A Young Poacher CaughtA young miscreant is caught by the gamekeeper, while his companions take to their heels. Date: 1915
The Gamekeeper Date: 19th century
Farmer with foxA farmer, gamekeeper or farm worker with a dead fox he has shot. Date: c.1935
English tourists in a boat riding the whirlpool at the Strait of Corryvreckan between Jura and Scarba, Scotland. Doctor Prosody in peril at Corryvreckan
Gamekeeper with dog and gun, aiming at a distant target. Date: circa 1970s
The Gamekeeper. People You See, from Teddy Bear magazine, 1969. Date: 1969
Gamekeeper with rabbitsA gamekeeper wearing a deerstalker hat hangs up a row of dead rabbits for sale in the market Date: 1993
Gamekeeper and dog standing near five-bar gateA gamekeeper and his dog, standing near a five-bar gate. Date: circa 1970s
The Gamekeeper and his wife (and their pet black spaniel)The Gamekeeper (his shotgun resting on his knee) and his wife (and their pet black spaniel) relaxing in their garden. Date: circa 1908
GamekeeperIllustration of a gamekeeper. Date: circa 1912
Children with nursery rhyme scenes on a Christmas card -- One, two, three, four, five, I caught a hare alive! Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, And let it go again! Date: circa 1890s
European Bisons (Bison bonasus L.). Bialowieza Nature Park - Belorussia
Going out with a GunA gentleman rides forth with his dogs, while his gamekeeper advises him where the best sport is to be had. Date: circa 1820