Driver and stoker on the footplate of a night train : by now, their footplate is partially enclosed, giving them reasonable protection from the weather, Date: 1889
Duke and Duchess of York on footplate of Lord NelsonThe Duke and Duchess of York on footplate of Southern Railways latest engine Lord Nelson at the Railway works at Ashford
OPEN FOOTPLATE 1870On the open footplate of a train at night - driver at the controls, stoker shovelling in coal, while their train hurtles into the darkness... Date: 1870
Train driver and stoker on engine footplateOn the footplate: a driver and a stoker on the open footplate of a night train at Christmas-time, discussing the recent railway strike in Scotland. Date: 1891
Driver Peers AheadThe driver peers ahead from his open footplate which gives him only minimum protection from rain and wind, hail and snow. Date: 1888
Open Footplate by DayBearded driver and young stoker on the open footplate : the caption reads Safety is of the Lord but our driver prudently keeps his hand on the brake-handle. Date: 1860s
Zola / Train Footplate / IlsEMILE ZOLA On a locomotive footplate between Paris and Mantes while researching for his novel La Bete Humaine Date: 1840 - 1902
South Africa royal tour - Princesses Drive Engine - 1947Princess Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret on the footplate of one of the engines hauling the Royal Train with the Hon
Edward / Sri Lankan TrainEdward, Prince of Wales, riding on the footplate of a locomotive over the Ghaut, ( Sensation Rock )
Engine Driver PhotoDriver and stoker on the footplate of a night train - a dramatic photograph which effectively captures the excitement of the engine crews job
On the FootplateOn the footplate of the Night Mail : the railwayman is preparing to catch the sack of mail suspended beside the line
A Word with the DriverA WORD WITH THE DRIVER - The engine driver as childrens hero : four children talk to the footplate crew who will soon be carrying them to the seaside