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Frontispiece Collection

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece illustration from Frankenstein

Frontispiece illustration from Frankenstein
Frontispiece illustration from Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein. Date: first published 1818

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Market in the Gate of Ravenna in Bologna. Street traders. Mi

Market in the Gate of Ravenna in Bologna. Street traders. Mi
Market in the Gate of Ravenna in Bologna. Street traders. Frontispiece of codex Marticola dei Mercanti, 1470. Museo Civico. Bologna. Italy

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Dream of Gerontius

Dream of Gerontius
A Visitant is knocking his dire summons at my door

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Zodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid / Eros

Zodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid / Eros
Zodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid/Eros. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Twelve breeds of pigeon

Twelve breeds of pigeon. Drawing / Engraving from Daniel Girton, The new and complete pigeon-fancier; or, Modern treatise on domestic pigeons. Frontispiece. Date: circa 1804

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Hercules honoured by the Hesperides

Hercules honoured by the Hesperides.. Engraving by Johann Friedrich Greuter, from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Frontispiece. Date: 1646

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece illustration, Peter, the fox terrier

Frontispiece illustration, Peter, the fox terrier. Date: 1912

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece design by Cecil Aldin, Old Manor Houses

Frontispiece design by Cecil Aldin, Old Manor Houses -- Moreton Old Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, also known as Little Moreton Hall, a moated, half-timbered manor house dating back to the 16th century

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Prissy from frontispiece of Little Wide-Awake Date: 1888

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Little Misses from frontispiece of Little Wide-Awake Date: 1882

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
The Royal Progress of King Pepito by Beatrice F Creswell. Frontispiece. Baby Pepito with his mother and father Date: 1889

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Orient Guide'. Frontispiece Date: 1888

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Pages from A Painting Book'. Frontispiece depicting in colour a circle of happy children with two mothers and toddlers as a centrepiece Date: 1884

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Pages from The English Spelling Book by William Mavor. Frontispiece depicting a teacher with two of her young pupils. Date: 1884

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Tales from the Edda by Helen Zimmern. Frontispiece. The Giant Lay Sleeping on the Ground Date: 1883

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Flowers and Fancies, Valentine Verses by B Montgomerie Ranking and Thomas K Tully. Frontispiece, depicting a boy, girl and posy of flowers Date: 1882

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
The Library by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece. Depicts a group of children in a garden with a baby. Date: 1881

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Amateur Theatricals by Walter Herries Pollock and Lady Pollock. Frontispiece. Comedy depicting a young girl on stage with a fan Date: 1879

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Baby's Birthday Book. Frontispiece. Five boys and girls holding the birthday book Date: 1879

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Master Troublesome by Leslie Keith. Frontispiece Date: 1879

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Topo'. A tale about English Children in Italy by GE Brunefille. Frontispiece. The book contains 44 small illustrations also by Kate Greenaway. Date: 1878

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Poor Nelly by Elizabeth Anna Hart. Frontispiece Date: 1878

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Melcomb Manor by F Scarlett Potter. Frontispiece Date: 1875

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
A Cruise in the Acorn by Alice Jerrold. Frontispiece Date: 1875

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Children of the Parsonage by Henry Courteney Selous. Frontispiece. Leonard's Return Date: 1874

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Puck and Blossom by Rosa Mulholland. Frontispiece. Date: 1874

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Fairy Gifts or a Wallet of Wonders by Kathleen Knox. Frontispiece Date: 1874

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
My School Days in Paris by Margarets Jeune. Frontispiece Date: 1871

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Infant Amusements or How to Make the Nursery Happy by WHG Kingston. Frontispiece. Date: 1867

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Oval portrait of John Milton, English poet, aged 62

Oval portrait of John Milton, English poet, aged 62, 1608-1674. Frontispiece to an edition of Paradise Lost. With long hair, collar and gown. Joannis Miltoni Effigies Aetat 62

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: George Gascoigne, English poet and soldier, 1534-1577

George Gascoigne, English poet and soldier, 1534-1577
George Gascoigne, English poet, soldier and courtier of the Elizabethan era, 1534-1577. In ruff collar and suit of armour, with books on a shelf. Tam Marti Quam Mercurio

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Oval portrait of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector

Oval portrait of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector
Oval portrait of Oliver Cromwell, 1599-1658, parliamentary leader in the English Civil War, Lord Protector

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Royal Navy captain and midshipman with Britannia

Royal Navy captain and midshipman with Britannia
Frontispiece with Royal Navy captain and midshipman before Britannia and a British lion. Britannia with plumed helmet, lance with flags, Union Jack shield

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Allegorical frontispiece

Allegorical frontispiece with personifications of the arts. Sculpture with chisels, Painting with palette, brushes and canvas, and Architecture with compasses and plumb line

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: William Curtis collecting plant specimens, 18th century

William Curtis collecting plant specimens, 18th century
William Curtis and other gentlemen botanists collecting plant specimens in a rural landscape, England, 18th century. Frontispiece to Flora Londinensis

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisher

Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisher
Oval portrait of William Curtis, FLS, apothecary, botanist and publisher, author of the Flora Londinensis and The Botanical Magazine, 1746-1799

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisher

Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisher
Oval portrait of William Curtis, FLS, botanist and publisher, author of the Flora Londinensis and The Botanical Magazine. 1746-1799

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Allegorical figures of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Allegorical figures of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Allegorical frontispiece with figures of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance meeting. A herald angel with trumpet introduces them. Bishops, soldiers, page boys, courtiers watch them

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Jean Mielot offering his book to the Duke of Burgundy, 1457

Jean Mielot offering his book to the Duke of Burgundy, 1457
Jean Mielot offering his manuscript to Philip III, Duke of Burgundy, 1457. The duke in chaperon and mantle in a palace with throne and coat of arms

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Allegorical figures of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Allegorical figures of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. A lady in crown holding a cathedral greets a woman with a long string of pearls. A winged angel sounds a trumpet

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Male costume of the 16th century

Male costume of the 16th century
Man in a cape with staff and purse, and two men in velvet doublets and hose, sword and purse Costume of the 16th century. From the frontispiece of the Great Bible designed by Hans Holbein, 1539

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Men and women look at a Memento Mori, 18th century

Men and women look at a Memento Mori, 18th century
Men and women look at a Memento Mori, the Grim Reaper or a skeleton with scythe, 18th century. The figures include a soldier in uniform, priest with hat, gentlewoman with fan, etc

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Renaissance art: miniatures from manuscripts, 16th century

Renaissance art: miniatures from manuscripts, 16th century

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Title page with French crusader and Napoleonic soldier

Title page with French crusader and Napoleonic soldier
Frontispiece with calligraphic title on stone and figures of a 13th century French crusader knight and Napoleonic era infantry soldier. Crusader in helm, chainmail, tunic, with pennant and shield

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Animals and insects before a statue of Ephesian Artemis

Animals and insects before a statue of Ephesian Artemis
Animals, amphibia and insects in a woodland clearing before a statue of the many-breasted Ephesian Artemis. With frog, beetle, lizard, snail, dragonfly, moth, crocodile, and others

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Design elements from the era of King Louis XVI, 18th century

Design elements from the era of King Louis XVI, 18th century

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Initial letters, design elements from illuminated manuscripts, 1

Initial letters, design elements from illuminated manuscripts, 1
Coat of arms with angels from the frontispiece of Rene I d'Anjou's Book of Tournaments, border details from a manuscript, and 45, from a miniature book of hours

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Lady Catherine Rebecca Manners, Irish poet and critic

Lady Catherine Rebecca Manners, Irish poet and critic
Lady Catherine Rebecca Manners (1766-1852), Irish poet and critic, daughter of Francis Gray, and wife of Sir William Manners Tollemache, Lord Huntingtower, Baronet of Hanby Hall

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Putti garlanding oval portraits of artists with laurels

Putti garlanding oval portraits of artists with laurels. In the foreground, putti write on scrolls and books with quill pens

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Title page to the Oviparous Quadrupeds volume

Title page to the Oviparous Quadrupeds volume with vignette of a fanciful species of crocodile, Crocodilo Terrestri, Aegyptico vel Arabico

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: A man and woman looking up at the stars, 18th century

A man and woman looking up at the stars, 18th century
A bourgeois German man and woman looking up at the stars in the night sky. 18th century

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Two young ornithologists studying bird prints, 18th century

Two young ornithologists studying bird prints, 18th century
Frontispiece with two young cherub ornithologists writing in a book while looking at prints of birds, 18th century

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Memorial to the poet John Gay in Westminster Abbey

Memorial to the poet John Gay in Westminster Abbey by sculptor John Michael Rysbrack. Inscription by Alexander Pope

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Allegorical print showing a game of four-handed chess

Allegorical print showing a game of four-handed chess, The Royal Game or Le jeu du Roi

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Scene in a lottery office, Amsterdam, 17th century

Scene in a lottery office, Amsterdam, 17th century
A boy draws winning tickets above, clerks write papers below. Frontispiece to Gregorio Leti's Critiques sur les lotteries, Amsterdam, 1697

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Calligraphic frontispiece to Gemmae et Sculpturae Antiquae

Calligraphic frontispiece to Gemmae et Sculpturae Antiquae
Calligraphic frontispiece with Romulus and Remus suckled by a wolf in front of a carved stone. Le Gemme Antiche Figurate di Leonardo Agostini Senese

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Pregnant nun Sister Jean sitting in her convent cell

Pregnant nun Sister Jean sitting in her convent cell, her habit open to reveal her breasts. A picture of Saint Martha on the wall. Soeur Jeanne

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: WW2 - German Plane Attacking Warship

WW2 - German Plane Attacking Warship
A frontispiece illustration to A Young Airmans Annual, showing a German WW2 bomber plane attacking a British warship. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Miss Modern the pilot, Schoolgirls Adventure Book

Miss Modern the pilot, Schoolgirls Adventure Book Date: 1938

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Children on a fairground carousel

Children on a fairground carousel Date: 1935

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Archibald Stansfeld Belaney, British-born conservationist

Archibald Stansfeld Belaney, British-born conservationist
Archibald Stansfeld Belaney (1888-1938), British-born conservationist, fur trapper and writer, disguised as Native American Grey Owl Date: circa 1930s

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Joseph Grimaldi, actor and clown

Joseph Grimaldi, actor and clown
Joseph Grimaldi (1778-1837), actor and clown Date: circa 1810s

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pre-Raphaelite artist

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pre-Raphaelite artist, self-portrait dated 20 September 1855 Date: 1855

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Marconi - Master of Space, first edition biography

Marconi - Master of Space, first edition biography
Marconi - Master of Space, first edition authorised biography by B L Jacot and D M B Collier. Date: 1935

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, main staircase

White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, main staircase
White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, publicity booklet, main staircase. Date: 1912

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, dining room

White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, dining room
White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, publicity booklet, view inside a dining room. Date: 1912

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, booklet cover

White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, booklet cover
White Star Line, Olympic and Titanic, Largest Steamers in the World, publicity booklet cover design by Sam M Brown, 32 pages approx. 4.75 x 7 inches, bound with red ribbon. Date: 1912

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: The Minuet Dance of Long Ago

The Minuet Dance of Long Ago Date: 18th century

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece, The Boys Book of Soccer for 1946

Frontispiece, The Boys Book of Soccer for 1946 Date: 1946

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Gallant Rescue off the Bachelor Rocks

Gallant Rescue off the Bachelor Rocks Date: 1871

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Butterflies and Moths, Plate 1, Papiliones, Erycinidae, etc

Butterflies and Moths, Plate 1, Papiliones, Erycinidae, etc
Butterflies and Moths, Plate 1, Papiliones, Papilionidae, Nymphalidae, Erycinidae, Hesperidae. Date: 1896

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: A physician, his patient, a coffin and two skeletons

A physician, his patient, a coffin and two skeletons
Frontispiece of Robert Poole's A physical vade mecum (1741). Depicting a physician, his patient acoffin and two skeletons

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece to Michelet's LA SORCIERE [1911 edition] with portrait of the author

Frontispiece to Michelet's LA SORCIERE [1911 edition] with portrait of the author and a depiction of sensational goings-on, matching his somewhat extravagant text Date: 1911

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Midshipman Newcome transferred by rowboat to HMS Vanguard

Midshipman Newcome transferred by rowboat to HMS Vanguard
Midshipman Newcome transferred by rowboat to the HMS Vanguard near Gibraltar. Johnny in disgrace sent to another ship

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece with vignettes and medallions

Frontispiece with vignettes and medallions

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Victorian tourists wading through dung on a farm

Victorian tourists wading through dung on a farm looking for a rustic sight on their tour. The grotto and waterfall is just a barn. Ducks attack a child, a gentleman gets stuck in the mud

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece with two cherubs holding a bicorn and sword

Frontispiece with two cherubs holding a bicorn and sword

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Regency actor John Emery singing John Grouse

Regency actor John Emery singing John Grouse
Popular Regency actor John Emery singing the comic song John Grouse and Mother Goose at Covent Garden Theatre, London, 1808

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece with skeleton of death seated with scythe

Frontispiece with skeleton of death seated with scythe and globe. Vignettes of death attacking a baby, an invalid, a glutton and a drunkard

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Woman in scarf and kimono with maid walking

Woman in scarf and kimono with maid walking
Japanese woman in scarf and kimono with maid walking in a wintry landscape with bare trees. Woodblock ukiyo-e print by Terasaki Kogyo, frontispiece from a book, Tokyo, circa 1910

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Frontispiece with skull, hourglass and sacred heart

Frontispiece with skull, hourglass and sacred heart
Frontispiece of noble man and woman in 16th century Swiss costume standing beside an allegorical escutcheon with skull, helmet, Times hourglass, skeleton and sacred heart. Mortalium Nobilitas

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Rodrigues solitaire and domed Rodrigues giant

Rodrigues solitaire and domed Rodrigues giant
Rodrigues solitaire, Pezophaps solitaria and domed Rodrigues giant tortoise, Cylindraspis peltastes, both extinct. Facsimile of the frontispiece of Francois Leguats Voyage, published 1708

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: Juvenal

Frontispiece for Juvenal. Artist: Aubrey Beardsley Date: 1890s

Background imageFrontispiece Collection: An Evil Motherhood

An Evil Motherhood
Black & white frontispiece from An Evil Motherhood. Artist: Aubrey Beardsley Date: 1890s

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