti straps, beckons to the viewer
THE STAR MONEY - 2Die Sternthaler : the child gathers up the star money as it falls from the sky
THE STAR MONEY - 3Die Sternthaler : the child gathers up the star money fallen from the sky
Children picking fruit, one fallen over. A rolling stone gathers no moss by Gladys Peto
Mass of the Dead in the French Cemetery of MexicoA mass of the dead on the 2nd of November, held in the French cemetery of Mexico. A crowd gathers beyond a fountain, around a small mausoleum covered in draping. 1867
Gathering wild flowers, 1890sWoman gathering wild flowers in a country meadow, 1890s Date: 1890s
SOCIAL / CHARING X PILLORYA crowd gathers at the Pillory, Charing Cross Date: 1809
PORUS GATHERS ELEPHANTSPorus musters his war elephants in preparation for war with Alexander the Great of Macedon. Date: 326 BC
FOLKLORE / CASSEUR DE BOISLE CASSEU DE BOIS (= the branch-breaker) entity of Berry, central France, who may challenge the peasant as he gathers firewood Date: 1855
Countrywoman gathering firewood in rural England. Date: 1890s
Japanese Scene - Harvesting rice in a paddy field. Date: circa 1909
Silver Evening JacketA silver lame evening jacket with large, pointed, over- stitched revers, waistcoat basque & half-length sleeves with gathers at the shoulder. Date: 1930s
Young Victorian woman in pink crinolineA young Victorian woman in an enormous pink crinoline evening dress decorated with roses. She has matching roses in her hair, and a fan in her hand. Date: circa 1860
Carrick Coat 1810Carrick coat with single collar & heavily pleated cape, green coat, white cravat, dark pantaloons, hussar boots (buskins) & a hat with a tall crown that narrows at the top
WW2, Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Scramble to get cigarettesWW2, Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Scramble to pick up cigarettes thrown from a moving train carriage by returning British RAF personnel
Social / Gathering CressAn old woman gathers cress from a stream in a wood Date: mid-19th century
French Cholera victimA horrified crowd gathers round to see a cholera victim in France Date: 1832
Collecting holly for Christmas DecorationsA family driving out in the snow to gather holly for their Christmas decorations. Date: 1931
Rene Fraser gathering flowers
Rene Fraser gathering blackberries on the G. Union Canal in 1930. Date: 1930
Gathering wild vegetables - IndiaGathering wild vegetables (or plants, flowers or herbs) - India. Date: circa 1910s
Junker AeroplaneA crowd gathers beneath a Junker aeroplane, photographed from an angle which gives it an exaggerated wingspan. Date: early 1930s
Japan - Women collecting mussels on the beach at low tide. Date: circa 1910s
Japan - Silk Industry - Gathering silkworms from egg paperJapan - Silk Industry - Gathering the silkworms from the egg paper using a delicate feather brush. Date: circa 1909
France - Arcachon - Oyster GathererA wonderful postcard photograph of a woman Oyster Gatherer (Parqueuse) from Arcachon in the Gironde department in southwestern France
Thessaloniki - Martial Law - Crowd at the Government HouseThessaloniki, Greece - Martial Law - Crowd at the Government House. Date: 1916
Collecting Sea Urchins - BarbadosA young boy collecting Sea Urchins - Barbados Date: circa 1910s
MAITRE DU BOCCACE DE MUNICH (2nd half 15 c. )MAITRE DU BOCCACE DE MUNICH (2nd half 15 c.); Fouquet, Jean (1420-1481). Jewish Antiquities. ca. 1465. Book I
Twelve proverbial silhouettes given a literal depiction: the fat is in the fire, to have a finger in the pie, sending coals to Newcastle, one sows and another reaps
Silhouette, A Rolling Stone Gathers No MossA Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss -- silhouette showing three stones rolling down a cliff face by the sea
Sap gathering in an American Maple Orchard, Vermont after the first fall of sugar snow. The large sap vat is being pulled by an ox team. Date: circa 1910s
Gathering seaweed for fertiliser - Channel IslandsGathering seaweed ( wracking ) for use as fertilizer at a low spring tide - Channel Islands Date: 1907
Raking Fir conesWomen raking up and gathering fir cones into wicker backpacks Date: circa 1910s
Peel and CrowdWhen sir Robert Peel (the younger) falls off his horse, a crowd gathers outside his home in Whitehall Gardens, London, to learn his health, Date: 1788 - 1850
Royals Leave PalaceA crowd gathers at the gates of Buckingham Palace to watch King George V and Queen Mary driving past. Date: early 1930s
Gathering rice in the paddy fields - Northern VietnamGathering rice in the paddy fields - Tonkin province of Northern Vietnam Date: circa 1910s
Xmas. Girl with holly by Ethel Parkinson. " Accept that Greeting dear to friends, The welcome of the heart" - A Macfarren. circa 1902
Gathering Limpets - Birsay, OrkneyAn old man gathering Limpets from the rocks on the beach at Birsay, Orkney, Scotland Date: 1908
VIIIme Exposition Suisse D Agriculture (2 / 3)Promotional postcard for the VIIIme Exposition Suisse D Agriculture (8th Swiss Agricultural Exhibition) at Lausanne, Switzerland (2/3) Date: 1910
Brassierette 1938Kleinerts brassierette: a lightweight bra without fastenings but with a shirred elastic back. Suitable for sports. It is also fitted with dress shields. Date: 1938
Kew UntolledKew Bridge is at last freed of toll : a crowd gathers to enjoy the pleasure of crossing the Thames without having to pay for the privilege
Explosion in VictoriaFiremen deal with an explosion in Medway Street, Victoria, London. An interested crowd gathers to watch their progress
Fool Selling his WisdomTHE FOOL SELLING WISDOM A crowd, including someone carried in a sedan chair, gathers round a lute-playing man
Bandstand at EastbourneAn audience gathers around the bandstand on the front at Eastbourne in Sussex
May Day CelebrationsA crowd gathers for the May Day celebrations in Petrograd, the first municipal district
Iron Age Story TellingA domestic interior of the Iron Age where the head of the family gathers everyone together round the fire to hear about his travels
Boys Help with MilkingTwo schoolboys help out with the milking on a dairy farm, one boy pouring the milk into churns while the other gathers together the udder apparatus
Mending a Lamp PostA crowd gathers to watch a workman up a ladder mending a broken lamp post, England
Moscow Celebrates VictorCrowd gathers for victory celebrations, Red Square
Girl Gathers Twigs 1890A little country girl gathers twigs for kindling
Liverpool InfirmaryCrowd gathers around Stretcher case brought to Liverpool Infirmary, Brownlow Street
Shortest Day 1886The Shortest Day: Everyone gathers around the fire as twilight turns to night
Selling Fish / BrittanyA man weighs fish on some scales set up on the pavement in Brittany, France, while a crowd of potential customers gathers round
West African Game: WarryA crowd gathers to watch two people play the West African game of wharri
Toys / Russia / Tops / C19ThA crowd gathers to watch a spinning top being spun
Shakespeare / OpheliaAct IV, Scene I Ophelia gathers flowers by the stream
Lottery Drawing / PuginDrawing the lottery in Coopers Hall. An audience gathers to witness the draw
Costume / Mid-Day DressTwo-piece barrel-line dress by Beer with button front, deep cuffs en bouffants, vandyked collar, ornate gilt belt on the hips, skirt with hip gathers & an uneven hemline
Swimwear / Graphic / 1883Swimwear worn at a ladies swimming competiton include two-piece costumes with knickerbockers or trousers & a blouse with sailor collar or with gathers & a Swiss belt
Frau Holle - 2The stepdaughter gathers the apples
Girl Picks Flowers C1890A pretty, rosy-cheeked young maid in a picturesque costume of black velvet dress & soft hat with pink plumes gathers daffodils (narcissi) in her clean white apron
Down and OutA homeless girl is found in the streets : a crowd gathers, a bobby shines his bull s- eye lantern
Folklore / Casseur De BoisLE CASSEU DE BOIS (= branch-breaker) of Berry, central France, entity who breaks tree branches and may challenge the peasant as he gathers his firewood
Family Gathers PeatThe whole family, from the father to the baby, work in the peat bog, County Cork, Ireland