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Fungus Collection

Background imageFungus Collection: Mushrooms

A large number of mushroom varieties. Date: 1913

Background imageFungus Collection: A large variety of mushrooms, 1913

A large variety of mushrooms, 1913. Date: 1913

Background imageFungus Collection: Chanterelle mushrooms

Chanterelle mushrooms, Cantharellus cibarius and Cantharellus cibarius var. neglectus, and false chanterelle, Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Cantharellus aurantiacus)

Background imageFungus Collection: Morel mushrooms

Morel mushrooms, Morchella vulgaris and Morchella costata. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Basidiomycota: filamentous fungi

Basidiomycota: filamentous fungi
Coloured lithograph by Ernst Haeckel from Kunstformen der Natur, 1899-1904. Date: 1904

Background imageFungus Collection: Dark cep or bronze bolete, Boletus aereus

Dark cep or bronze bolete, Boletus aereus. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Coral fungus varieties

Coral fungus varieties
White coral fungus, Clavulina cristata (Clavaria cristata), Clavulina cinerea (Clavaria cinerea), pink-tipped coral mushroom, Ramaria botrytis (Clavaria botrytis), and wrinkled coral fungus

Background imageFungus Collection: Lattice fungus, Clathrus cancellatus

Lattice fungus, Clathrus cancellatus.. Lattice fungus, Clathrus cancellatus

Background imageFungus Collection: Prince mushroom and field mushroom

Prince mushroom and field mushroom
Prince mushroom, Agaricus augustus (Psalliota augusta) and field mushroom, Agaricus campestris (Psalliota campestris). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Beefsteak fungus, Fistulina hepatica

Beefsteak fungus, Fistulina hepatica. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895

Background imageFungus Collection: Aspergillus

An SEM image of aspergillus in spore production (x 815 on a standard 9 cm wide print). The moulds are common in the northern hemisphere and some cause disease in humans and animals

Background imageFungus Collection: Amaryllis and mushrooms

Amaryllis and mushrooms
Hippeastrum species, fly agaric, Amanita muscaria, Amanita caesarea, Caesar's mushroom, Amanita caesarea, and other mushrooms. Amaryllis, Agarics. Handcoloured steel engraving printed by F

Background imageFungus Collection: Fly agaric mushroom, Amanita muscaria

Fly agaric mushroom, Amanita muscaria. Poisonous psychoactive mushroom. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Puffball and earthstar mushrooms

Puffball and earthstar mushrooms
Spiny puffball, Lycoperdon echinatum, earthball, Scleroderma citrinum (Scleroderma vulgare), fringed earthstar, Geaster fimbriatus and Tulostoma fimbriatum (Tulostoma granulosum)

Background imageFungus Collection: Ergot of rye, Claviceps purpurea (Secale cornutum)

Ergot of rye, Claviceps purpurea (Secale cornutum). Handcoloured lithograph by Charlotte Caroline Sowerby from Edward Hamiltons Flora Homeopathica, Bailliere, London, 1852

Background imageFungus Collection: Common shrimp, pink shrimp

Common shrimp, pink shrimp
Common shrimp, Crangon crangon 1, pink shrimp, Pandalus montagui 2, and Aegaeon cataphractus 3. Crangone comune, Pandalo annulicorne, Egeone a corazza

Background imageFungus Collection: Roccella or flat-leaved lichen, Lichen fuciformis

Roccella or flat-leaved lichen, Lichen fuciformis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a drawing by James Sowerby for James Smiths English Botany, 1800

Background imageFungus Collection: Pear rust, Gymnosporangium sabinae

Pear rust, Gymnosporangium sabinae (Savine tremella, Tremella sabinae). Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a drawing by James Sowerby for James Smiths English Botany, 1800

Background imageFungus Collection: Yellow brain, Tremella mesenterica

Yellow brain, Tremella mesenterica
Plaited yellow tremella, Tremella mesenterica. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a drawing by James Sowerby for James Smiths English Botany, 1800

Background imageFungus Collection: Shingled hedgehog, zoned hydnellum and pinecone mushroom

Shingled hedgehog, zoned hydnellum and pinecone mushroom
Shingled hedgehog, Sarcodon imbricatus (Hydnum imbricatum), zoned hydnellum, Hydnellum concrescens (Hydnum zonatum) and pinecone mushroom, Auriscalpium vulgare (Hydnum auriscalpium)

Background imageFungus Collection: Polypore mushrooms

Polypore mushrooms
Cyclomyces setiporus (Polyporus intybaceus) and birch polypore, Piptoporus betulinus (Polyporus betulinus). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Blusher mushroom, Amanita rubescens

Blusher mushroom, Amanita rubescens (Amanita rubens). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Scaber stalk mushrooms

Scaber stalk mushrooms
Rough-stemmed bolete, Boletus scaber and red-capped scaber stalk, Leccinum aurantiacum (Boletus aurantiacus). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Alder bolete and summer cap

Alder bolete and summer cap
Alder bolete, Gyrodon lividus (Boletus lividus) and summer cap, Boletus reticulatus. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Grevilles bolete and velvet bolete

Grevilles bolete and velvet bolete
Grevilles bolete or larch bolete, Suillus grevillei (Boletus flavus) and velvet bolete or variegated bolete, Suillus variegatus (Boletus variegatus)

Background imageFungus Collection: Slimy spike-cap mushrooms

Slimy spike-cap mushrooms
Slimy spike-cap, Gomphidius glutinosus, and Gomphidius viscidus. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Wood mushrooms

Wood mushrooms
Wood mushroom, Agaricus sylvicola (Psalliota sylvicola) and Agaricus langei (Psalliota haemorroidaria). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Rollrim mushrooms

Rollrim mushrooms
Brown roll-rim, Paxillus involutus, velvet rollrim, Paxillus atrotomentosus, and Tapinella panuoides (Paxillus panuoides). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Webcap mushrooms

Webcap mushrooms
Blue-girdled webcap mushroom, Cortinarius collinitus, cinnamon webcap, Cortinarius cinnamomeus and Cortinarius hinnuleus. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Shaggy scalycap and golden pholiota

Shaggy scalycap and golden pholiota
Shaggy scalycap, Pholiota squarrosa, and golden pholiota, Pholiota aurea. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Sheathed woodtuft and rooting poison pie

Sheathed woodtuft and rooting poison pie
Sheathed woodtuft, Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Pholiota mutabilis) and rooting poison pie, Hebeloma radicosum (Pholiota radicosa). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Livid entoloma or livid agaric, Entoloma sinuatum

Livid entoloma or livid agaric, Entoloma sinuatum (Entoloma lividum). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Yellowfoot, firesite funnel and horn of plenty

Yellowfoot, firesite funnel and horn of plenty
Yellowfoot or winter mushroom, Cantharellus tubaeformis, firesite funnel, Faerberia carbonaria (Cantharellus carbonarius) and horn of plenty, Craterellus cornucopioides

Background imageFungus Collection: Lilac bonnet and violet chanterelle

Lilac bonnet and violet chanterelle
Lilac bonnet, Mycena pura, and pigs ears or violet chanterelle, Gomphus clavatus, (Craterellus clavatus). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Spotted toughshank and split gill mushroom

Spotted toughshank and split gill mushroom
Spotted toughshank, Collybia maculata, and split gill mushroom, Schizophyllum commune. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Gymnopus dryophilus and enokitake

Gymnopus dryophilus and enokitake
Gymnopus dryophilus (Collybia dryophila) and enokitake, Flammulina velutipes (Collybia velutipes). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Buttery collybia and spindleshank mushroom

Buttery collybia and spindleshank mushroom
Buttery collybia, Collybia butyracea, and spindleshank mushroom, Gymnopus fusipes (Collybia fusipes). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Little shiitake and deep root mushroom

Little shiitake and deep root mushroom
Little shiitake, Lentinus tigrinus and deep root mushroom, Xerula radicata (Collybia radicata). Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Gooseberry russula, Russula queletii

Gooseberry russula, Russula queletii, and winecork brittlegill, Russula adusta. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Russula mushrooms

Russula mushrooms
Geranium-scented Russula, Russula fellea, and stinking russula, Russula foetens. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Blackening brittlegill and charcoal burner

Blackening brittlegill and charcoal burner
Blackening brittlegill, Russula nigricans, and charcoal burner, Russula cyanoxantha. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Milk cap mushrooms

Milk cap mushrooms
Rufous or red milkcap, Lactarius rufus, weeping milkcap, Lactifluus volemus, Lactarius volemus, mild milkcap, Lactarius subdulcis and candy cap or curry milkcap, Lactarius camphoratus

Background imageFungus Collection: Ugly milkcap and slimy milkcap

Ugly milkcap and slimy milkcap
Ugly milkcap mushroom, Lactarius turpis (Lactarius plumbeus) and slimy milkcap, Lactarius blennius. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Milkcap mushroom, Lactarius controversus

Milkcap mushroom, Lactarius controversus, and woolly milkcap, Lactarius torminosus. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Goblet funnel cap and the deceiver

Goblet funnel cap and the deceiver
Goblet funnel cap, Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Clitocybe cyathiformis) and waxy laccaria or the deceiver mushroom, Laccaria laccata. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Tawny funnel cap and aniseed toadstool

Tawny funnel cap and aniseed toadstool
Tawny funnel cap, Lepista flaccida (Clitocybe inversa, Clitocybe infundibiliformis) and aniseed toadstool, Clitocybe odora. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Soap-scented toadstool and grey knight mushroom

Soap-scented toadstool and grey knight mushroom
Soap-scented toadstool, Tricholoma saponaceum, and grey knight mushroom, Tricholoma terreum. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: European white egg mushroom, Amanita ovoidea

European white egg mushroom, Amanita ovoidea. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Bulgar and truffle mushrooms

Bulgar and truffle mushrooms
Black bulgar, Bulgaria inquinans, candlestick fungus, Xylaria hypoxylon, Elaphomyces muricatus (Elaphomyces variegatus), black truffle, Tuber melanosporum, and summer truffle, Tuber aestivum

Background imageFungus Collection: Peziza mushroom and pink crown

Peziza mushroom and pink crown
Peziza mushroom, Galactinia sarrazini, and pink crown, Sarcosphaera coronaria. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Saddle mushrooms

Saddle mushrooms
White saddle mushrooms, Helvella pityophila and Helvella crispa, and elastic saddle, Helvella elastica. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Morel and jelly baby mushrooms

Morel and jelly baby mushrooms
Half-free morel, Morchella semilibera, jelly baby, Leotia lubrica, and false morel, Verpa digitaliformis. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Edible parasol mushroom, Lepiota procera

Edible parasol mushroom, Lepiota procera and poisonous Lepiota helveola. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A

Background imageFungus Collection: Puffball mushrooms

Puffball mushrooms
Fluted birds nest, Cyathus striatus, spiny puffball, Lycoperdon echinatum (Lycoperdon gemmatum), Lycoperdon piriforme, giant pasture puffball, Mycenastrum corium, and paltry puffball

Background imageFungus Collection: Wood-decay fungus and cauliflower fungus

Wood-decay fungus and cauliflower fungus
Wood-decay fungus, Stereum hirsutum, Stereum gausapatum (Stereum spadiceum), Peniophora quercina (Corticium quercinum) and cauliflower fungus, Sparassis crispa

Background imageFungus Collection: Tinder fungus or hoof fungus, Fomes fomentarius

Tinder fungus or hoof fungus, Fomes fomentarius (Polyporus fomentarius)

Background imageFungus Collection: Rye ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea

Rye ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration from Hermann Adolph Koehlers Medicinal Plants, edited by Gustav Pabst, Koehler, Germany, 1887

Background imageFungus Collection: Psathyrella spadicea, Pholiota squarrosus

Psathyrella spadicea, Pholiota squarrosus
Psathyrella spadicea mushroom 1, shaggy scalycap, Pholiota squarrosus 2, and scarlet-stemmed bolete, Boletus calopus 3. Handcoloured lithograph from Carl Hoffmanns Book of the World, Stuttgart, 1857

Background imageFungus Collection: Bamboo fungus, scarab beetles and wombat

Bamboo fungus, scarab beetles and wombat
Bamboo fungus, Phallus indusiatus 1, scarab dung beetles, Coprophanaeus ensifer 2 and Diabroctis mimas 3, and common wombat, Vombatus ursinus 4. Phallus, phanee, phascolome

Background imageFungus Collection: Pink coral fungus, Ramaria formosa

Pink coral fungus, Ramaria formosa
Pink coral fungus or beautiful clavaria, Ramaria formosa (Clavaria formosa)

Background imageFungus Collection: Gigantic oak leather, Xylostroma giganteum

Gigantic oak leather, Xylostroma giganteum

Background imageFungus Collection: Truffle, morel, and coral mushrooms

Truffle, morel, and coral mushrooms
Sclerotium semen 1, Thanotophytum crocorum 2, truffle, Tuber cibarium 3, coral mushroom, Clavulina coralloides 4, Clavulina amethystina 5, Ramaria botrytis 6, Clavariadelphus pistillaris 7

Background imageFungus Collection: Worthington George Smith (1835-1917)

Worthington George Smith (1835-1917)
Portrait of Worthington George Smith, an English botanist who specialised in fungi and lichens

Background imageFungus Collection: FAIRY RING

Fairy Ring in the Tyrol, formed by fungus Spathularia Flavida Date: late 19th century

Background imageFungus Collection: Rozsika Rothschild (1870-1940)

Rozsika Rothschild (1870-1940)
Hungarian baroness, champion tennis player and wife of Charles Rothschild

Background imageFungus Collection: Poisonous stinkhorn mushroom, Phallus impudicus

Poisonous stinkhorn mushroom, Phallus impudicus, and birds nest fungus, Cyathus hirsutus.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)

Background imageFungus Collection: Honey fungus, Armillaria bulbigera and A robusta

Honey fungus, Armillaria bulbigera and A robusta
Honey fungus, Armillaria bulbigera and A. robusta.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)

Background imageFungus Collection: Dry rot fungus, Merulius lacrymans

Dry rot fungus, Merulius lacrymans.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)

Background imageFungus Collection: FUNGI False Morel - on taiga-forest floor near

FUNGI False Morel - on taiga-forest floor near river Bolshoi Ugan, near Ugut settlement (Gyromitra esculenta). Uganskii Nat. reserve, Siberia, Russia

Background imageFungus Collection: Agaricus rachodes

Agaricus rachodes. Plate XXXVIII taken from Illustrations of British Mycology by Hussey, Anna Maria

Background imageFungus Collection: Pleurotus ostreatus, oyster mushroom

Pleurotus ostreatus, oyster mushroom
Shown here is the fan-shaped oyster mushroom fungus. This specimen originates from the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageFungus Collection: Liposcelis bostrychophilus, booklouse

Liposcelis bostrychophilus, booklouse
A booklouse is any of numerous species of tiny wingless insects which feed on the starches and moulds found on in books and on paper

Background imageFungus Collection: Clavulinopsis miniata

Clavulinopsis miniata - Watercolour by Ferdinand Bauer, signed, 1806-10. Botany Library, Ferdinand Bauer Plant Drawings. Mabberley & Moore No. 236

Background imageFungus Collection: Lycogala epidendrum, Wolfs Milk

Lycogala epidendrum, Wolfs Milk
Watercolour on paper, c.1838 by Anna Russell (nee Worsley) (1807-1876). Held in the Library and Archives Date: circa 1838

Background imageFungus Collection: Coral fungus, Clavaria dichotoma, suspect

Coral fungus, Clavaria dichotoma, suspect, white coral fungus, Clavulina cinerea, edible.. Chromolithograph by C

Background imageFungus Collection: Golden coral fungus, Ramaria aurea, edible

Golden coral fungus, Ramaria aurea, edible.. Chromolithograph by C. Krause from Fritz Leubas Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1890

Background imageFungus Collection: Bracket fungus, Laetiporus sulphureus

Bracket fungus, Laetiporus sulphureus, and Albatrellus confluens, edible.. Chromolithograph by C. Krause from Fritz Leubas Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1890

Background imageFungus Collection: Beefsteak fungus, Fistulina hepatica, edible

Beefsteak fungus, Fistulina hepatica, edible, and red cracking bolete, Xerocomus chrysenteron.. Chromolithograph by C

Background imageFungus Collection: Spindleshank fungus, Gymopus fusipes, and Shaggy

Spindleshank fungus, Gymopus fusipes, and Shaggy scalycap, Pholiota squarrosa, edible.. Chromolithograph by C. Krause from Fritz Leubas Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1890

Background imageFungus Collection: Leaf fungi, Circinaria epiphylla

Leaf fungi, Circinaria epiphylla.. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Jussieus Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837. Illustration by C

Background imageFungus Collection: Fragment of a woody branch of vine attacked by the

Fragment of a woody branch of vine attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium

Background imageFungus Collection: Marriage contract (ketubbah) between Abraham, son

Marriage contract (ketubbah) between Abraham, son of Mussa and Yahya Salem al-Cohen al- Araqi, and Rumiyyeh, daughter of Abraham Salem al-Sheikh al-Levi. Sana a, Yemen, 1794

Background imageFungus Collection: Disease of the vines. Engraving of 1853

Disease of the vines. Engraving of 1853
Bunch of grapes partially attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium in the first days of July

Background imageFungus Collection: Mushroom Russula sp. in tundra near Dikson

Mushroom Russula sp. in tundra near Dikson (Russula sp.). Russian Arctic. August

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