Aleister Crowley performing rites at his temple, with followers knelt before him
Jesus on Palm SundayJesus makes his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey accompanied by his followers bearing palms
LUDDITESTHE LUDDITES Jeremiah Brandreth, known as the Nottingham Captain, planning a rebellion, meets followers at the White Horse Inn, Pentrich, Derbyshire
Silhouettes of hunting field scenes
Gandhi before his arrestThe photograph shows Gandhi waving to his followers a few hours before he was taken prisoner
Jesus on a Donkey (Col)He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, as prophesied : his followers carry palm leaves, hence the day will be commemorated as Palm Sunday
John Wyclif and the LollardsJohn Wyclif, Christian theologian and reformer, sending out some of his followers, known as Lollards, on their teaching missions
Mary Baker Eddy / June1903MARY BAKER EDDY Founder of Christian Science speaking to 10, 000 followers from the balcony of Pleasant View in June 1903 Date: 1821 - 1910
NORWEGIAN SECTARIANSNorwegian followers of Hans Nielsen Hauge (1771-1824) meet for a prayer meeting in a peasant home Date: 1852
Aristotle / ExiledARISTOTLE Greek philosopher leaving Athens with his followers, having been wrongly accused of impiety
Irvingites; WrestlingIRVINGITES Followers of Edward Irving wrestle with a sinner, hoping to persuade him to forsake his evil ways
Jesus Ascension (Ms)To the astonishment of his followers, Jesus is carried by angels to Heaven
ILN cover - the end of MahdismThe end of Mahdism - the dead Yakur and his followers beside the Khalifa's black flag
First Carlist War (1833-1840). Monastic uprisingSpain. First Carlist War (1833-1840). Monastic uprising
The Lady of Shalott is a lyricalballadby the English poetAlfred Tennyson that tells the story ofElaine of Astolat a young noblewoman imprisoned in a tower on an island nearCamelot
Xantai, Japanese DeityJapanese deity, Xantai Date: 1737
PARSEE FUNERAL, INDIAThe FUNERALS of the PARSIES (followers of Zoroaster) Date: 1737
The ascent of Mont Blanc made easy: a suggestion to the followers of Mr Albert Smith
Dance of the whirling Dervishes of Mawlawi Tawagozi. Sufi Dervishes in tall hats dance in a circle to accompaniment by musicians on drums, psaltery and sistrum. Ballo dei Dervisch Mewlewi
Triple deities of the ancient Germans, Mairae or MairabusThe triple deities or mother goddesses of the ancient Germans, Mairae or Mairabus. Inscribed: In honorem Domits divinae diis Mairabus Dee madri o matrone
Synagogue InteriorInterior of a synagogue during a daily service
Xaca, Japanese DeityJapanese deity Xaca Date: 1737
Idol of CanonCanon idol (also referred to as kannon, kwannon) Date: 1737
Japanese PreacherA Japanese Preacher haranguing (preaching to) the people who are assembled to worship their Tuteler-Idol. Date: 1760
Supreme Deity AmaterasuThe supreme deity who according to the Japanese created the world. Amaterasu is known as the supreme Japanese deity
Interior of the Temple of Quannon (Kannon) Kannon (Kwannon)
The Gorton Party Attacked at ShawometThe Gorton party attacked at Shawomet; a line of soldiers from Massachusetts fire towards a block-house, at Shawomet, in order to capture and bring Samuel Gorton to court in Boston
Amida deity, JapanAmida (also known as Amitabha or Amitayus), is a celestial buddha according to the scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism
Paraguay Women at CampThree women, wives or bed partners of soldiers during the Paraguayan War, make camp. Sitting by a thatched building, three women make food on a smoke fire, a child standing by them. Date: 1867
Gustave Flourens released from prison by revolutionariesThe release of Gustave Florens (1838-1871), the French Revolutionary leader, by some of his followers, Mazas, France, 1871
15th century German military camp sceneA German military camp scene Date: 15th Century
Followers of Zulu King Cetshwayo kaMpandePhotograph of followers of the Zulu king Cetshwayo kaMpande including his brother Dabulamanzi. From album of 70 photographs, associated with Zulu War (1879)
Sri Lanka - Shiva the Destroyer and Reproducer and PeacockSri Lanka - Hindu God Shiva as the Destroyer and Reproducer. The Peacock beside him is that ridden by Saraswati, goddess of music and speech. Date: circa 1920s
Roman sarcophagus of a child decorated with reliefs depictinSarcophagus of a child decorated with reliefs depicting the procession of Bacchus, god of wine, and his followers. Marble. 220-250 AD. The lid, with the reclining figure of Silenus, is modern
Roman sarcophagus. About 140 AD. Marriage of Dionysus and Adriadne. Detail Adriane in the carriage. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Base with maenads dancingBase with dancing maenads. Pentelic white marble. Modified roman copy after a original greek of 5th century BC. Sciarra Collection. Roman National Museum. Palazzo Massimo. Rome. Italy
Dancing Maenad. Italica. SpainDancing Maenad. Circular Altar. Pulpitum of the Italica Theater. 1st century. Archaeological Museum. Seville. Spain
Plato aka Aristocles, with followersPlato aka Aristocles(428-348/7 BC), Greek philosopher with a group of his followers
Tippoo Tibs Grand Canoes on the Congo River, 1888Engraving showing Tippoo Tibs grand canoes travelling down the Congo River during Sir Henry Morton Stanleys Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1888
Insect God, Wonder Stories Scifi Magazine CoverTHE MOON MISTRESS - the insect god prepares to give his hungry followers a tasty dinner of raw Earthman. Date: 1932
Khyber Pass - Afghanistan / Pakistan - Mad MullahThe Khyber Pass - the mountain pass that links Pakistan and Afghanistan. Throughout history it has been an important trade route between Central Asia and South Asia and a strategic military location
East Africa - Stanley and Followers - Stanley Surrounded by Natives. Part of Box 249 Boswell Collection - East Coast of Africa. Date: circa 1900
Sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. MarFront side of sarcophagus. Modern work after 2nd century AD originals. Marriage of Dionysus and Adriane. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Mormon church service in the Tabernacle. United StatesMormon church service in the Tabernacle. Engraving from Harpers Weekly (1871). 19th century. United States
Francis and the CrossSAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI having attracted his first followers, recommends them to take the cross of Jesus as the book which contains all that is needed for salvation. Date: 1182 - 1226
Peter I / Rear ViewA rear view of the Russian tsar such as his followers might see as he led them on a riding trip in rocky country Date: 1682 - 1725
EDWARD IRVING / 1792-1834EDWARD IRVING Scottish clergyman, whose followers, (Irvingites) adopted the title of Catholic Apostolic Church Date: 1792 - 1834
Sabbat BanquetSatan banquets with his faithful followers, many of whom have removed their clothes since the meal - strictly non-vegetarian - is rather a messy affair
Stanley and FollowersHand coloured. A posed photograph of African men and women sitting/standing in rows. Many have headwraps and colourful shawls. A Caucasian man in a suit and top hat sits in the centre
From the Manger to the Cross, the Kiss of JudasScene from the silent movie, From the Manger to the Cross, or Jesus of Nazareth, showing Judas kissing Jesus in order to betray him. Date: 1912
Slavers Raiding a Village on the Aruwimi River, Central AfriEngraving showing Arab slavers raiding a village beside the Aruwimi River, as seen from the Yambuya Camp occupied by Sir Henry Morton Stanleys Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1888
Rasputin & FollowersRASPUTIN in his early days, with followers at Pokrovskoe. Date: circa 1900
Bishop Fillon 1930SMonsieur Fillon, French Bishop, surrounded by devout followers. Date: early 1930s
Football Terms Illustrated - Well Collared!
Diego de Almagro with his followers in Battle of Salinas. Civil War of the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru, 1538. Engraving
Vie de Saint. Denis, page 1. 1317. Scenes from Saint Denis. First questioning of Fescinino Sisinio, governor of Paris, to Saint Denis and his followers
Emiliano Zapata with his brother Eufemio and followers
Jesus on a DonkeyHe rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, as prophesied : his followers carry palm leaves, hence the day will be commemorated as Palm Sunday
The Irish parliamentary partyThe Irish Parliamentary party (also called the Irish Party or Home Rule Party) was formed in 1882 by Charles Stewart Parnell
John Wyclif preachingExpelled from the university, Wyclif went into the country and there wrote and taught
Gandhi addresses followers at DandiMahatma Gandhi, his cloak drawn over his head, his staff in his hand, addresses his followers at Dandi at the culmination of the Salt March or Satyagraha
Salt MarchA scene of illegality : Gandhis followers picking up salt on the seashore at Dandi at the culmination of the Salt March in India to protest against the British tax on salt
A Swami Mystic and his FollowersA Swami Mystic (religious figurehead) from Madras and his Followers
Bombardment of Fort Masnaah, Gulf of Oman, 1874Bombardment of Fort Masnaah, Gulf of Oman, by two vessels of the Royal Navy, H.M.S. Rifleman and H.M.S. Philomel and the Hugh Rose, a vessel from the Bombay Marine service
H. M. Stanley and his officers leaving Mombasa aboard the steEngraving showing Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) (on left, raising cap) and his officers returning from the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition aboard the steam-ship Katoria, 1889
Travelling by hammock; H. M. Stanleys Emin Pasha Relief ExpePhotograph showing one of the members of Sir Henry Morton Stanleys Emin Pasha Relief Expedition being carried by hammock, Central Africa, 1888
Map of Central Africa showing the likely routes of the EminEngraved map showing Central Africa and the predicted routes of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1887
Emin Pasha and Mr. Jephson entering Dufile, 1888Engraving showing the Emin Pasha and Mr. Jephson riding into Dufile, on the banks of the River Nile, c.1888
Cody / Penny Dreadful / 1910Colonel WILLIAM FREDERICK CODY alias Buffalo Bill Confrontation with Wapahoka the White Queen and her Amazon followers - " could he bring himself to shoot these girls?"
Meeting of Emin Pasha and Sir Henry Morton Stanley, KavalliEmin Pasha (1840-1892) and Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) at Kavalli, Central Africa, April 1888
Sir Henry Morton Stanley leaving Yambuya Camp during the EmiEngraving showing Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) (on right, wearing dark jacket) setting out from Yambuya Camp on the 28th June 1887 during the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition
Sir Henry Morton Stanley and his followers hauling canoes upEngraving showing the local followers of Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) hauling their canoes up the slopes around the Inkisi Falls, during his 1874 expedition to Central Africa
Sir Henry Morton Stanley and his African followers on boardEngraving of Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) (on left, wearing white helmet), the Anglo-American journalist and explorer, on board HMS Industry, c.1878
Parsee Marriage, IndiaA marriage ceremony among the Parsis (Parsees), followers of Zoroaster, in India. A female sitar player provides a musical accompaniment
Simon the ZealotST SIMEON, or SIMON THE ZEALOT One of the original followers of Jesus, he later preached in Egypt, then went to Persia where he was crucified
Simon the Zealot 2ST SIMEON, or SIMON THE ZEALOT One of the original followers of Jesus, he later preached in Egypt, then went with Jude to Persia where he was crucified
Rienzi and FollowersRienzi at the head of his followers
Plato with DisciplesPLATO Greek philosopher, depicted conversing with his followers in the Groves of the Academe, Athens
Salt Lake City 1850The settlement in its early days as the headquarters of the Latter Day Saints; Brigham Young had led his Mormon followers here in 1847
FOLLOWERSFollowers ! Servants seem to have an inexhaustible supply of friends and relations
Events / America C1500ALONSO DE OJEDA and his followers make contact with Native Americans
Concepts / MillenniumWilliam Miller predicts the Second Coming - but his followers are disappointed
Rebellion of Korah EtcKorah, Dathan and Abiram rebel against Mosess authority, but God intervenes and they and their households are swallowed up by the Earth while their followers are consumed by fire
Lollards PrisonPart of Lambeth Palace, designed to house the followers of Wyclif - known as Lollards - who opposed some of the teachings of the Church