Corpus Iuris Civilis. Code of Justinian. 529. Legislative compilation for a Roman law unification. Parchment codex. Folio 63v. 13th century
Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by J Mulder, from a visit to Suriname, South America
Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by P Sluyter, from a visit to Suriname, South America
Codex Borbonicus. Aztec codex. Written by Aztec priest shortly before or after tthe Spanish conquest of Mexico. 1562-1563. Detail fol. 17r
Primula auricula, primroseFolio 78 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Bernat Martorell (died 1452). Manuscript. Book of hours, 144Bernat Martorell (died 1452). Catalan painter. International Gothic style. Manuscript. Book of hours, 1444. Folio I. Historical Archive. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain
Dianthus barbatus, sweet williamFolio 40 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Hebrew Bible (1299) located in Perpignan (Kingdom of Mallorca). Folio 13
Viola tricolor, heartseaseFolio 62 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Iris sp. blue irisFolio 67 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Tulipa sp. various tulipsFolio 44 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
ASARFATI, Josef or Joseph (ca. 1299). Jewish" ASARFATI, Josef or Joseph (ca. 1299). Jewish Cervera Bible. ca. 1299. Fish with the heads of humans, birds and wildcats
BUEIL, John V of (1406-1477). Noble French, companion in the military campaign of Joan of Arc. Fighting in a city square. Illustration in Le Jouvencel (1461-1466) Folio 155 r
A set of 8 lithographs - WWI eraA set of 8 lithographs in a folio. 1) Inscribed Private B
Fragaria chiloensis, Chilean strawberry
A circular moveable bookcase, 1810. A cylindrical book tower on casters, with shelves for folio, quarto, octavo books topped with a vase. All shelves on rollers to turn independently
Regency-era library table and chair in mahogany and bronze. With a fold-out writing table and bookshelves in the sides for folio, quarto and octavo size books, manufactured in 1814
Metamorphic dwarf library bookcase, 1811. In mahogany with brass fret work on the top shelf for small books, deeper shelves below for larger folio books, with slide-out writing desks
Theological Text (Fragment)Part of a bifolium, parchment. Fragment of an unknown theological text. Main body text in black in two columns
Preface to Martial's Epigrammata by MerulaTwo attached folios, paper, probably the endpaper and first leaf of a volume
Philosophical Text (Fragment)Bifolium from an unidentified text, parchment. Content seems to be a commentary of philosophical and religious nature. The text on each folio is written in two different but near-contemporary hands
Justinian Digesta, Book XXXIII (Fragment)Double folio, parchment, from Justinian's Digesta
Codex Justinianus, Book VIII (Fragment)Double folio, parchment, from a copy of Justinian's Codex. Main body text in two columns in black ink surrounded by gloss, also black. Date: Late 13th Century
Justinian's Codex, Book V. XIII (Fragment)Single folio, parchment, from Justinian's Codex. The text on this leaf is from Book V.XIII Dei Uxoriae Actione 1.1.a. Main body text and marginal gloss with additional minute gloss on verso
Missal (Fragment)Fragment from a Missal, parchment. A double leaf that has been cut in half horizontally so the bottom of each folio is missing. Date: Mid 15th Century
Justinian's Codex, Book VI. XXXXI (Fragments)Single folio, parchment, from Justinian's Codex. The text on this folio is from Book VI.XXXXI. Comprised of main body text and a marginal gloss with an additional minute gloss
Justinian's Codex, Book V. XXXVIII (Fragment)Single folio, parchment, from Justinian's Codex. The text on this folio is from Book VI. XXXVIII De Uerborum Et Rerum Significatione 4.1
Justinian's Codex, Book IIII. XX (Fragment)Single folio, parchment, from Justinian's Codex. The text on this folio is taken from Book IIII.XX De Testibus 20. Comprised of a main body text and a marginal gloss with additional minute gloss
Breviary (Fragment)Two leaves, probably from a breviary, parchment. The leaves are from the same work but do not appear to be consecutive. Main body text in two columns in a Gothic textualis rotunda in dark brown ink
Justinian's Codex, Book III. XVIII (Fragment)Single folio, parchment, from Justinian's Codex. The text on this folio is taken from Book III.XVIII, De Probationis 7. Main body text with a marginal gloss and additional minute gloss
Justinian Digesta, Books V and VI (Fragment)Bifolium from a copy of Justinian's Pandects, or Digesta Justiniani Augusti, parchment. Containing part of the end of Book V (De Judiciis) and the beginning of Book VI (De Rei Vindicatione)
List?Single folio, paper, with numbered paragraphs on the recto, possibly an itemised list. Blank on the verso. Text in a German cursive in brown ink, no line rulings. Date: 15th Century
Financial Records?Manuscript records on paper, possibly financial or legal records
Missal. of St. Eulalia. Liturgical book, C. 1403. By Rafael Destorrents (1375-15th century). 1st folio. Martyrdom of St. Stephen, stoned to death. Archive of Barcelona Cathedral. Catalonia. Spain
Folio of 97 etchings and drypoints of the Western Front, WW1Page from a German folio of 97 drypoint etchings of the Western Front, 1914-1918, by W Schimmelpflug, 16th Dragoon Regiment. A dead soldier. Date: 1914-1918
Tufted titmouse, northern mockingbird and ovenbirdTufted titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor, northern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos and ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapilla. Tufted titmouse 1, mocking-bird 2 and oven-bird 3
Cornucopian shrub, Copianthus indica, Hil. Dec. Tom. 1, Copianthe des Indes. Amaranthus species
Title page of First Folio of Shakespeares PlaysThe Title page of First Folio of William Shakespeares Plays, published in London by Isaac Jaggard and Edward Blount (Blunt) in 1623
The Divine Comedy. Dante and Virgil in Hell. Folio 25 r. 148The Divine Comedy. Poem by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Miniature depicting Dante and Virgil in Hell. The meeting of Dante with Farinata degli Uberti and Cavalcante de Cavalcanti. Folio 25 r
Crucifixion of Jesus. Miniature. Missale Dominicale cum KaleCodex 98. Missale Dominicale cum Kalendario. 14th century. Miniature depicting the Crucifixion of Jesus with the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene. Folio 66v. Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Dominican friar preaching. Miniature. Doctrine Chretienne. 1Doctrine Chretienne. Manuscript. France. 13th century. Miniature depicting a dominican friar preaching. Folio 110. Library University of Valencia. Spain
Blanquerna by Ramon Llull (1235-1316)Ramon Llull (1235-1316). Spanish writer and philosopher. Blanquerna, ca. 1293. Engraving of the back cover with Llull and a disciple. Beati Rhenani Alfatici ad lectores epigramma. Folio in Latin
Missal. of St. Eulalia, 1403 by Rafael Destorrents (1375-15Missal. of St. Eulalia. Liturgical book, C. 1403. By Rafael Destorrents (1375-15th century). 1st folio. Last Judgment. Archive of Barcelona Cathedral. Catalonia. Spain
Gospel Book of Henry II (972-1024). MiniatureHenry II (972-1024). Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany and Italy. Miniature. Gospel Book of Henry II. Folio 193v. C.1020. Vatican Apostolic Library. Vatican City
The Kiss of Judas and the Apostle Peter Disowns Jesus. 13thNew Testament. Folio 63. The Kiss of Judas and the Apostle Peter Disowns Jesus. 13th century. Vatican Apostolic Library. Vatican City
The Divine Comedy. Dante and Virgil in Purgatory. Folio 177The Divine Comedy. Poem by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Miniature depicting Dante and Virgil in Purgatory. Folio 177 r. 1480-1482. Painted by Guglielmo Giraldi (active 1445-1490)
Bible of Alba or Arragel. 1422 - 1430. CastilianBible of Alba or Arragel. 1422 - 1430
AUBERT, David (15th c. ). Chroniques et conquestesAUBERT, David (15th c.). Chroniques et conquestes de Charlemaine. 1458. Ms. 5089. Folio 167V. Battle of Charlemagne against the Saracen king Agolant and his son Helmont in Calabria
Codex Granatensis: Tacuinum Sanitatis. 1400. Folio 85r. Illustration about dates, Fruits which strengthen the bladder
IBN BUTLAN, Abu-l Hasan al-Mujtar (c. 1001 - 1066). Nestorian Christian physician and philosopher of Baghdad. Folio 83r. Illustration about the quince, which revives and restores the appetite
BRY, Theodor de (1528-1598). Brevis narratio eorum quae in Florida Americae Provincia Gallis acciderunt, secunda in allam Navigatione. 1591. Folio 31. Night attack on a village
Codex granatensis, h. 1400. Tacuinum sanitatis. QuinceIBN BUTLAN, Abu-l Hasan al-Mujtar (c. 1001 - 1066). Nestorian Christian physician and philosopher of Baghdad. Folio 83v. Illustration about the quince, which revives and restores the appetite
Codex granatensis, c. 1400. Tacuinum sanitatis. PersimmonIBN BUTLAN, Abu-l Hasan al-Mujtar (c. 1001 - 1066). Nestorian Christian physician and philosopher of Baghdad. Folio 84v. Illustration about persimmons, which preserve of drunkenness
Paris: Le Mot 1914-1915 Bound folioParis: Le Mot. 1914-1915. Bound folio with a book cover by A.G. Gonon and a book plate for H.P. Gassier (French cartoonist - 1883-1951)
Jean-Jacques Berne-Bellecour Folio of artworkA folio of 24 hand-coloured i, mostly titled. And one original watercolour of a Tommy in full battledress standing on ground marked Deutschland unter alles. Signed No. 164 of 250
The British Firing Line - a portfolio of 12 engravings in colour from drawings made on the Western Front 1914-1917. Printed by George Pullman & Sons Ltd
Virgil (70-19 B. C. ). Ancient Roman poet. The Aeneid. MiniatuVirgil (70-19 B.C.). Ancient Roman poet. The Aeneid. Miniature. Folio 80r, 15th century. 1st. Book. Aeneas in Carthage with queen Dido. History Library of the University of Valencia. Spain
Virgil (70-19 B. C). Ancient Roman poet. The Aeneid. MiniaturVirgil (70Bc-19 BC). Ancient Roman poet. The Aeneid. Miniature. Folio 145r, 15th century. VI book. Aeneas in Cumae with Sibyl. History Library of the University of Valencia. Spain
The Roman de la Rose. Miniature. Folio 2. By Guillaume de LoGuillaume de Lorris (1200-1240). French scholar and poet from Lorris. Author of the first section of the Roman de la Rose. Miniature. Folio 2. Library of the University of Valencia. Spain
Peasant mowing a field of wheat with a sickle. Miniature. TaTacuinum Sanitatis. 14th century. Medieval handbook of health. Peasant mowing a field of wheat with a sickle. Miniature. Folio 46v
Oratores. Right way to pray. Miniature at Theologica Varia. 14th-15th centuries. Folio 6r. Vatican Apsotolic Library. Vatican City
Arba ah Turim. Halakhic code by Yaakov ben Asher (1270-1340Arba ah Turim or Tur. Halakhic code by Yaakov ben Asher (1270-1340). Hebrew. Miniature. Hebrew marriage scene. 1436. Folio 220v. Vatican Apostolic Library
Codex 98 by Henricus of Segusio (c. 1200-1271). DetailCodex 98. By Henricus of Segusio, Hostiensis (c.1200-1271). Detail of a page depicting two noble lovers taking fruit from a tree. Miniature, Book 4. Folio 216. Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Codex 2 by Henricus of Segusio (c. 1200-1271). DetailCodex 2. By Henricus of Segusio, Hostiensis (c.1200-1271). Detail of a page depicting perhaps a king. Miniature, Book 4. Folio 214. Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Christ Pantocrator. Miniature. Missale Dominicale cum KalendCodex 135. Missale Dominicale cum Kalendario. 14th century. Christ Pantocrator. Miniature. Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Miniature depicting the Virgin Mary with infant Jesus. MissaCodex 135. Missale Dominicale cum Kalendario. 14th century. Miniature in the capital letter depicting the Virgin Mary with infant Jesus. Folio 148v. Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Biblia Novum Testamentum, Evangelia Santi Mathei et Santi MaCodex 144. Biblia Novum Testamentum, Evangelia Santi Mathei et Santi Marci. Miniature of capital letter depicting Saint Mark with the gospel. 13th-14th centuries. Folio 119v
Miniature depicting the Dormition of the Virgin. Missale DomCodex 135. Missale Dominicale cum Kalendario. 14th century. Miniature in the capital letter depicting the Dormition or death of the Virgin Mary and her spirit out of the body. Folio 129v
Codex 131. Guidus of Bausio. Archidiaconus Rossarium. Folio 1v. Latin. Capitular letter depicting Jesus presented in the temple. Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Miniature depicting a couple being married by a clergyman. BCodex 105. A couple being married by a clergyman. Central miniature, folio 102v. Book IV. By Henricus von Assia (13th century). Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Codex 98. Missale Romanum. By Pedro Ferris (1415-1478), DetaCodex 98. Missale Romanum. By Pedro Ferris (1415-1478), Bishop of Tarazona. The Virgin Mary. Miniature of the capital letter of the folio 302. Chapter Archive of Tarazona. Spain
Romulo Romano Regnorum. Foundation of Rome. Miniature. ManusFrancesco Petrarca (1304-1374). Italian writer. Romulo Romano Regnorum. Manuscript number 26. Codex. Foundation of Rome. Miniature, folio 4v. 14th century. Library University of Valencia. Spain
Lady before a table ready for a banquet (top) and man and woDoctrine Chretienne. Manuscript. France. 13th century. Miniature depicting, at the top, a lady before a table ready for a banquet
The Ark of Noah. Miniature. Doctrine Chretienne. 13th centurDoctrine Chretienne. Manuscript. France. 13th century. Miniature depicting The Ark of Noah. Folio 64. Library University of Valencia. Spain
Jesus showing sores with Virgin Mary and Saint John and twoDoctrine Chretienne. Manuscript. France. 13th century. Miniature depicting Jesus sitting, showing sores
Lady sitting with a dove (top) and a man cutting bread (bottDoctrine Chretienne. Manuscript. France. 13th century. Miniature depicting, at the top, a lady sitting with a dove. At the bottom, a man cutting bread. Folio 102. Library University of Valencia. Spain
Georgics by Virgil. 29 BC. Miniature depicting two musiciansPublius Vergilius Maro (70 BC-19 BC). Roman poet. Georgics. 29 BC. Manuscript. 15th century. Fol.51. Miniature depicting two musicians playing instruments. Library University of Valencia. Spain
Life of Saint Dominic of Silos by Gonzalo de BerceoGonzalo de Berceo (c.1197-before 1264). Spanish poet. Life of Saint Dominic of Silos. Manuscript. First folio. Library of the Royal Academy of History. Madrid. Spain
Summa de casibus conscientiae by Bartholomew of Pisa. 15th cBartholomew of Pisa. Italian theologian and preacher. Summa de casibus conscientiae. Incunabulum. Fol. 46. 15th century
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471). LugdThomas a Kempis (1380-1471). German writer and mystic monk. De imitatione Christi (The Imitation of Christ). Incunable. Book One. Folio I. Chapter I. Printed in Lugduni, 1489. Episcopal Library
Miscellaneous Codex. 11th century. DetailMiscellaneous Codex. 11th century. Carolingian letter. Initial Romanesque-Byzantin, folio 1. Manuscript 228. Library University of Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain
Demostratio Artis Geometricae Ex Multis Voluminibus Digestum. Schematic map of the Iberian Peninsula. 11th century. Depicts the Iberian Peninsula in a pentagon invested
Brief Treaty of Confession. IncunabulaBrief Treaty of Confession. 15th century. Incunabula in Catalan. Valencia, 1493. Gothic script
Regiment of the public thing (Regiment de la cosa publica) bFrancesc Eiximenis (1327-1409). Spanish writer. Regiment of the public thing (Regiment de la cosa publica). Prologue. Incunabula