Mushrooms Larousse 1913A large number of mushroom varieties, with helpful information on which ones are edible, poisonous, or suspect
MushroomsA large number of mushroom varieties. Date: 1913
A large variety of mushrooms, 1913. Date: 1913
Varieties of mushroomsVarieties of mushroom, the two poisonous items are labelled in green
Mushrooms Walsh 7-11Varieties of mushroom: the three poisonous items are labelled in green
Truffle Hunting Dogs 19CTruffle hunting in Perigord (France) using dogs. Samples of truffles in corner of picture
Funghi / Mushrooms 1869Seven varieties of mushroom: beef-steak, latticed, boletus, hedgehog, fly agaric, clavaria, birds-nest, and sporangium (magnified)
Funghi / Cordier 2 1876AGARICUS MUSCARIUS (poisonous)
Mushrooms Walsh 25-30Varieties of mushroom: the three poisonous items are labelled in green
FunghiAGARICUS VAGINATUS (edible) Date: 1876
A man and his pig, looking for truffles. Date: circa 1900
Agaricus Muscaricus mushrooms (poisonous). Date: 19th century
A man out truffle hunting with a pig in Perigord, France. Date: 1908
TRUFFLE HUNTING PIG 1939A man with his truffle-hunting pig. He digs with a spade where the pig has found truffles - the hardest part is stopping the pig eating them before he can dig them up! Date: 1939
Mushroom Cluster 19CA cluster of mushrooms: either Flammulina or Coprinus species
Colourful toadstools on a New Year card. Date: circa 1890s
Merulius cantharellus Coloured engraving by Johan Wilhelm Palmstruch, (1770-1811), Date: 1800s
Amanita MuscariaAmanita muscaria Coloured engraving by Johan Wilhelm Palmstruch, (1770-1811), Date: 1800s
Funghi / Cordier 4 1876AGARICUS PHALLOIDES (poisonous) Date: 1876
Truffle Hunting Pig 19CA man with his truffle-hunting pig. Date: 19th century
Double page spread in a diary for 5-10 SeptemberA double page spread in a young persons diary for 5-10 September. Each day is given a small illustration, relating either to the season, or to the anniversary of an historical event
Funghi / Toadstool / MushrmHow to tell a toadstool from a mushroom
Funghi / Amanite CaesarCaesars Amanite (Agaricus Caesaricus) (edible)
Mushrooms at home 19CA variety of mushrooms growing in a wood
Mushroom AgaricusAgaricus species: either Campestris or Bisporus
Mushrooms German BookEight varieties of mushroom
Mushrooms Poisonous 19CA range of poisonous mushrooms of the Agaricus, Lactarius, Phallus, Russula and Boletus varieties
Truffle Hunt Pig 1929An Italian farmer and his truffle-hunting pig
Mushrooms Walsh 1-6 1873Various mushrooms of the Agaricus species: the poisonous item is labelled in green
Funghi / Agaricus MuscAgaricus Muscaricus (poisonous)
Mushrooms Walsh 31-39Varieties of mushroom: all of these are edible
Truffles Liebig 6Truffles are found also in North Africa : in Tunisia, Berber truffle-hunters bring their goods to market on the backs of camels. card 6 of 6
Truffles Liebig 5A party of gourmets enjoy truffles in 18th century Paris - it is now that the qualities of truffles come to be fully appreciated by chefs. card 5 of 6
Truffles Liebig 4Although truffles normally grow naturally, they can be cultivated artificially if suitable conditions are created - a skilled process ! card 4 of 6
Truffles Liebig 3In Germany, truffles have been known in the region of Rastatt, Baden, since the 18th century : market women carry them in baskets to market. card 3 of 6
Truffles Liebig 2Searching for summer truffles with trained pigs in Piedmont, Italy. The truffles, once found, are roasted on a fire. card 2 of 6
Truffles Liebig 1Searching for winter truffles with trained dogs in Perigord, south-eastern France. card 1 of 6
Mushrooms / VariousVarious: Piluloeformis, Congregatus, Ramealis, Horizontalis, Flavo-Albus, Gyroflescus, Rotula and Corticalis
Sparassis CrispaSPARASSIS CRISPA Common name: Cauliflower Mushroom
Hydnum RepandumHYDNUM REPANDUM An edible mushroom
Lycoperdon / VariousLYCOPERDON a.Giganteum b.Caelatum c.Perlatum d.Bovista nigrescens
Craterellus CornucopiodeCRATERELLUS CORNUCOPIODES Common name: Black Chanterelle
Funghi / Morchella EdibleEdible Morchella
Funghi / Common BoletusCommon Boletus (edible)
Funghi / Edible BoletusEdible Boletus
FUNGHI / CORDIER 34 1876BOLETUS EDULIS (edible) Date: 1876
FUNGHI / CORDIER 33 1876Fistulina Hepatica (Edible)
FUNGHI / CORDIER 32 1876Cantharellus Cibarius (Edible) Cantharellus Aurantiacus (Suspect)
Mushrooms Walsh 12-18Varieties of mushroom: the three poisonous items are labelled in green