Florrie Forde music hall singer 1875-1940Florrie Forde (Flora Flanagan) born in Australia, music hall singer known for popular chorus songs, pantomime principal boy. Sang ?It?s a long way to Tipperary? in World War I
The Gaiety music hall ChathamShowing the front of the Gaiety, Chatham. Large posters for Florrie Forde and Nellie Colman with Florrie Forde?s name on billboard
Transfield circus familyMembers of the Transfield family, who ran a popular travelling circus in the late 19th century. Pictured in their costumes are Ann Polly, Teddy Beppo, Tom, Florrie and Rose. Date: 1953
Music cover, Down at the Old Bull & Bush, words by Russell Hunting, Percy Krone and Andrew B Sterling, music by Harry Von Tilzer, sung with enormous success by Miss Florrie Forde. Date: 1905
The Song the Kettle is Singing (in a dear little place called home) - written and composed by Worton David and Lawrence Wright - sung with enormous success by Miss Florrie Forde and Miss Dora Lyric
Music cover, Pasadena, an American Love Song, by Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie and Harry Warren, sung by Miss Florrie Forde Date: 1923
Sisters Earle music hall duettists and dancersThe Sisters Earle (Florrie and Harriet Warsaw) music hall duettists and simultaneous dancers. In Australia 1901 and moved to England by 1911
Music cover, Save Your Sorrow, sung by Florrie FordeMusic cover, Save Your Sorrow For To-Morrow, lyric by B G de Sylva, music by Al Sherman, sung by Florrie Forde. 1925
Group photo, doctors family and staff, Mandalay, BurmaGroup photo, doctors family and staff at Florrie Villa, Mandalay, Burma. Date: 1909
Music cover, I Like Mountain Music, fox trot song, words by James Cavanaugh, music by Frank Weldon. With a signed photo of Florrie Forde, music hall singer. 1933
Variety Theatre, The BluebellsMiss Florrie Durant and the eight Bluebells, Music Hall entertainers
Florrie Forde / SignedFLORRIE FORDE Music hall singer from Australia