Guilty or not Guilty, the Cats Court Date: 1886
Edward Ii / Marcus StoneEDWARD II King of England (1307 - 1327) In conversation with his friend Piers Gaveston
Suffragette Song Anthem March of the Women
Harley Davidson 1915An advertisement for Harley- Davidson, showing a soldier taking his lady friend for a ride
Waves at PorthcawlA young boy defies the waves at Porthcawl, Glamorgan, Wales. His mother and her friend look across with some concern at another boy on the railings in the distance
Tatler front cover, 9 March 1960Front cover of the Tatler featuring a photograph of a woman, eating breakfast while arranging to meet friends over the telephone. 1960
Don Quixote riding with Sancho PanzaA scene from Cervantes novel Don Quixote -- the hero of the title rides with his companion Sancho Panza along a mountain pass
Chisholm (1808-1877)CAROLINE CHISHOLM (1808 - 1877) The Emigrants Friend
Tatler cover - Ronald Colman and his Sealyham TerrierFilm star Ronald Colman (1891-1958) pictured on the front cover of The Tatler with his Sealyham Terrier in 1931. Date: 1931
A Lakeland Dalesman, CumbriaA Lakeland Dalesman bringing home a sickly ewe, Cumbria Date: 1936
Dandies / Beau BrummelBEAU BRUMMELL In Londons Bond Street Brummell, after being ignored by the Prince Regent (George IV) asks Lord Moira, Whos your fat friend ?
Flora MacDonald, Scottish Jacobite heroine, friend and helper of Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie)
Boys Throwing Pebbles into the River by Karoly FerenczyKaroly Ferenczy (1862-1917). Boys Throwing Pebbles into the River. 1890. Hungarian National Gallery. Budapest. Hungary
SOSIAS, Painter (ca. 500 BC-). Vase of Sosias. Achilles bandaging his friend Patroclus arm. Inside decoration. Archaic
Carnaby Street BoutiqueCARNABY STREET A girl poses in the mirror as she tries on an outfit with a short waistcoat. Her friend is wearing a see-through chiffon blouse. " Lady Jane" boutique
Childbirth in 1513A midwife discreetly helps to deliver a child, while a friend supports the mother who is seated upright
Advert / Frys ChocolateFour public schoolboys enjoy their bars of Frys chocolate - Far too good to share with their unfortunate friend
Female Centaur & HarpA centauress gallops with a harp in one hand, a two-legged friend in the other, with whom she is making music
Sealyham Riding a SheepJimmie, a tame sheep belonging to Mr V. Payne, a garage proprietor of West Malling, Kent, takes its Sealyham doggy friend for piggy backs ! Date: 19 February 1937
Kings Edward Vii / CarlosCARLOS I, KING OF PORTUGAL Photograph of King Edward VII with his friend, King Carlos I of Portugal who was unfortunately assassinated in February 1908
Saint ScholasticaSAINT SCHOLASTICA Italian nun of Plombariola, near Monte Cassino where her friend St Benedict lived
Napoleon Meets JosephineJosephine Beauharnais is enjoying a sorbet in Vellonis ice-cream parlour when her friend Teresa Tallien presents a young officer, Napoleon Bonaparte
Saint Clare and SistersCLARA (Clare) of ASSISI Italian friend and follower of Francesco d Assisi, she founded the order of Poor Clares : she performed several useful miracles
Saint Francis and the Wolf of GubbioSaint Francis of Assisi befriends the Wolf of Gubbio, who has been terrorising and killing the townspeople, and obtains a promise that it will do no more harm. Date: circa 1205
OUR MUTUAL FRIENDMr. Venus surrounded by the trophies of his art
Pandita Ramabai / PostcardPANDITA RAMABAI DONGRE MEDHAVI Indian reformer and educator, " Friend of the child widows"
Father Christmas / RomfordFather Christmas having a jolly time with Miss Romford and her friend at the Romford Carnival
Lady Edwina MountbattenEDWINA ASHLEY MOUNTBATTEN Wife of Earl Louis Mountbatten of Burma (1900 - 1979), whom she married in 1922. Last Vicereine of India, friend of Gandhi and Nehru. Date: 1901 - 1960
Myth / Iliad / PatroclusPatroclus, when his friend Achilles refuses to fight, dons his armour and goes into battle, only to be slain by Hector
Lord Alfred Douglas / 1894Lord ALFRED BRUCE DOUGLAS writer, friend of Oscar Wilde in 1894, at age 24
Witch of BerkeleyThe Witch of Berkeley, said by William of Malmesbury to have been exhumed by her friend, the Devil, who took her away on his horse
Edwardian view - men on Roman Bridge, MarpleThe man in the centre of the groups George Potter, a friend and employee of Ernest Battersby who is on the right
A Korean terracotta jar / pot seller and his seated chumA Korean terracotta jar/pot seller and his seated chum (smiling) Date: circa 1910
Susan sits alone on the fence, unhappy to think that Dunderpate is going to marry the tailors daughter or the pastrycooks daughter. Date: 1938
Samuel Johnson / ThraleDR SAMUEL JOHNSON Home of the writers friend, Mr Thrale, at Streatham, London: Johnson himself is seen with Mrs Hester Thrale, chatting in the garden
King George Iv / SatireKING GEORGE IV OF ENGLAND Caricature of him and a friend
Love / Friendship / HandsFriendship: I value no gift that Good Fortune may send, Like the grip of the hand of a dear true Friend
Polish poster for MGM film, FlipperPolish poster for an MGM film, Flipper (the Polish title is: My Friend is a Dolphin), starring Chuck Connors, Kathleen Maguire and Luke Halpin, poster designed by Rapnicki. 1963
Gravetye Manor - West Hoathly, SussexGravetye Manor - home of William Robinson (friend of Gertrude Jekyll) West Hoathly, Sussex. Date: 2017
M RADCLYFFE HALL / CUTTENMARGUERITE RADCLYFFE HALL English novelist (right) with her friend, Una, Lady Trowbridge Date: 1886 - 1943
Folding Advertisement for Sunlight Soap - Cupboard doors - A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed - as used in the Royal Laundries and brightens homes everywhere. Date: 1897
A labour of loveDutch boy plaits the hair of his girl friend while she is knitting socks. Artist: Ethel Parkinson Date: 1911
Art deco girl writing a letter" If you re ever passing by". Girl in art deco style fashion sitting down at her desk writing a letter. " 1923
Arthur Henry HallamARTHUR HENRY HALLAM Friend of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Dancing with a Pig C1905A boy dances with a pig while his friend provides the music
Edward VII enjoying theatricals at ChatsworthEdward VII enjoys private theatricals at Chatsworth: his mistress Mrs George KEPPEL on his left, the Duchess of Devonshire on his right, the Duke in the foreground
Palais IdealChevals palace - the architect and his dog, with a friend, stand in front of the South Facade
MYTTON / SHORT CUT HOMEJOHN MYTTON To win a bet that he could outride a friend this eccentric squire took a short cut through a lake despite the fact he couldnt swim. Date: 1796 - 1834
An Irish Country Man and his Donkey, Northern IrelandThe Poor Mans Friend. A sentimental postcard of an Irish Country Man and his Donkey, Northern Ireland, standing outside their farmstead. Date: circa 1904
Lucy Percy, CarlisleLucy Percy, countess of CARLISLE second wife of James Hay, first earl of Carlisle; political friend of Strafford and Pym Date: 1599 - 1660
Thames Embankment / Somerset House - floodlitThames Embankment and Somerset House, London by floodlight
Fitzherbert / Cig CardMARIA ANNA FITZHERBERT (Maria Anna Smythe) Friend and wife of King George IV
Greeting a FriendA couple wave goodbye to their friend who is about to drive off in a sparkling Ford Zodiac
Myth / Japan / Ghost StoryA Japanese ghost story : The ghost of Yoichi appears to his friend Ichibei and asks for revenge on his misbehaving wife and her new husband
Augustus Leopold EggAUGUSTUS LEOPOLD EGG English painter and friend of Dickens
1890S Cycling LadiesA young lady in practical outdoor dress of tailored skirt & jacket holds a bicycle steady for her friend who sits on it to have her photograph taken. Both wear straw hats
Princesse De LamballeMARIE THERESE LOUISE DE SAVOIE princesse LAMBALLE, friend of Marie Antoinette and one of the most shocking victims of the Revolution not long after this portrait was made
Social / Women, Girl & CarA lady and her child leave their Delage and walk along the pavement until they stop and talk with a friend
French Horsewoman 1805In Napoleonic Paris, a lady on horseback (side-saddle) stops to talk to a friend about the news from the war - or from the salons de couture
Richard Savage / Van GuchtRICHARD SAVAGE English poet and playwright, friend of Dr Samuel Johnson
Hunt Hedgehogs / CartoonThe first hunter tells his friend that hedgehogs are very tasty when roasted!
LE 5 OCLOCK, 1926Two ladies keep on their hats, and one her fur stole, while they enjoy le five o clock with their friend
Sir John LawsonSIR JOHN LAWSON naval commander during the ommonwealth, though no friend to Cromwell with his autograph
Mike Parker, equerry to Prince Philip, Duke of EdinburghLieutenant-Commander John Michael Avison Parker, CVO, AM (23 June 1920 29 December 2001), Australian who served as an officer of the Royal Navy (RN), and as Private Secretary to Prince Philip
Captain and Mrs Ronald Greville pictured in The Graphic at the time they were hosting King Edward VII at their home, The Priory. Reigate
Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of The Bruce-Partington Plans. "My Friend was standing with an expression of strained intensity upon his face." Date: 1908
The Seven Conquerors of the Queen of the Mississippi: A Belgian fairy tale
A child is playing with a dog who is with a little girl. Date: 1933
Sweep your steps Sir? Date: 1887
Rainy Day in KoreaA Rainy Day in Korea Date: 1888
Candid street photograph - wheeling baby in a large pramCandid street photograph on an unnamed British pavement (possibly London?) with a young couple and friend 9possibly an Aunt?) wheeling a baby in a tall perambulator Date: circa 1920s
The Raising of Lazarus. Mural painting. From the Church of St. Petka. Krapets, Pernik region, Bulgaria. 17th century. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Artist at WorkAn artist seated at her easel painting in a garden accompanied by a friend. Artist: Mary Ellen Edwards (1839-1908) Date: 1892
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. Gentleman in a top hat presenting a rose to a pretty young lady, with her friend standing by. Date: 1920s
Kate GreenawayThe Royal Progress of King Pepito by Beatrice F Creswell. Pepito sitting with his faithful friend Kitty Date: 1889
Message to a FriendBeseeching a friend to think of her/him. Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Message to a FriendBeseching a friend to get in touch. Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Message to a FriendDear Sarah Jane this to explain? Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Message to a FriendDear Mary Ann so glad you can come to tea ? Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Message to a FriendCome and see me Mary Ann'. Message to a friend. Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Message to a FriendI'll come and see you Mary Jane'. Message to a friend. Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
English Regency naval officer and Spanish gentleman in a duelEnglish Regency naval officer and a Spanish gentleman after a duel with pistols. Admiral Bowsprit stands over the unconscious Castilian Rodrigo
Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, patron of Augustan poets, c.70-8 BCGaius Cilnius Maecenas, friend and political advisor to Octavian (later Emperor Augustus) and patron of a new generation of Augustan poets, Horace and Virgil, c. 70-8 BC. Mecenas
Sabinus, Latin poet and friend of OvidSabinus, died 14 or 15 AD, Latin poet and friend of Ovid. Known only from two passages of Ovid's works. Aulus Sabinus