Rose, carnation, fritillary, and other flowers. Botanical art specimens for drawing and colouring by amateur artists, porcelain and furniture painters
Dark Green Fritillary butterflies by David Parry
Dark green fritillary, Argynnis aglaia (Charlotte butterfly, Papilio charlotta)
Lily and orchid species including orchis, cypripedium, epidendrum, dendrobium, canna, crocus, strelizia, banana, iris, fritillary, aloe, ginger, etc
Fritillary butterfliesQueen of Spain fritillary, Issoria lathonia 1, dark green fritillary, Argynnis aglaja 2 and silver-washed fritillary, Argynnis paphia 3
High brown fritillary, Fabriciana adippe (Adippe butterfly, Papilio adippe). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder
Silver-washed fritillary and Niobe fritillarySilver-washed fritillary butterflies, Argynnis paphia and Argynnis paphia valezina, and Niobe fritillary, Argynnis niobe
High brown fritillary, dark green fritillaryHigh brown fritillary, Fabriciana adippe, dark green fritillary, Argynnis aglaja, and Queen of Spain fritillary, Issoria lathonia
Fritillary butterfly varietiesMarbled fritillary, Brenthis daphne, lesser marbled fritillary, Brenthis ino, pearl-bordered fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne, and violet fritillary, Boloria dia
Snakes head fritillary, hummingbird fuchsia and seaweedsSnakes head fritillary, Fritillaria meleagris 1, hummingbird fuchsia, Fuchsia magellanica 2, toothed wrack, Fucus serratus 3 and Fucus siliqueux 4. Fritillaire, Fuchsie, Fucus
Snakes head fritillary, Fritillaria meleagris. Handcoloured lithograph from Diederich von Schlechtendals German Flora (Flora von Deutschland), Jena, 1871
Firespike fritillary, Fritillaria montana. Handcoloured lithograph from Diederich von Schlechtendals German Flora (Flora von Deutschland), Jena, 1871
Indian fritillary butterfly, Argynnis hyperbius, female 1, male 2. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837
Green-banded swallowtail and spotted fritillary butterflyGreen-banded swallowtail butterfly, Papilio nireus 1, 2, and spotted fritillary, Melitaea didyma (Melitaea cytheris) 3, 4, ventral and dorsal. Handcoloured lithograph from John O
Regal fritillary and fiery skipper butterflyRegal fritillary butterfly, Speyeria idalia, female 1, 3, and male 2, and the fiery skipper, Hylephila phyleus 4, 5. Handcoloured lithograph from John O
Queen of Spain fritillary butterfly on pansiesQueen of Spain fritillary butterfly, Issoria lathonia, and common stiletto fly, Thereva nobilitata, on wild pansies, Viola tricolor
Curtis British Entomology Plate 386Lepidoptera: Melitaea selene = Boloria (Argynnis) selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary) [Plant: Viola hirta (Hairy Violet)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 326Coleoptera: Blethisa multipuctata = Blethisa multipunctatum (Large-punctured Carabus) [Plant: Fritillaria melleagris (Common Fritillary)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 316Lepidoptera: Hamearis lucina (Duke-of-Burgundy Fritillary) [Plant: Primula vulgaris (Common Primrose)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 290Lepidoptera: Argynnis aglaia var. (Dark Green Fritillary) [Plant: ? (Conferva fluviatilis)] Date: 1824-39
Rose, primula, Narcissus, FritillariaInk & wash on paper, c. 1820 by Lucy Hardcastle (1771-c.1835). Held in the Library and Archives Date: circa 1820
Regal fritillary butterfly, Speyeria idalia VulnerableRegal fritillary butterfly, Speyeria idalia. Vulnerable.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany 1812
Tulips and fritillaries, Tulipa and Fritillaria.. Handcolored stipple engraving from Le Jardinier Fleuriste, Dedie aus Dames par un Amateur, Chez Marcilly, Paris, 1818
Fritillaria bucharica, white fritillary from central Asia
Fritillary Butterflies Date: 1868
Metitaea ismeria and Helianthus tracheliifolius
Boloria selene, small pearl bordered fritillaryVarieties of the small pearl bordered fritillary butterfly from the collection of the late R.M. Craske. Now in the National Collection of British Lepidoptera
Argynnis paphia, silver-washed fritillaryPlate 31. A Watercolour by Frederick William Frohawk (1861-1946) depicting a caterpillar, chyrsalis and adult silver-washed fritillary butterfly
Argynnis lathonia, Queen of Spain fritillaryFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Fritillaria sp. fritillaryAn illustration by Johann Christoph Keller, 1786. Original arwork from the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Fritillaria imperialis, crown imperialAn illustration by Johann Christoph Keller, 1757. Original artwork from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Butterfly lifecyclePlate 109 from 298 water-colour drawings of insects and larvae, Frankfurdt 1622 by C. Flegel
Argynnis aglaja, dark green fritillaryFrom Illustrations of British Butterflies: with occasional figures of the larva, pupa, and food-plant (1878) by Theo Johnson
Arygynnis adippe, high brown fritillary
Argynnis adippe, high brown fritillaryPlate 29 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Handwritten notes by John AbbotHandwritten notes to accompany Plate 34, 7 from Volume 16 by John Abbot. Illustration of Metitaea ismeria and Helianthus tracheliifolius
Argynnis paphia var. valezina, female silver washed fritillaPlate 12, figure 22 from Natural History of British Butterflies Vol.1, c. 1914 by Frederick William Frohawk (1861-1946). Held in the Entomology Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Nymphalis phalerati, silver spotted fritillaryAn illustration of a Great American silver spotted fritillary butterfly and and may cock or flesh coloured passion flower by John Abbot (1751-1840)
Fritillaria MeleagrisFRITILLARY