Railway Station, Forres, Morray, Inverness, Scotland. Date: 1937
Railway Station - (Highland Railway), Forres, Morray, Inverness, Scotland. Date: 1934
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Wish I could buy you somefinkThe Caption has the little boy saying that he has no money AND cannot buy the girl anything so he wishes her a NO COUPON HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: 1944
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - We ll be seeing you somehowThe Caption reads We ll be seeing you somehow. Petrol was severly rationed and only certain professions or trades were allowed to have any. Hence cycling became popular
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Oh, I do like a bit of butterThe ironic Caption is Oh! I do like a bit of butter on my bread. The weekly butter ration per person was 2 oz - 56 grams. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Coo - you ought to have seen oursThe Caption reads Coo! You ought to have seen ours. The bombs look like what were called Butterfly bombs
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Now News Aagin - Still hopingThe Caption is No news again? - still hoping. With the war near its end everyone back home was waiting for the return of their soldier boys. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1945
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - The result of careless talkThe Caption is The Result of Careless Talk. This is a play on the wartime slogan Careless talk costs lives. The Prime Minister exhorts This is a time for everyone to stand together and hold firm
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - I know things ll be better soonThe Caption is Yes I know things ll be better soon. By this date the war is clearly near its end so the optimism is justified
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Pooh - I don t stand in no queueThe Caption is Pooh! I don t stand in no queue. Rationing went on well after the war ended so queuing became a habit. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1945
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - Don t worry, it may not happenThe Caption is Don t worry. It may not happen. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944
WW2 era - Comic Postcard - A thing of duty - no joy whateverThe Caption is A thing of duty is no joy whatever. The concept of Duty was impressed upon the population during the war as one of the planks of morale. Cute Kids WW2 Wartime humour Date: circa 1944
Suenos Stone - Forres, ScotlandSuenos Stone - A Scottish Pictish Standing Stone at Forres, Scotland. The largest surving standing stone of its type in Scotland
Railway Station - Showing HR 96), Forres, Morray, Inverness, Scotland. Date: 1934
Suenos Stones - ForresSuenos Stone - A Scottish Pictish Standing Stone at Forres, Scotland. The largest surving standing stone of its type in Scotland