Varieties of ants and their nests -- nest of the Fuliginous ant, Formica fuliginosa, Yellow ant (Formica flava), Fallow ant (Formica rufa), nest of the Common Yellow ant
Red wood ant or southern wood ant, Formica rufa. Handcoloured lithograph from Georg Friedrich Treitschkes Gallery of Natural History, Naturhistorischer Bildersaal des Thierreiches, Liepzig, 1842
Advert, Formica Kitchen, Christmas 1953. 1953
Curtis British Entomology Plate 752Hymenoptera: Formica rufa (Red, Hill or Horse Ant, or Pismire) Date: 1824-39
Formica kitchens advertisementAdvertisement for Formica kitchen surfaces and units featuring an illustrated cartoon-like housewife and her little girl amid a pristine and colourful kitchen. 1950s
Formica rufa, wood antA wood ant specimen on a bright blue background. The wood ant is an active predator and inhabits woodlands and forests
Formica rufa, wood antsWood ants massing outside their nest to absorb heat from the spring sunshine
MODERN DINING ROOMA modern domestic dining room. Nowadays the table and chairs would be more suitable for a board room than a home! Date: 1930s
Ware rite surfaces advertisementAdvertisement for Ware-rite kitchen surfaces, guaranteeing brighter homes and lighter work. c.1950
Blue 1950s kitchenBlue formica surfaces combine with cool white for the practical blue kitchen scene visualised here. The accent colour, red, appears in the gay utensils