MushroomsA large number of mushroom varieties. Date: 1913
A large variety of mushrooms, 1913. Date: 1913
Basidiomycota: filamentous fungiColoured lithograph by Ernst Haeckel from Kunstformen der Natur, 1899-1904. Date: 1904
Fly agaric, Agaricus muscarius.. Fly agaric, Agaricus muscarius
Lattice fungus, Clathrus cancellatus.. Lattice fungus, Clathrus cancellatus
Wood woollyfoot, Gymnopus peronatusPoisonous champignon or wood woollyfoot, Gymnopus peronatus (as Marasmius urens and Marasmius peronatus)
Crab-of-the-woods, Laetiporus sulphureus (Polyporus sulphureus)
Beefsteak fungus, Fistulina hepatica. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
Emetic mushroom, Russula emetica 1, and orange cups, Peziza aurantia 2.. Emetic mushroom, Russula emetica 1, and orange cups, Peziza aurantia 2
AspergillusAn SEM image of aspergillus in spore production (x 815 on a standard 9 cm wide print). The moulds are common in the northern hemisphere and some cause disease in humans and animals
Edible mushroom and fungi varieties. Including truffle, sickener, weeping milkcap, saffron milkcap, golden chanterelle, elfin sadde, Caesars mushroom, coral mushroom and morel. Lithograph by J.H
Water horsetail, Equisetum fluviatileWater horsetail or swamp horsetail, Equisetum fluviatile, Equiseto dei fiumi, Coda di cavallo
Orders of flowers: Siliculosa, Seliquosa, Polygamia, Monogamia, Filicus, Fungi, etc. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Sydenham Edwards from John Mason Goods Pantologia, a New Encyclopedia, G
Mushroom speciesMushroom and fungi species including stinkhorn, earthstar, puffball, rust, mold, etc
Truffle, Tuber melanosporum, mushroom species, and tree moss, Muscus arborum. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Edible mushrooms, Cryptogames alimentaires
Fly agaric mushroom and imperial mushroomFly agaric mushroom, Amanita muscaria, imperial mushroom, Amanita aurantiaca. Amanites
Cuscus, yellow-bellied glider, feathertailNorthern common cuscus, Phalanger orientalis 3, yellow-bellied glider, Petaurus australis 4, feathertail glider, Acrobates pygmaeus 5, Peziza fungi 1 and Psygmatocerus wagleri beetle 2
Scotch bonnet or fairy ring mushroom, Marasmius oreades
St. Georges mushroom, Calocybe gambosa (Agaricus gambosus)
Giant puffball, common puffball and pestle puffballGiant puffball, Calvatia gigantea (Lycoperdon giganteum), common puffball, Lycoperdon gemmatum, and pestle puffball, Handkea excipuliformis (Lycoperdon saccatum)
White saddle or elfin saddle mushroom, Helvella crispa
Common morel mushroom, Morchella esculenta. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
Pink coral fungus, Ramaria formosaPink coral fungus or beautiful clavaria, Ramaria formosa (Clavaria formosa)
Bearded hedgehog mushroom, Hericium erinaceusLions mane mushroom, bearded hedgehog mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Hydnum caput-medusae)
Hedgehog mushroom, Hydnum repandumSweet tooth, wood hedgehog or hedgehog mushroom, Hydnum repandum
Frosts bolete and bitter boleteFrosts bolete, Exsudoporus frostii (Boletus alveolatus) and bitter bolete, Tylopilus felleus (Boletus felleus)
Old man of the woods, Strobilomyces strobilaceus. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
Suede bolete and red cracking boleteSuede bolete, Xerocomus subtomentosus (Boletus subtomentosus), and red cracking bolete, Xerocomellus chrysenteron (Boletus chrysenteron)
Birch bolete, Leccinum scabrum (Boletus scaber). Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
King bolete mushroom, Boletus edulis. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
Golden chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
Saffron milk cap, Lactarius deliciosusSaffron milk cap or red pine mushroom, Lactarius deliciosus
Common ink cap or inky cap, Coprinus atramentarius. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
Shaggy ink cap, Coprinus comatusShaggy ink cap, lawyers wig or shaggy mane, Coprinus comatus
Elm oyster mushroom, Hypsizygus ulmarius (Agaricus ulmarius)
Oyster mushroom, Agaricus ostreatus. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
The sickener, Russula emeticaThe sickener, emetic russula or vomiting russula, Russula emetica
Edible russulae mushrooms: greasy green brittlegill, Russula heterophylla, Russula alutacea, and rosy russula, Russula rosea (Russula lepida)
Green brittlegill mushroom, Russula virescens. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by William Hamilton Gibson from his book Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, Harper, New York, 1895
Pasture mushroom, Macrolepiota procera (Agaricus procerus)
Fools mushroom, Amanita vernaDeadly amanita, fools mushroom, destroying angel or the mushroom fool, Amanita verna (Amanita vernus)
Verdigris mushroom or verdigris agaric, Stropharia aeruginosa, Fungi, Cryptogamia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by F
Worthington George Smith (1835-1917)Portrait of Worthington George Smith, an English botanist who specialised in fungi and lichens
Rozsika Rothschild (1870-1940)Hungarian baroness, champion tennis player and wife of Charles Rothschild
Fairy ring champignon, Marasmius oreades 1, false champignon 2, and nagelschwamme 3
FUNGI False Morel - on taiga-forest floor near river Bolshoi Ugan, near Ugut settlement (Gyromitra esculenta). Uganskii Nat. reserve, Siberia, Russia
Agaricus rachodes. Plate XXXVIII taken from Illustrations of British Mycology by Hussey, Anna Maria
Pleurotus ostreatus, oyster mushroomShown here is the fan-shaped oyster mushroom fungus. This specimen originates from the Natural History Museum, London
Liposcelis bostrychophilus, booklouseA booklouse is any of numerous species of tiny wingless insects which feed on the starches and moulds found on in books and on paper
Lycogala epidendrum, Wolfs MilkWatercolour on paper, c.1838 by Anna Russell (nee Worsley) (1807-1876). Held in the Library and Archives Date: circa 1838
Oyster mushroom, Agaricus ostreatus.. Oyster mushroom, Agaricus ostreatus
Parasol mushroom, Agaricus procerus.. Parasol mushroom, Agaricus procerus
Hallimasch mushroom, Agaricus melleus.. Hallimasch mushroom, Agaricus melleus
Masked mushroom, Agaricus personatus 1, variable mushroom 2 and amethyst clavaria 3
Spindle stem, Agaricus fusipes.. Spindle stem, Agaricus fusipes
St Georges mushroom, Agaricus gambosus 1St. Georges mushroom, Agaricus gambosus 1, and common mushroom, Agaricus campestris 2.. St. Georges mushroom, Agaricus gambosus 1, and common mushroom, Agaricus campestris 2
Chantarelle, Cantharellus cibarius 1, and milky agaric, Lactarius deliciosus 2.. Chantarelle, Cantharellus cibarius 1, and milky agaric, Lactarius deliciosus 2
Elm sidefoot, Agaricus ulmarius 1, furrowed clavaria 2, and cylindric clavaria 3
Maned agaric, Coprinus comatus.. Maned agaric, Coprinus comatus
Ink mushroom, Coprinus atramentarius 1, and grey clavaria, Clavaria cinerea 2.. Ink mushroom, Coprinus atramentarius 1, and grey clavaria, Clavaria cinerea 2
Satiny mushroom, Agaricus dealbatus 1, and ivory caps, Hygrophorus virgineus 2.. Satiny mushroom, Agaricus dealbatus 1, and ivory caps, Hygrophorus virgineus 2
Leaf fungi, Circinaria epiphylla.. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Jussieus Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837. Illustration by C
Truffle, Tuber aestivum 1, red truffle, Melanogaster variegatus 2, and olive earth-tongue 3
Scaly polypore, Polyporus squamosus.. Scaly polypore, Polyporus squamosus
Imbricated steccherino, Hydnum imbricatum 1, and hedgehog mushroom, Hydnum repandum 2.. Imbricated steccherino, Hydnum imbricatum 1, and hedgehog mushroom, Hydnum repandum 2
Oak tongue, Fistulina hepatica.. Oak tongue, Fistulina hepatica
Edible boletus, Boletus edulis.. Edible boletus, Boletus edulis
Fragment of a woody branch of vine attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium
Marriage contract (ketubbah) between Abraham, son of Mussa and Yahya Salem al-Cohen al- Araqi, and Rumiyyeh, daughter of Abraham Salem al-Sheikh al-Levi. Sana a, Yemen, 1794
Disease of the vines. Engraving of 1853Bunch of grapes partially attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium in the first days of July
Mushroom Russula sp. in tundra near Dikson (Russula sp.). Russian Arctic. August
Spotted Stream Frog watches for prey from an old tree-fungi, near a small stream in primary rainforest (Rana picturata (Boulenger))
Fungi on a fallen tree branch (unidentified), on rainforest floor in primary rainforest. river Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June
Mushrooms and flowering plant Saxifraga hirculus (Saxifraga hirculus). tundra near Dikson, Russian Arctic. August, raining
Christmas Greeting card featuring garden mothsChristmas Greeting card featuring three white garden moths alighting on a twig. Date: circa 1910s
Plaster mould recording the original shape of the Koh-i-NoorMade in 1851 before the diamond was re-cut to a brilliant oval. This cast records the Mogul-style cut of the Koh-i-Noor diamond
Lobaria pulmonaria, lichenA cut-out of a lichen specimen held in the crypt herbarium at the Natural History Museum, London
Cetraria islandica, lichenA cut-out of a branching lichen specimen held in the crypt herbarium at the Natural History Museum, London
Usnea inflata, beard lichenAnd Hypogymnia physodes (right), Burnham Beeches, Bucks, W. London. The former is a recent colonist following reductions in SO2 pollution
Neanura ?muscorum, plant mouldA magnifiied image of oak leaf mould. Specimen originates from Horstead, Norwich
BonnetCollected during the archaelogical excavation at Christ Church, Spitalfields, London, 1984-1986
Various fungiPlate 25 from Le Regne Vegetal, Vol 12, Hort. Atlas 1870. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London. Illustration entitled Cryptogames alimentaires