Cod, whiting, pollock and poor cod
Cod, Gadus morhua, vulnerable 1, whiting, Merlangius merlangus 2, coalfish or pollock, Pollachius virens 3, and poor cod, Trisopterus minutus 4
Ling, burbot, oyster toadfish and tusk
Ling, Molva molva 99, burbot, Lota lota 100, oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau 101, 102, and tusk fish, Brosme brosme 103. Handcolored copperplate engraving from Gottlieb Tobias Wilhelms Encyclopedia of
Cod, hake, plaice and haddock
Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, vulnerable 1, hake, Merluccius merluccius 2, plaice, Pleuronectes platessa 3, and haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus 4