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Forgotten Collection

Background imageForgotten Collection: Swanking at Whitley Bay

Swanking at Whitley Bay

Background imageForgotten Collection: Nobody Loves Me by George Studdy

Nobody Loves Me by George Studdy
A wet and bedraggled Bonzo, the comic canine creation of George Studdy, is found tied to a lamp post in the pouring rain and forgotten by a policeman with a torch

Background imageForgotten Collection: Before Guests Arrive

Before Guests Arrive
The hostess examines her table setting to make sure she hasn t forgotten anything

Background imageForgotten Collection: Postcard, Pretty woman playing the cello

Postcard, Pretty woman playing the cello, absent soldier - When you know you're not forgotten by the one you can't forget. Date: 1914-1918

Background imageForgotten Collection: Christmas postcard, little girl and baby - Not forgotten! Date: circa 1930s

Christmas postcard, little girl and baby - Not forgotten! Date: circa 1930s

Background imageForgotten Collection: 'The English Daumier Looks On Life:English Types by Blampied

"The English Daumier Looks On Life:English Types by Blampied. Series 4: The Life of Park and Streets." An elderly women dozing on the grass in the park. Date: 1933

Background imageForgotten Collection: Syria. Dead Cities. Serjilla. Remains of the necropolis

Syria. Dead Cities. Serjilla. Remains of the necropolis
Syria. Dead Cities. Serjilla. Ancient city founded ca. 473 AD and abandoned in 7th century AD. Remains of the necropolis. (Photo taken before the Syrian civil war). Date: 2011

Background imageForgotten Collection: Syria. Rueiha. Dead Cities. Northwest Syria. Roman Empire

Syria. Rueiha. Dead Cities. Northwest Syria. Roman Empire
Syria. Rueiha. Dead Cities or Forgotten Cities. Northwest Syria. Roman Empire to Byzantine Christianity. 1st to 7th century, abandoned between 8th-10th centuries. Unesco World Heritage Site

Background imageForgotten Collection: Byzantine Art. Syria. Al Bara (al-kafr). Dead Towns. Decorat

Byzantine Art. Syria. Al Bara (al-kafr). Dead Towns. Decorative detail in the Mausoleum-Pyramid. Western Asia

Background imageForgotten Collection: 5th Century AD Al Bara Al-Kafr Archaeological

5th Century AD Al Bara Al-Kafr Archaeological
5th, Century, AD, Al, Bara, Al-Kafr, archaeological, park, archeology, Architecture, arqueological, sites, Art, Asia, building, byzantine, Byzantine, Empire, Byzantium, christian, christianity, Dead

Background imageForgotten Collection: Byzantine Art. Syria. Basilica of St. Simeon (476-491). Arou

Byzantine Art. Syria. Basilica of St. Simeon (476-491). Around Aleppo. Arquitectural detail. Western Asia

Background imageForgotten Collection: Byzantine Art. Serjilla. Chi Rho. Syria. Western Asia

Byzantine Art. Serjilla. Chi Rho. Syria. Western Asia
Byzantine Art. Serjilla. Relief of Chi Rho. Syria. Western Asia

Background imageForgotten Collection: Byzantine Art. Syria. Rueiha. Dead towns. Arc detail

Byzantine Art. Syria. Rueiha. Dead towns. Arc detail. Middle East. Asia

Background imageForgotten Collection: THE FORGOTTEN DEAD

THE FORGOTTEN DEAD Two people read the gravestone inscriptions in a country churchyard Date: 1870

Background imageForgotten Collection: Spirits seek to waken travellers sleeping at sea

Spirits seek to waken travellers sleeping at sea
Spirits of the dead seek to waken travellers sleeping at sea - but the sleepers sleep on, and the spirits wail in vain, forgotten

Background imageForgotten Collection: Comic postcard, Plump couple leapfrogging on the beach

Comic postcard, Plump couple leapfrogging on the beach Date: 20th century

Background imageForgotten Collection: Comic postcard, ambiguous Christmas invitation Date: early 20th century

Comic postcard, ambiguous Christmas invitation Date: early 20th century

Background imageForgotten Collection: The Young Idea by Noel Coward, Savoy Theatre, London, a Robert Courtneidge production

The Young Idea by Noel Coward, Savoy Theatre, London, a Robert Courtneidge production. Date: circa 1923

Background imageForgotten Collection: Mergamma pesticide advert, 1951

Mergamma pesticide advert, 1951
I ve forgotten what a wireworm looks like

Background imageForgotten Collection: Not Forgotten by Steer

Not Forgotten by Steer. 1888

Background imageForgotten Collection: AMBULANCE MEN / 1916

The forgotten heroes... Ambulance men risk and lose their lives during World War One Date: 1916

Background imageForgotten Collection: WW1 - Ireland and Britain united in the common cause

WW1 - Ireland and Britain united in the common cause. Date: circa 1915

Background imageForgotten Collection: Annie Laurie

Annie Laurie
ANNIE LAURIE of Maxwelton, beloved by William Douglas of Fingland, to whom the ballad is attributed, but who married Alexander Fergusson of Craig- darroch, promises forgotten... Date: 1680S - 1760S

Background imageForgotten Collection: The Host Who Forgot To Approve The Dish by H M Bateman

The Host Who Forgot To Approve The Dish by H M Bateman, this illustration shows a group of people about to have dinner, but the host has forgotten to approve the dish

Background imageForgotten Collection: Fantastic Adventures - Forgotten Worlds

Fantastic Adventures - Forgotten Worlds
Cover of Fantastic Adventures, May 1948, featuring the story Forgotten Worlds by Lawrence Chandler. A muscular man surrounded by a bizzare glow holds the globe in his hands. Date: 1948

Background imageForgotten Collection: Nikols Grevinkhoven

Nikols Grevinkhoven
NIKOLaS GREVINKHOVEN Dutch writer, considered at the time important enough to have his portrait engraved but, sorry to say, wholly forgotten today... Date: 16TH CENTURY

Background imageForgotten Collection: James Cobb, Playwright

James Cobb, Playwright
JAMES COBB - Secretary in the East India Co. who wrote many mediocre stage pieces, mostly musical comedies but including an operatic version of Paul et Virginie, best forgotten. Date: 1756 - 1818

Background imageForgotten Collection: William Spens Simpson

William Spens Simpson
WILLIAM SPENS SIMPSON scientist, whose achievements, like the man himself, have been forgotten - not in any reference book or the internet... such is fame ! Date: CIRCA 1910

Background imageForgotten Collection: The Pudding Blazes (above), and The Shop Forgotten (below)

The Pudding Blazes (above), and The Shop Forgotten (below)
Two pictures, illustrating fare and fun in suburbia formed this page of the 1936 Christmas number of the Illustrated London News. Date: 1936

Background imageForgotten Collection: Not Forgotten A Scene on Christmas Morning by Fortunino Mata

Not Forgotten A Scene on Christmas Morning by Fortunino Mata
Colour illustration by Fortunino Matania showing three children visiting a little girl ill in bed on Christmas morning. Date: 27th November 1922

Background imageForgotten Collection: Raphael Menicucius

Raphael Menicucius
RAPHAEL MENICUCIUS who would be forgotten by us all were it not for this portrait of him by Claude Mellan... Date: CIRCA 1670

Background imageForgotten Collection: Henry Massingberd

Henry Massingberd
HENRY MASSINGBERD churchman, forgotten by all but you and me. Date: 17th century

Background imageForgotten Collection: Completely bizarre conversation concerning identification

Completely bizarre conversation concerning identification
Completely bizarre conversation between two cabbies concerning identification - at least the participants seem to understand one another. Overheard on a Cab Rank

Background imageForgotten Collection: Llywelyn Banqueting

Llywelyn Banqueting
LLYWELYN THE GREAT after a banquet, he listens as a bard with a harp tells of old forgotten far-off things and battles long ago. Date: ? - 1240

Background imageForgotten Collection: The Trail Of The Monster, Or, The Forgotten Cigar, by Charl

The Trail Of The Monster, Or, The Forgotten Cigar, by Charl
A illustration showing two nymphs cautiously inspecting a smoke trail

Background imageForgotten Collection: Home Rule Forgotten

Home Rule Forgotten
Forgotten - While politicians enjoy themselves with other matters, the cause of Home Rule is neglected

Background imageForgotten Collection: Fable / the Rabbits

Fable / the Rabbits
THE RABBITS Rabbits flee at danger, but when it has been forgotten return to the same risk: a metaphor for human behaviour

Background imageForgotten Collection: WEEKs LUGGAGE 1926

A Parisienne packs for a weeks stay......and if I find I ve forgotten something, you can always pop back to Paris in your car and get it for me !

Background imageForgotten Collection: Lost Property Office 2 / 2

Lost Property Office 2 / 2
An employee of the New Scotland Yard Lost Property Office examines a childs toy wooden horse amid the myriad abandoned and forgotten items, from suitcases to a pair of antlers

Background imageForgotten Collection: Dog and Santa

Dog and Santa
A puppy greets Santa Claus who hasn t forgotten to bring him a present too !

Background imageForgotten Collection: Ballroom Dance / Forgotten

Ballroom Dance / Forgotten
Though he has reserved this waltz on her dance card, he has not come to claim her - has he forgotten her ? is he drunk ? is he playing poker ? or has he found another ?

Background imageForgotten Collection: Label, Czechoslovakia

Label, Czechoslovakia
The label for the HOTEL CONTINENTAL at PLZEN CSR. Czechoslovakia, shows it as a typically solid Central European hotel from a forgotten age

Background imageForgotten Collection: Baby / Neglected Pets 1888

Baby / Neglected Pets 1888
A new mother sits up in bed nursing her baby, while two dogs and a cat feel somewhat neglected

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