Victorian Scrap - Tattooing - an old custom in the navy. late 19th century
Tattoo-artist, George Burchett, at work on a TommyA tattoo artist, George Burchett, in his shop near Waterloo station working on the forearm of a soldier, while a lady who has just received a tattoo of her own, admires his handiwork
Abscess from a gunshot wound in the forearm, 1815Abscess in a sailor's forearm from a musket-ball wound in a naval battle, 1815
Muscles and tendons of the forearm and hand.. Handcolored steel engraving from Dr. Joseph Nicolas Masses Pocket Anatomy of the Human Body, Paris, 1864
Right forearm belonging to a bronze statue of a woman. 3rd-1Greek Art. 3rd-1st century BCE. Right forearm belonging to a bronze statue of a woman. Archaeological Museum of Olympia. Greece
Muscles of the forearm and wrist.. Handcolored steel engraving from Dr. Joseph Nicolas Masses Pocket Anatomy of the Human Body, Paris, 1864
Forearm, wrist and finger bones.. Handcolored steel engraving from Dr. Joseph Nicolas Masses Pocket Anatomy of the Human Body, Paris, 1864
A Bill to end Bill by H. H. HarrisCartoon outlining the British manpower crisis of 1918 but which casts Prime Minister Lloyd George in a positive light showing a muscular forearm while the Kaiser quivers in the background. Date: 1918
Croquet - postcard illustrating side strokes and drivesCroquet - a fantastic postcard of exquisite quality illustrating a wide variety of side strokes and drives. Date: circa 1910s