Geologists viewing the reef in front of Fingal's Cave, Staffa, 1Geologists viewing the reef in front of Fingal's Cave, Staffa, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. The isle of Boo-sha-la has horizontal bundles as well as vertical columns of prismatic basalt
Geologists exploring the basalt formations on Staffa, 1822Geologists exploring the curved basalt column formations on the Isle of Staffa, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, 1822. Prismatic forms that imitate beams in the hull of a ship
Basalt columns about four miles north of Giant's Causeway, Antrim, Northen Ireland. Basaltes colonnaires de Gauliac a la distance de 4 milles au Nord de la chaussee des Geans
Basalt promontory Youm-Bournon on the Black Sea. After a design in Comte Antoine-Francois Andreossy's Voyage a l'embouchure de la mer Noire, 1818. Promontoire basaltique sur la Mer Noire
Mass of prismatic lava in the Triponzio Valley, Italy. Pile of thin quadrangular columns or prism sticks. Near the bridge below Roccarespampani, Viterbo, central Italy
Geologists studying the basalt columns at Roccarespampani, Viterbo, central Italy. Basaltes colonnaires de Rocca Rispampani dans le territoire de Viterbe
Basalt prisms in the Infernaccio Valley, Viterbo, central Italy. Near the vitriol factory. View from the Passo del Gretto over the valley showing the lava flow divided into prisms
Geologists studying columnar basalt mass at Lake Bolsena, centraColumnar basalt mass at Lake Bolsena, central Italy. Geologist Giambattista Brocchi and artist Bertoletti studying the hexagonal and pentagonal prisms. Located between Bolsena and Montefiascone
Geologists studying the western side of the Giant's Causeway, 18Geologists studying the western side of the Giant's Causeway, Antrim, Northern Ireland. Basalt columns from an ancient volcanic fissure eruption
Basaltic mound called the Stone of St. Blaise, Euganean Hills. Mass of porous quadrilateral columns. Butte basaltique appelee pierre de S. Blaise dans les monts Euganeens
Basalt columns on Monte Rosso, Euganean Hills. ItalyMonte Rosso from the southeast side, in the Euganean Hills. near Padua, Italy. Geologists move basalt rocks while a shepherdess watches her goats
Basalt confirurations in the Gavinello Valley, Vicentin, ItalyBasalt confirurations in the Gavinello Valley, Vicentin, northern Italy. Imperfect columns AA, horizontal columns BB, and horizontal columns of basalt lava DD
Geologists studying the eastern side of the Giant's Causeway, 18Geologists studying the eastern side of the Giant's Causeway, Antrim, Northern Ireland. Basalt columns from an ancient volcanic fissure eruption
Mountain of hexagonal basalt columns at Detunata Goala, TransylvMountain of hexagonal basalt columns at Detunata Goala, Alba county, Transylvania (Romania). After I. F. Lochner. Dictunata Goala en Transilvanie du cote de l'est
Cluster of basalt prisms near St Sanduox, 18th centuryCluster of basalt prisms near St Sanduox. Basalt mass, Pereneire, Auvergne, France. Copied from an engraving in Diderot's Encyclopedie. Amas basaltique de Pereneire en Auvergne
Stolpen Castle, Saxony, Germany, built on a basalt massStolpen Castle, Saxony, Germany, 13th century fortress built on a basalt mass on a layer of granite. Amas basaltique sur lequel est bati le Chateau de Stolpen en Allemagne
Geologists at the Bridge of the Jaws of Hell, France, 18th centuGeologists with an umbrella at the Bridge at the Jaws of Hell near Thueyts in the Vivarais. The bridge is built on basalt prisms on the left and hard granite on the right
Basalt causeway at Beaume bridge, Vivarais, France, 18th centuryBasalt causeway at Beaume bridge on the Ardeche river, Vivarais range, France. Colonnade of high prisms over a volcanic grotto
Waterfall in the middle of prismatic lava near Vals, France, 18tWaterfall in the middle of prismatic lava near Vals, Vivarais/Ardeche range, France. A fisherman uses a net in the river. Cascade au milieu de laves prismatiques pres de Vals dans le Vivarais
Basalt prism columns at Bridon bridge, near Vals, France, 18th cBasalt prism columns at Bridon bridge, near Vals, in the Vivarais/Ardeche range. After a design by Veyrenc in Barthelemy Faujas de Saint-Fond's Recherches sur les volcans eteints, 1778
The cone of Maillas, near St. Jean le Noir, Vivarais, FranceView of part of the rock of Maillas, Mont Jastrie, near St. Jean le Noir, Lower Vivarais, France. Columns and prisms of black basalt
Geologists exploring the volcanic cirque of Ashna-cregs, Isle of Mull, Scotland. A natural amphitheatre of black basalt lava. After a drawing by French geologist Barthelemy Faujas de Saint-Fond