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Frescoes Collection

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia

Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia, Primaporta, Rome, c.20 BC. Roman art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Raphael (1483-1520). Transfiguration. 1517 -

Raphael (1483-1520). Transfiguration. 1517 -

Background imageFrescoes Collection: RIVERA, Diego. Man, Controller of

RIVERA, Diego. Man, Controller of
RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). Man, Controller of the Universe. 1934. Right detail. Mexican Mural Painting. Fresco. MEXICO. FEDERAL DISTRICT. Mexico City. Fine Arts Palace

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Cave of the Hands. ARGENTINA. SANTA CRUZ. Detail

Cave of the Hands. ARGENTINA. SANTA CRUZ. Detail of the paintings. Neolithic art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). Totonaca Civilization

RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). Totonaca Civilization. 1950. MEXICO. Mexico City. National Palace. Mexican Mural Painting. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificient (1449-1492). Italian

Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificient (1449-1492). Italian patrician and humanist, ruler of Florence from 1469 to 1492. Lorenzo de Medici receiving gifts from his ambassadors. VASARI, Giorgio (1511-1574)

Background imageFrescoes Collection: RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). History of Mexico

RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). History of Mexico: from the Conquest to 1930. 1929 - 1931

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Tomb of Horemheb. Hathor. Fresco

Tomb of Horemheb. Hathor. Fresco
EGYPT. Dayr al-Bahri. Valley of the Kings. Tomb of Horemheb. Goddess Hathor. Egyptian art. New Kingdom. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Maidens among clouds. 5th c. SRI LANKA. Sigiriya

Maidens among clouds. 5th c. SRI LANKA. Sigiriya. Fresco of 500 ladies in the rock wall of the fortress. World Heritage. Hindu art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Bierling Kuno Holzschnitzerei, Oberammergau

Bierling Kuno Holzschnitzerei, Oberammergau
The Bierling Kuno Holzschnitzerei Andenken at Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany. Oberammergau is also famous for its Luftlmalerei

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Switzerland - Andeer - decorated house Haus Padrun (1501)

Switzerland - Andeer - decorated house Haus Padrun (1501)
Switzerland - Andeer - decorated house Haus Padrun (Chasa Padrun) (1501). Date: circa 1910s

Background imageFrescoes Collection: LORENZETTI, Ambrogio (1285-1348). Effects of Good

LORENZETTI, Ambrogio (1285-1348). Effects of Good Government on the City Life. First half 14th c. Detail. Renaissance art. Trecento. Fresco. ITALY. TUSCANY. Siena. Public Palace

Background imageFrescoes Collection: BASSA, Ferrer (1290-1348). Frescoes of the St

BASSA, Ferrer (1290-1348). Frescoes of the St Michael Chapel: Scenes of the Joys of Virgin Mary. 1343. SPAIN. Barcelona. Monastery of Pedralbes

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Paolo Caliari, Italian Renaissance painter, 1528-1588

Paolo Caliari, Italian Renaissance painter, 1528-1588
Paolo Caliari, known as Paolo Veronese, Italian Renaissance painter from Verona, 1528-1588. Painted frescoes in the Villa Soranzo, Villa Fanzolo and San Liberale church in Castelfranco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Face of a woman. Detail

INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Face of a woman. Detail in one of the Jataka reincarnations and episodes of life of Budha. Mural painting, 6th-7th c. Hindu art. Gupta period. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Italy, Pompeii. Villa of the Mysteries

Italy, Pompeii. Villa of the Mysteries. Ancient Roman suburban Villa. Frescoes depicting a bride initiating into a Bacchian Mysteries in preparation for marriage, 1st century AD. Date: 2014

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Italy, Pompeii. Pompeian frescoes of the Macellum

Italy, Pompeii. Pompeian frescoes of the Macellum
Italy, Pompeii. Pompeian frescoes which decorated the northwest wall of the Macellum (Market). 1st century AD. Forum area. Date: 2014

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Italy, Pompeii. House of the Vettii. 1st century AD

Italy, Pompeii. House of the Vettii. 1st century AD. Triclinium. Fresco depicting Cupids selling wine. Detail. Date: 2014

Background imageFrescoes Collection: A tiger attacking a wild boar. Roman painting. From Amphithe

A tiger attacking a wild boar. Roman painting. From Amphithe
A tiger attacking a wild boar. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. From Merida (Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman art. Merida. Spain

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Hunting scene. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. Merida (Augusta)

Hunting scene. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. Merida (Augusta)
Hunting scene. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. From Merida(Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman art. Merida. Spain

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Deer Hunting. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. Merida (Augusta)

Deer Hunting. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. Merida (Augusta)
Deer hunting. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. From Merida(Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman art. Merida. Spain

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Republic of Macedonia. Gorno Nerezi. Church of St. Panteleim

Republic of Macedonia. Gorno Nerezi. Church of St. Panteleimon. 12th century Byzantine. Fresco. Pieta

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Francesco Traini. Italian painer active form 1321-1365. The

Francesco Traini. Italian painer active form 1321-1365. The Triumph of Death, 1355. Fresco. Camposanto. Pisa. Italy

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Ancient Ancient Age Antigona Appoleia Art Atheno

Ancient Ancient Age Antigona Appoleia Art Atheno
ancient, Ancient, Age, Antigona, Appoleia, art, Atheno, burial, chamber, daughter, death, fresco, frescoes, Italy, Lamedon, Malchion, mural, painting, name, names, paintings, Palazzo, Massimo

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Cavalryman. Funeral painting with Greek soldiers

Cavalryman. Funeral painting with Greek soldiers. 4th c. BC. Classical Greek art. Fresco. ITALY. CAMPANIA. Naples. National Museum of Archaeology. Proc: ITALY. CAMPANIA. SALERNO. Paestum

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Tomb of Princess Yongtai

Tomb of Princess Yongtai
Detail of fresco decorating the tomb of Princess Yongtai in Xian city in Shaanxi province in China

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Becket, Saint Thomas

Becket, Saint Thomas. Saxon prelate and politician, archbishop of Canterbury. Scenes of the martyrdom and death of St. Thomas Becket that decorate the apse of the Church of St Mary in Barcelona, Spain

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- The Wars and Conquests in France

The British Valhalla -- The Wars and Conquests in France

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- Magna Carta

The British Valhalla -- Magna Carta. Showing the Barons taking the Oath on the altar at Bury St Edmunds, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, showing the Charter at St Paul s. Date: 1214

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- Our Crusading Kings

The British Valhalla -- Our Crusading Kings. Showing King Richard I of England (the Lionheart) viewing Jerusalem, and Richard with King Philip II of France, during the Third Crusade (1189 - 1192)

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- Archbishop Thomas Becket

The British Valhalla -- Archbishop Thomas Becket
The British Valhalla -- Bishop of Exeter at Northampton, supplicating Archbishop Thomas Becket to submit to King Henry II, and the reconciliation at Montmirail in France

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- William the Conqueror

The British Valhalla -- William the Conqueror (his funeral and burial), a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes. Date: 1087

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- King Canute (Cnut) the Great

The British Valhalla -- King Canute (Cnut) the Great, a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- King Alfred reading to his mother

The British Valhalla -- King Alfred reading to his mother, Queen Osburh or Osburga, a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes. 9th century

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- King Alfred

The British Valhalla -- King Alfred, coming to the Danish camp as a minstrel, and (right) hailed as the saviour of his people (meeting with the Welsh monk, Asser, who wrote a biography of the King)

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- conversion to Christianity

The British Valhalla -- conversion to Christianity
The British Valhalla -- the conversion to Christianity of the Anglo-Saxon people (Paulinus before Edwin), a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- two knights reading history book

The British Valhalla -- two knights reading history book
The British Valhalla -- two knights reading a history book of Britain, a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The British Valhalla -- Spensers Faerie Queene

The British Valhalla -- Spensers Faerie Queene, a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes. Date: 1845

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Female attendant, Birth of Virgin, by Domenico Ghirlandaio

Female attendant, Birth of Virgin, by Domenico Ghirlandaio
Female attendant in the Birth of the Virgin, by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1448 - 1494), engraving after a fresco in the choir of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Virgin proceeding to the Temple, by Domenico Ghirlandaio

Virgin proceeding to the Temple, by Domenico Ghirlandaio
The Virgin proceeding to the Temple with female attendants, by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1448-1494), engraving after a fresco in the choir of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy. Date: 1485-1490

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Benozzo Gozzoli with figures from Campo Santo, Pisa

Benozzo Gozzoli with figures from Campo Santo, Pisa
Portrait of Benozzo Gozzoli (c1421-1497), Italian Renaissance artist, with two female figures from his series of frescoes at the Campo Santo cemetery, Pisa. Date: 15th century

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Turkey. Istanbul. Chora Church. Parecclesion

Turkey. Istanbul. Chora Church. Parecclesion
Fresco in the Parecclesion depicting the Anastasis. Christ pulling Adam and Eve out their tombs. Entoured by the righteous kings and Saint John the Baptist, David and Solomon. 14th century

Background imageFrescoes Collection: ITALY. Caprarola. Villa Farnese. Map of Europe

ITALY. Caprarola. Villa Farnese. Map of Europe. 1574 painting by Giovanni Antonio da Varese Vanosino. Stanza del Mappamondo (Geographic room or Room of the World Map). Renaissance art. Cinquecento

Background imageFrescoes Collection: INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Cave 10. Detail of

INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Cave 10. Detail of the decoration of the ceiling in the chaitya-griha with scenes from the life and incarnations of Buddha. Mural painting of the cave 2

Background imageFrescoes Collection: INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Detail of face of Buddha

INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Detail of face of Buddha in one of the Jataka reincarnations and episodes of his life. Mural painting, 6th-7th c. Hindu art. Gupta period. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: PARMIGIANINO, Francesco Mazzola, called Il (1503-1540)

PARMIGIANINO, Francesco Mazzola, called Il (1503-1540). Legend of Artemis and Actaeon. 1523. ITALY. Fontanellato. La Rocca. Detail. Greyhound. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Tomb of Princess Yongtai. 706. Tang court ladies

Tomb of Princess Yongtai. 706. Tang court ladies from a mural of Lady Li Xianhuis tomb. Chinese art. Tang period. Fresco. CHINA. SHANSI. Shaanxi History Museum. Proc: CHINA. SHANSI. Xian

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Hercules Strangling the Snake. 1st c. ITALY. Pompeii

Hercules Strangling the Snake. 1st c. ITALY. Pompeii. House of the Vettii. Roman art. Early Empire. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Disembarkation of the Spanish at Veracruz. 1951

Disembarkation of the Spanish at Veracruz. 1951. MEXICO. Mexico City. National Palace. Mexican Mural Painting. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Buddha preaching the

INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Buddha preaching the Abhidharma in the Tavatimsa Celestial World. Detail. Wall painting of the cave 17. 6th c. A.D. Hindu art. Gupta period. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Tomb of the Augurs. Etruscan art

Tomb of the Augurs. Etruscan art
Tomb of the Augurs. 6th c. BC. ITALY. Tarquinia. Necropolis of Monterozzi. Tomb of The Augurs. The Augurs. Etruscan art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Italy. Florence. Dome of Brunelleschi. Last Judgement, by Gi

Italy. Florence. Dome of Brunelleschi. Last Judgement, by Gi
Italy. Florence. Last Judgement frescoes of the Dome of Brunelleschi, by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) and Zuccari (1572-1579). Detail. Hell

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Turkey. Church of the Buckle (Tokali Kilise). Frescoes

Turkey. Church of the Buckle (Tokali Kilise). Frescoes
Turkey. Church of the Buckle (Tokali Kilise). Interior decorated with frescoes. 10th-11th centuries. Goreme Valley. Cappadocia

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Masaccio (1401-1428). Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus

Masaccio (1401-1428). Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus
Masaccio (1401-1428). Painter of the Quattrocento period of the Italian Renaissance. Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus. 1425. Fresco in the Brancacci Chapel in Santa Maria del Camine, Florence

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Church of St. Clement of Tahull. Pantocrator by the Master o

Church of St. Clement of Tahull. Pantocrator by the Master of Taull. Main apse.12th century. National Art Museum of Catalonia. Barcelona. Spain

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Church of Santa Maria de Taull. 12th century. Fresco. Virgin

Church of Santa Maria de Taull. 12th century. Fresco. Virgin Mary with the Child on the throne. Catalan Romanesque. Boi Valley. Catalonia. Catalan National Art Museum, Barcelona, Spain

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Italy. Rome. Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. Interior

Italy. Rome. Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. Interior
Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. Interior, rebuilt by Francesco Borromini (1599-1667). 1646-1649. Papal Altar with a reliquary with the heads of Saints Peter and Paul. The canopy are gothic. Rome

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Renaissance art. Castel of Issogne. Murals. c. 1500. Represe

Renaissance art. Castel of Issogne. Murals. c. 1500. Representation of a market. Aosta Vallery. Italy

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Copy of Etruscan wall painting. Tomb of the Shields. c. 350

Copy of Etruscan wall painting. Tomb of the Shields. c. 350
Etruscan Art. Copy of Etruscan wall painting. Tempera on canvas 1900. Tomb of the Shields. Tarquinia, Italy c. 350 BC. Velhur Velcha and his wife, Ravnthu Aprthnei. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Denmark

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Etruscan Art. Veji, the Campana Tomb. Copy of tomb painting

Etruscan Art. Veji, the Campana Tomb. Copy of tomb painting. Colourful frescoes decorated the walls from door to ceiling. 600 BC. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Denmark

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Greece. Mystras. The Monastery of Our Lady of Pandanassa (The

Greece. Mystras. The Monastery of Our Lady of Pandanassa (The
Greece. Mystras. The Monastery of Our Lady Panagia Pantanassa (Queen of all). A womens convent founded in the 15th century (1428 AD) by John Phrangopoulos

Background imageFrescoes Collection: India. Maharashtra. Ajanta Caves. Wall of Cave 17 with the V

India. Maharashtra. Ajanta Caves. Wall of Cave 17 with the V
India. Maharashtra. Ajanta Caves. Rock-cut cave monuments which date from the 2nd century BCE to the 600 CE. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Wall of Cave 17 with the Visvantara Jataka. Late 5th century

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Heraclitus of Ephesus. Portrait

Heraclitus of Ephesus. Portrait
Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475 BC). Pre-socratic Greek philosopher. Heraclitus figured by Michelangelo. Detail of the fresco The School of Athens by Raphael. Raphaels Rooms. Apostolic Palace

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Poster advertising the Ajanta Frescoes, India

Poster advertising the Ajanta Frescoes, India
Poster by G M Salgaonkar advertising the Ajanta Frescoes and Cave Temples, India. Printed for the Government of India by Bolton Fine Art, Bombay. Date: 1934

Background imageFrescoes Collection: FOGOLINO, Marcello (1483-1553). Guests at the Banquet

FOGOLINO, Marcello (1483-1553). Guests at the Banquet given by Bartolomeo Colleoni for King Christian I of Denmark. Detail. Renaissance art. Fresco. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Bergamo. Malpaga Castle

Background imageFrescoes Collection: ITALY. Rome. Farnese Palace. Ceiling of the Carracci

ITALY. Rome. Farnese Palace. Ceiling of the Carracci Gallery, room decorated from 1592 with the frescoes by the brothers Agostino and Annibale Carracci

Background imageFrescoes Collection: RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). History of Cuernavaca

RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). History of Cuernavaca and Morelos, Conquest and Revolution. 1930-1931. MEXICO. Cuernavaca. Cortes Palace. Detail. Combat between a Spanish conqueror and an Aztec

Background imageFrescoes Collection: PINTURICCHIO, Bernardino di Betto, called Il (1454-1513)

PINTURICCHIO, Bernardino di Betto, called Il (1454-1513). Piccolomini Library. 1502-1508. ITALY. Siena. Cathedral. Detail. Eneas Silvio goes to the Council of Basel. Renaissance art. Quattrocento

Background imageFrescoes Collection: The Palace of Minos at Knossos. 2100 BC. GREECE

The Palace of Minos at Knossos. 2100 BC. GREECE. CRETE. IRAKLION. Knossos. Knossos Palace. Reproduction of frescoes of dolphins in the north wall of megaron or queens room. 1600-1400 B.C

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Torhalle. GERMANY. Lorsch. Torhalle. Porch of the

Torhalle. GERMANY. Lorsch. Torhalle. Porch of the former imperial Abbey in Lorsch. Singing Angels in the Coronation of Mary. Detail. Decoration of the chapel on the upper floor. Gothic art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Men in a window. Detail

INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Men in a window. Detail in one of the Jataka reincarnations and episodes of life of Budha. Mural painting in the cave 2, 6th-7th c. Hindu art. Gupta period. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Figure of a woman

INDIA. Ajanta. Ajanta Caves. Figure of a woman. Detail of one of the Jataka, reincarnations and episodes from the life of Buddha. Wall painting of the cave 2. 6th-7th c. A.D. Hindu art. Gupta period

Background imageFrescoes Collection: BRAZIL. Olinda. Church of Sao Bento. Roof of the

BRAZIL. Olinda. Church of Sao Bento. Roof of the chapel with scenes from the life of St. Benedict, 18th c. Baroque art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: GREECE. Mistra. Monastery of Pantanassa. Pantanassa

GREECE. Mistra. Monastery of Pantanassa. Pantanassa church. 1365. Interior. Byzantine art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: ITALY. Pompeii. Frescoes in the House of Venus in

ITALY. Pompeii. Frescoes in the House of Venus in the Shell (CasadellaVenerein Conchiglia). Roman art. Early Empire. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: ITALY. Pompeii. Cupid. Roman art. Early Empire

ITALY. Pompeii. Cupid. Roman art. Early Empire. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Anubis. Egyptian painting

Anubis. Egyptian painting
Tomb of Khaemwese. ca. 1151 BC. EGYPT. Dayr al-Bahri. Valley of the Queens. Egyptian art. New Kingdom. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Throne Room - Palace of Minos, Knossos, Crete

Throne Room - Palace of Minos, Knossos, Crete
Throne Hall - Palace of Minos, Knossos, Crete - excavated by Sir Arthur Evans. The frescoes have been heavily restored. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageFrescoes Collection: BASSA, Ferrer (1290-1348). Frescoes of the St

BASSA, Ferrer (1290-1348). Frescoes of the St Michael Chapel: Scenes of the Joys of Virgin Mary. 1343. SPAIN. Barcelona. Monastery of Pedralbes. Nativity. Gothic art. Fresco

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Vegetable Market. 15th century. Fresco. ITALY

Vegetable Market. 15th century. Fresco. ITALY

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Monte Carlo Casino

Monte Carlo Casino, Monaco, France. Designed by Charles Garnier, it has frescoes in the style of Bouchier, and an amazing gold and marble atrium. Date: built 1863

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Paris Exhibition of 1889 - Egyptian section

Paris Exhibition of 1889 - Egyptian section - Square with stone entrances - two big Pillows Egyptian Frescoes. Part of Box 119 Boswell Collection. Date: 1889

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome Italy

Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome Italy - frescoes on the walls and ceiling by Michaelangelo. Part of Box 3 Boswell Collection Series of Ancient Britain. Date: circa 1900

Background imageFrescoes Collection: Italy. Florence. Mural painting with saints and stoup. 14th

Italy. Florence. Mural painting with saints and stoup. 14th
Italy. Florence. Mural painting with saints and holy water font. 14th-15th century. Basilica of San Miniato al Monte

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