Hermes TrismegistusThe messenger of the gods, but here as HERMES TRISMEGISTUS (= thrice-greatest), perceived by Neoplatonists as the presiding deity of alchemy, possessing magical and oracular powers
Palmistry map of the handA palmistry map of the hand, labelling the different areas
Tarot Card 18 - La Lune (The Moon)The Moon, as depicted on a Tarot card
Tarot Card 19 - Le Soleil (The Sun)The Sun, as depicted on a Tarot card
Selection of tarot cards from traditional Marseille packA selection of tarot cards from the traditional Marseille pack. (1 of 2)
Writing / Shorthand PitmanShorthand writing: an example of Pitmans system, boasting that Fortune magazine has gained over 100, 000 subscribers in five short years
Selection of tarot cards from traditional Marseille packA selection of tarot cards from the traditional Marseille pack. (2 of 2)
Gypsy Lee, the fortune tellerSketches of Gypsy life: a camp near Latimer Road near Notting Hill showing Gypsy Lee, the fortune teller at the Devils Dyke
Tarot Card 11 - La Force (Strength)
The Ladder of Fortune. Industry and Morality bring solid rewards. Idle schemes and speculations yield poverty and ruin. Date: 1875
Suffragette Demonstration Rally Hyde ParkThe Great Suffragette Demonstration held on 23rd July 1910. banners held aloft include Fortune Favours The Brave, Arise Go Forth & Conquer and the Emmeline Pankhurst banner. Date: 23rd July 1910
Fra Angelico (1387-1455). The Coronation of the VirginFra Angelico (1387-1455). Tuscan painter of early Renaissance, part of the Florentine school. The Coronation of the Virgin. 15th Century. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Shakespeare Exhibition at Earls Court, LondonLondons great attraction: what to see in Shakespeares England. How to find and identify the chief reconstructions of old Tudor buildings at Earls Court. Date: 1912
Fortuna by Ernest BoardPainting depicting a blindfolded woman playing a fateful game of cards. Date: 1911
Golders GreenTemple Fortune Date: 1920s
Fridays Child by May Bowley. A fortune-telling song telling a childs character or future based on the day they were born and help young children remember the days the week. Date: circa 1903
Nursery Rhyme - Three Little PigsThe Tale of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
Oracle of Zeus, DodonaZEUS / JUPITER DODONEUS whose oracle at Dodona was the oldest in Greece : the prophecies came from the sacred oak, which is depicted here as having human form
Tarot Card 19 - Le Soleil (The Sun)
Tarot Card 10 - La Roue de Fortune (The Wheel of Fortune)
Delphi OracleTHE ORACLE OF DELPHI entranced
Justice as depicted on a Tarot cardComtesse de Segur, nee Sophie Rostopchine, French writer, born in Russia, best known for Les Malheurs de Sophie, first published 1859
Tarot Card - As d Epee (Ace of Swords)
Tarot Card 12 - Le Pendu (The Hanged Man)
Tarot Card 9 - L Ermite (The Hermit)
Tarot Card 22 - Le Fou (The Fool)Tarot Card 22 - Le Fou or Le Mat (The Fool)
Tarot Card 6 - L'Amoureux (The Lover or Lovers). Date: 20th century
Tarot Card 21 - Le Monde (The World). Date: 20th century
Death personified on a Tarot cardDeath personified as a skeleton with a scythe on a Tarot card
Typewriter Keys / FortuneTypewriter keys on the cover of a magazine
Padstow Hobby HorseENGLAND: PADSTOW HOBBY HORSE: From midnight 30 April-1 May Oss, teaser & attendants dance through the streets. Any who dance with Oss will be blessed with good fortune
Norton I / American RoyalJOSHUA " EMPEROR" NORTON I Claimant to the imperial throne of North America (1859); he made a fortune in real-estate speculation
Lenormand - EuropaGrand Jeu De Mlle. De Lenormand Europa
French Palmistry ManualL ART DE LIRE DANS LES LIGNES DE LA MAIN ( The art of reading the lines of the hand ) - a popular French manual
Tarot Card Fool 17CTAROT LE FOU (The Fool)
Tarot Card 13 - La Mort (Death)
Oracle of Jupiter-AmmonZEUS/JUPITER AMMON - the Libyan/Egyptian form of the god, who had a famous oracle at the oasis of Siwwa, Libya
ClairvoyantBEVERLY CRAIG, a present-day clairvoyant, tells you your fortune with the aid of her Osiris board
Gypsy & Crystal BallA Gypsy fortune teller gazes deeply into a crystal ball. Other tools of divination are nearby, the drained teacup for reading the tea leaves, and a pack of cards for the tarot
Tarot Card - Reyne de Deniers (Queen of Coins)
Tarot Card 8 - La Justice (Justice)
Tarot Card 4 - L Empereur (The Emperor)
Tarot card 1 -- Le Bateleur (The Juggler)Tarot card 1 -- Le Bateleur (The Magician, Magus or Juggler)
Tuesdays Child by May Bowley. A fortune-telling song telling a childs character or future based on the day they were born and help young children remember the days the week. Date: circa 1903
HELENUS Trojan soothsayer, son of Priam and Hecuba, later king of Epirus
Druidess / VercingetorixA Druidess of the Ile de Sayne reveals the destiny of Gaul to Vercingetorix, who leads his countrymen to defeat by the Romans Date: circa 60 BC
Poster for the Ulster Tourist Development AssociationPoster for Ulster, Northern Ireland -- glorious holidays foretold
The Whityngton Stone, Holloway, London, 1854Engraving showing the Whityngton Stone, a memorial to Sir Richard Whittington (1358-1423), London, 1854
Fortune Teller 1950SA fortune teller reads a mans fortune for him by candlelight, using a pack of ordinary playing cards
Love / Friendship / HandsFriendship: I value no gift that Good Fortune may send, Like the grip of the hand of a dear true Friend
Jeremiah or George Wombwell (1777 - 1850), English zoo owner, who achieved fame and fortune with Wombwell's Travelling Menagerie, pictured shortly before his death. Date: 1850
Advert for Caleys chocolates 1941Chocolate is scarce -but Caleys make the best of it! Young woman holding a box of Fortune chocolates 1941
Fortune flying through the sky on the wheelFortune, sprinkling a cornucopia of money and flowers on the lucky, is transported across the clouds atop the Wheel of Fortune.... Date: circa 1902
TROPHONIUS, architect of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, subsequently had his own oracle at Lebadeia, Boeotia (Greece)
Lenormand - FatesGrand Jeu De Mlle. De Lenormand the Fates
Graphology ManualGRAPHOLOGIE French manual by Dr Cornelius Ruys on the study of handwriting
Egyptian Fortune TellerEgyptian street fortune teller has two women engrossed in his soothsaying
French Cartomancy BookComment se tirer les cartes soi-meme (How to interpret the cards yourself) - a French popular manual by Madame Athena
Lady with Crystal BallThanks to her crystal ball, actress Patience Seymour can see more
London / Monmouth HouseSoho Square : the duke of Monmouths imposing town house which endured several changes of fortune before being demolished in 1773
Ship of Good FortuneThe Ship of Good Fortune carries the seven Gods of Fortune; it is to be found in countless Japanese homes, for between them they take care of all lifes troubles
Reading Palm LeftA gipsy reads a palm - the left hand Theres happy days in store for you
Walker at TrujilloAmerican soldier of fortune William Walker lands at Trujillo, Honduras : captured by British, he is handed to Honduras authorities who shoot him by firing squad 12 Sept
Sloe Gin Ad / Fortune / 1935Advertisement for old Mr.Boston slow gin - drop everything and try it
Reading the CardsFrench manual on how to tell fortunes with playing cards
Young Napoleon has his fortune told by a gipsyThe young Napoleon, later Emperor of France, has his fortune told by a gipsy in Corsica
Fortune Telling 1810Two ladies inquire about their destinies at a fortune teller
Silhouette - Postcard DesignThe fortune teller. Date: 1920s
Philip Wharton, Duke of Wharton, 1698-1731. Powerful Jacobite politician, lost his fortune in the South Sea Bubble of 1720. Philip, Duke of Wharton, from an original picture by Charles Jervas
Fortuna, Roman goddess of fortune, chance or luck. With a gubernaculum (ship's rudder) and cornucopia (horn of plenty). Tyche
Figure of Fortuna, the goddess of fortune and the personification of luck in Roman religion. With cornucopia and gubernaculum or ship's rudder. On emerald and dactylotheca
Roman augur's funeral urn and bird cagesUrn with snake, which perhaps contained the ashes of an augur, from the Farnese Gardens, Orti Farnesiani 1, cesta augurale or wish basket 2 and gabbia or cage 3 where birds were held for good luck
Altar of the goddess Fortuna with cornucopia and beesAltar of Fortuna, Roman goddess of fortune. With cornucopia (horn of plenty) and bees. From an engraved gem in common niccolo. Ara Fortunae Incis in Gemma Vulgo Niccolo
Fortuna with cornucopia and gubernaculumFigure of Fortuna, Roman goddess of fortune, with cornucopia (horn of plenty) and gubernaculum (ship's rudder). From an engraved cornelian gem. Fortuna. Incis in Corneola
Drakelowe Hall, Derbyshire, England. Large irregular pile that was home to the Gresley Baronets and in the 18th century, Sir Charles des Voeux, 1st Baronet, who made his fortune in India
Powis Castle, Montgomeryshire, Wales
Allegorical procession of the Triumph of WealthThe Triumph of Wealth, procession of allegorical figures of the rich. Fortune and Pluto ride a carriage drawn by Avarice, Imposture, Usury, etc
Astrologer Jack Adams drawing a horoscope, 17th centuryAstrologer Jack Adams drawing a horoscope for Joan, Queen of Sluts, 17th century. Adams was an astrologer of Clerkenwell in King Charles II's reign
Thomas Hudson, 18th century London vagabondThomas Hudson, remarkable for his misfortunes, died 1767. Clerk from Leeds who lost his inherited fortune in the South Sea Bubble in 1720
John Elwes, the Remarkable Miser, 18th centuryJohn Elwes, the Remarkable Miser, 1714-1789. Member of Parliament for Berkshire, famous eccentric and miser. Heir to several fortunes and miserly relatives. Lithograph after a stipple engraving by R
Pan and Fortune. The Greek god Pan plays cards and dice, games of chance, while the winged figure of Fortune holds a cornucopia and stands on a wheel of fate