The Goose Girl by Muriel DawsonA tiny girl in a fetching red dress guides a gaggle of geese
Hills. Christmas Is Coming. Cecil Aldin. 1898. jpgIllustration by Cecil Aldin depicting a kindly Father Christmas reciting the traditional song, " Christmas is Coming, the Goose is getting Fat" to a gaggle of obviously dim geese
Gaggle of GeeseA gaggle of five geese. Date: 1960s
Geese unhappy at the arrival of MichaelmasA gaggle of geese are unhappy to read a notice that the season of Michaelmas has begun. Eating goose at Michaelmas was thought to bring good luck, but that did not apply to geese
Bell TH-1FUnited States Air Force - Bell TH-1F - A gaggle of TH-1Fs take-off from Sheppard AFB on 3 May 1967. Date: 1967
A Gaggle of GeeseA painting of a content looking girl, carrying a large basket, walking through a forest accompanied by a gaggle of geese. Date: circa 1916
The only troupe of performing Geese in the World, pictured with their owner/trainer, Olga. Date: circa 1928
Fantasy Landscape - Geese flying over snowy sceneA gaggle of geese flying through the pale misty light over a lake, with snow-covered peaks dominating the background beyond a row of pine trees. Airbrush painting by Malcolm Greensmith
Dax, France - Hauling a BargeDax, France, a commune in Aquitaine in south-western France, sub-prefecture of the Landes department. - Three men haul a Barge along the L Adour River, past a gaggle of geese. Date: circa 1910s
De Dion Car PosterL Elegante Moteurs de Dion Poster. In 1900, de Dion-Bouton was the largest automobile manufacturer in the world, producing 400 cars and 3, 200 engines that year circa 1900
Suffragette as a gooseA superb propaganda postcard for Womens Rights, showing a goose in prison plummage, standing atop at bucket and speaking at a meeting of geese
The Signal by Harry RowntreeA small, rather terrified-looking boy scout holds his staff aloft in the signal for enemy in large numbers although the enemy in this case is a gaggle of curious geese. 1911
A Quiet Country Holiday! by H. C. EarnshawAn illustration by Harold Earnshaw of an artist at work with a gaggle of spectators surrounding him. Earnshaw was the husband of Mabel Lucie Attwell
A Meeting of WitchesA gaggle of witches & impish demons making merry
Herd of GeeseThree women follow a gaggle of geese across a field
Geese in a ParkA gaggle of geese in a park
Goose / Cries of LondonStreet traders with a gaggle of geese for sale: Buy a live goose! Washing hangs from an upstairs window in the background
Dog and GeeseA dog looks disapprovingly at a gaggle of geese who have invaded the barrel which serves him as kennel, depriving him of access to his bone and his water bowl
Geese in HampersChristmas is coming, the goose is getting fat... a gaggle of geese in two hampers