Pentrimites robustus, blastoidSide view of a specimen from the Carboniferous (Mississipian), Illinois, USA - length 4 cm. Blastoids are extinct marine invertabrates belonging to the Phylum Echinodermata
Tylocidaris clavigera, sea urchinA fossil echinoid (Tylocidaris clavigera) from the Cretaceous rocks of Gravesend, England
Hydnoceras tuberosum, fossil glass spongeA vase-shaped, fossil glass (silaceous skeleton) sponge from the Devonian of New York
Coeloptychium agaricoides, fossil spongeThis hexactinellid (six rayed spiculed) sponge originates from the Cretaceous of Westphalia, Germany. It has a maximum diameter 8 cm. Sponges are filter feeders and live on plankton
Pentremites spicatus, blastoidA Carboniferous blastoid from Grayson Co, Kentucky, U.S.A
Fenestrellina plebeia, net bryozoanA net bryozoan (colonial organisms) from the Carboniferous of North of Wales. In this specimen, the colony measures 6 cms across
Aviculopecten planoradiatus, bivalveFossilised relics of this fan-shaped bivalve. Bivalves are shelled creatures and first appeared in the middle Cambrian, some 520 million years ago, they are still common in todays oceans
Uintacrinus, stemless crinoidA black and white photograph of a stemless crinoid, which dates from the Cretaceous. Crinoids have five or more feathery arms radiating from a central disc
Promicroceras planicost, jurassic ammonitesA rock specimen containing many Promicroceras a small shelled Jurassic ammonites. Ammonites are an extinct group of marine fossil cephalopods related to todays Nautilus
Ceratites nodosus, ammonoidThe Ammonoids are an extinct group of marine fossil cephalopods related to todays Nautilus. In this specimen, the shell suture lines are clearly visible
Wanneria walcottana, trilobite
Rana species, fossil frogSpecimen originates from soft Miocene shale from Spain. Skeletal anatomy preserved in its entirety with an outline of the soft parts clearly visible. This specimen measures 12 cms long
Pemmatites, lithistid spongeThis sponge originates from the Permian rocks of the Artic island of Spitzbergen
Pseudocrinites magnificus, cystoidThis specimen is a rare fossil Cystoid. They belonged to the echinoderms and diversified greatly in the Silurian, but became extinct by the Permian
Lingula beani, brachiopodThis Jurassic lingulid brachiopod from Yorkshire is a tongue shaped brachiopod, and is composed of calcium phosphate with a shiny lustre which contrasts here with the clay matrix
Acidaspis coronata, spiny trilobiteA spiny odontopleurid Silurian trilobite from Worcestershire, England preserved in limestone. The specimen length is 2.5 cms
Kosmoceras acutistriatum, ammoniteThis Jurassic ammonite from Wiltshire, England occurs in a fine-grained shale, but has been severely flattened. However, the original lustre of the shell has been retained
Dizgocrinus mon, fossil crinoidThis fossil crinoid or sea-lily originates from the limestones of Keokuk, Lowa, USA
Didymograptus murchisoni, graptoliteThis is an Ordovician tuning-fork shaped graptolite from Wales. Graptolites are an extict group of marine, colonial animals
Cymatophlebia longialata, fossil dragonfly
Angelina, stretched trilobiteAngelina grew up to a length of 6cm. The thorax was made up of 15 segements with spines. Trilobites were arthropods and had exoskeletons as crustaceans, spiders and insects do today
Acroceolites subtenius, belemnitesA fine group of belemnites (Acroceolites subtenius) preserved in soft Jurassic shale from Yorkshire. Longest specimen is 9cm long
Halysites escharoides, tabulate coralIn this Silurian tabulate coral from Ohio Falls, USA, large numbers of tiny oval corallites are linked together to form chains
Cheiracanthus murchisoni, fossil fishThis is an early jawed acanthodian fish from the Devonian rocks of Banffshire Scotland. Length 5 cms
Coeloria labyrinthifor, fossil brain coralIn this polished section of a Miocene brain coral, from Antigua, long meandering corallites with thin septa form a dense meshwork. The specimen measures 8 cm across
Calymene blumenbachii, trilobiteA well-known convex Silurian trilobite originating from Worcestershire, England. Trilobites were arthropods as crustaceans, spiders and insects are today
Bothriolepis canadensis, armoured fossil fishThis specimen is an amoured Devonian fish originating from Quebec
Stylina alveolata, reef coralA reef building coral originating from Jurassic limestones in Europe, eastwards into Asia Minor, and also in the U.S.A
Hemicidaris intermedi, Jurassic sea urchinThis specimen is particularly well-preserved retaining its spines where they fell around the animal as it died
Cyathophyllum sp. rugose coralShown here is a section through a well preserved Devonian solitary, rugose coral from Devon, England. The maximum diameter is 6 cm
Plegiocidaris coronata, sea urchinA fossil echinoid or sea-urchin from the Jurassic rocks of Ulm, Germany
Fossilised millipede (Class Diplopoda)This fossil is preserved in a siltstone nodule of Carboniferous age from the Yorkshire Coalfield. Length 63mm (unstraightened), length of nodule 76mm
Nummulites gizehensis, giant foraminiferanShown here is a giant foraminiferan originating from the Eocene of Egypt. Foraminifera are amoeba-like, single-celled protistids and can still be found in abundance today
Spirifer striatus, brachiopodShown here is a wide-hinged brachiopod. Brachiopods belong to their own phylum (Brachiopoda). General characteristics include a pair of protective shells
Phacops rana, trilobiteA Devonian trilobite from Ontario, Canada. A convex trilobite with eleven thoracic segments; the eyes include a few very large lenses
Scaphites nodosus, ammoniteThis Cretaceous ammonite originates from The Badlands, South Dakota, U.S.A. This specimen retains much of its original shell giving it a beautiful pearly lustre
Dictyonema flabelliforme, gaptoliteShown here is an Ordovician dendroid graptolite, specimen originates from North Wales. Graptolites are the fossil remains of small colonial marine animals
Archastropecten cotteswoldiae, starfishA fossil starfish of the subclass Asteroidea from the Jurassic rocks of Gloucestershire, England
Eurypterius lacustris, sea scorpionThis Devonian sea scorpion is preserved in fine siltstone and is from Canada. These predatory aquatic arthropods had a segemented, body large eyes and strong claws
Septastraea forbesi, coralThis Pliocene coral from Maryland, USA is 10 cm long and is a fragment of a much larger colony
Cyclothyris difformis, brachiopodShown here ia a rhynchonellid brachiopod from the Cretaceous of Devon. Brachiopods belong to their own phylum (Brachiopoda). General characteristics include a pair of protective shells
Raphiidonema faringdone, calcareous spongeA vase-shaped calcareous sponge with numerous small canals from the Cretaceous of Berkshire, England
Rotularia bognori, tube of polychaete wormA tube cast of the polychaete worm (Rotularia bognori). Specimen originates from Bognor, England
Trinucleus, trinucleid trilobiteThis Trinucleid trilobite grew up to 3cm long. Specimen originating from Ordovician rocks of Builth, Wales
Palaeocoma egertoni, fossil brittle starA fossil brittle (serpent) star found in the Jurassic and Lias of England. Maximum diameter 8cm. This specimen is a well-known Echinoderm genus and similar to todays living brittle stars