Eurasian jay, Garrulus glandarius (Common jay, Corvus glandarius). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder
Garrulus glandarius, Eurasian jayWatercolour by the German ornithologist, hunter and bird collector, Christian Ludwig Landbeck (c. 1833-4)
European roller, Coracias garrulus, and rosy starling, Pastor roseus
Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus, and Regent bowerbird, Sericulus chrysocephalus
Goldcrests, Regulus regulus, and European roller, Coracias garrulus
Eclectus parrot and chattering loryEclectus parrot, Eclectus roratus, and chattering lory, Lorius garrulus (vulnerable). Handcoloured lithograph from Th. Lejeunes Complete Works of Buffon, Oeuvres Completes de Buffon, Brussels, 1837
Eurasian jay, Garrulus glandarius, and spotted nutcracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes
Waxwing (Morris)(Bombyalla garrulus) Date: 1851
Black-headed Jay, Garrulus lanceolatusNumber 14 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Chattering lory, Lorius garrulus.. Handcolored steel engraving by Joseph Kidd from Sir Thomas Dick Lauder and Captain Thomas Browns Miscellany of Natural History: Parrots, Edinburgh, 1833
Lesser honeyguide, Indicator minor, and black-frontedPurple-breasted cotinga, Cotinga cotinga, and Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus
European roller, Coracias garrulus, and broad-billed roller, Eurystomus glaucurus
Bohemian chatterer, Ampelis garrulus, Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by George Graves from his own British Ornithology, Walworth, 1821
European roller, Coracias garrulus.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by George Graves from his own British Ornithology, Walworth, 1821
Eurasian jay, Corvus glandarius, Garrulus glandarius.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by George Graves from his own British Ornithology, Walworth, 1821
A Jay on a perchA Jay (Garrulus glandarius) on a perch
Jay (Foster)(Garrulus glandarius)