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Flore Collection

Background imageFlore Collection: Golden trumpet flower, Allamanda nobilis

Golden trumpet flower, Allamanda nobilis

Background imageFlore Collection: Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana. Endangered

Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana. Endangered
Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana (Araucaria imbricata). Endangered

Background imageFlore Collection: Seychelles stilt palm, Verschaffeltia splendida

Seychelles stilt palm, Verschaffeltia splendida

Background imageFlore Collection: Stanhopea martiana orchid

Stanhopea martiana orchid. Native to Mexico

Background imageFlore Collection: Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca

Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca (Musa vittata)

Background imageFlore Collection: Glory bush, Tibouchina elegans

Glory bush, Tibouchina elegans (Pleroma elegans)

Background imageFlore Collection: Acanthophoenix crinita palm tree

Acanthophoenix crinita palm tree

Background imageFlore Collection: Thorn apple, Datura innoxia

Thorn apple, Datura innoxia (Datura meteloides). Mexico

Background imageFlore Collection: Sentry plant or American aloe, Agave americana

Sentry plant or American aloe, Agave americana
Sentry plant, century plant, maguey or American aloe, Agave americana, Agave. Handcoloured steel engraving by Pierre after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A

Background imageFlore Collection: Tiger-like stanhopea orchid, Stanhopea tigrina

Tiger-like stanhopea orchid, Stanhopea tigrina

Background imageFlore Collection: Downy rattlesnake plantain orchid, Goodyera pubescens

Downy rattlesnake plantain orchid, Goodyera pubescens

Background imageFlore Collection: Papaver (Poppy), two varieties

Papaver (Poppy), two varieties
Two varieties of Papaver (Poppy) -- Papaver flore pleno rubrum (Double Red) and Papaver Eraticum rubrum (Wild Red), drawn by Basilius Besler (1561-1629)

Background imageFlore Collection: Cabbage-tree palm, Livistona australis

Cabbage-tree palm, Livistona australis

Background imageFlore Collection: Paphiopedilum philippinense orchid

Paphiopedilum philippinense orchid (Cypripedium laevigatum)

Background imageFlore Collection: Chilean bellflower or copihue, Lapageria rosea

Chilean bellflower or copihue, Lapageria rosea, pink and white varieties

Background imageFlore Collection: Morning star lily, Lilium concolor

Morning star lily, Lilium concolor

Background imageFlore Collection: Java paphiopedilum orchid, Paphiopedilum javanicum

Java paphiopedilum orchid, Paphiopedilum javanicum (Cypripedium javanicum)

Background imageFlore Collection: Wattle, Acacia urophylla

Wattle, Acacia urophylla

Background imageFlore Collection: Bigleaf hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla

Bigleaf hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla (Hydrangea otaksa)

Background imageFlore Collection: Hybrid clivia, Clivia cyrtanthiflora

Hybrid clivia, Clivia cyrtanthiflora
Clivia cyrtanthiflora, hybrid of Clivia miniata and Clivia nobilis (Imantophyllum cyrtanthiflorum)

Background imageFlore Collection: Paphiopedilum stonei orchid

Paphiopedilum stonei orchid (Cypripedium stonei)

Background imageFlore Collection: Thief palm, Phoenicophorium borsigianum

Thief palm, Phoenicophorium borsigianum (Stevensonia sechellarum)

Background imageFlore Collection: Lady s-slipper orchid, Cypripedium calceolus

Lady s-slipper orchid, Cypripedium calceolus

Background imageFlore Collection: Paphiopedilum dayanum orchid

Paphiopedilum dayanum orchid (Cypripedium dayanum)

Background imageFlore Collection: Bicton rhynchostylis orchid, Rhynchostele bictoniensis

Bicton rhynchostylis orchid, Rhynchostele bictoniensis (Odontoglossum bictoniense)

Background imageFlore Collection: Esmeralda cathcartii orchid

Esmeralda cathcartii orchid (Vanda cathcarti)

Background imageFlore Collection: Thorny gardenia, Hyperacanthus amoenus

Thorny gardenia, Hyperacanthus amoenus (Gardenia amoena)

Background imageFlore Collection: Fairy lantern, Calochortus albus

Fairy lantern, Calochortus albus (Cyclobothra alba)

Background imageFlore Collection: Rose mallow, Hibiscus lavaterioides

Rose mallow, Hibiscus lavaterioides (Hibiscus marmoratus)

Background imageFlore Collection: Chilean jasmine, Mandevilla laxa

Chilean jasmine, Mandevilla laxa (Mandevillea suaveolens)

Background imageFlore Collection: Bush honeysuckle or ukon utsugi, Weigela middendorfiana

Bush honeysuckle or ukon utsugi, Weigela middendorfiana (Diervilla middendorffiana)

Background imageFlore Collection: Wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum

Wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum
Purple and yellow wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum. Australia

Background imageFlore Collection: Statue of Flora, Roman goddess of flowers

Statue of Flora, Roman goddess of flowers
Flora, Roman goddess of flowers and the season of spring. With a garland in her hair, holding a bouquet. Flore. From a marble statue in the Museo Capitolino

Background imageFlore Collection: Seersucker plant, Geogenanthus poeppigii

Seersucker plant, Geogenanthus poeppigii (Dichorisandra undata)

Background imageFlore Collection: Varieties of squash, pumpkin and gourd, Cucurbita pepo

Varieties of squash, pumpkin and gourd, Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima

Background imageFlore Collection: Opium poppy varieties, Papaver somniferum

Opium poppy varieties, Papaver somniferum, and Anemone mexicana

Background imageFlore Collection: Different varieties of carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus

Different varieties of carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus

Background imageFlore Collection: Tamarind tree, Tamarindus indica

Tamarind tree, Tamarindus indica, Tamarinier. Handcoloured steel engraving by Debray after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageFlore Collection: Purple pitcher plant or side-saddle flower

Purple pitcher plant or side-saddle flower, Sarracenia purpurea, Sarracenie pourpre

Background imageFlore Collection: Yellow cinchona bark, Cinchona calisaya

Yellow cinchona bark, Cinchona calisaya, Quinquina jaune. Handcoloured steel engraving by Debray after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageFlore Collection: Quinine or cinchona bark, Cinchona officinalis

Quinine or cinchona bark, Cinchona officinalis, Cinchona condaminea, Quinquina gris

Background imageFlore Collection: Champak tree, Magnolia champaca

Champak tree, Magnolia champaca, Michelia champaca, Michelie champac. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lebrun after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageFlore Collection: Bulrush or broadleaf cattail, Typha latifolia

Bulrush or broadleaf cattail, Typha latifolia, Massette. Handcoloured steel engraving by Oudet after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageFlore Collection: Coelogyne cristata orchid

Coelogyne cristata orchid

Background imageFlore Collection: Round-leaf fountain palm, Saribus rotundifolius

Round-leaf fountain palm, Saribus rotundifolius (Livistona altissima)

Background imageFlore Collection: Dead horse arum lily, Helicodiceros muscivorus

Dead horse arum lily, Helicodiceros muscivorus (Dracunculus crinitus) with blow flies

Background imageFlore Collection: Three-coloured Indian cress, Tropaeolum tricolor

Three-coloured Indian cress, Tropaeolum tricolor (jaratti)

Background imageFlore Collection: Red angels trumpet, Brugmansia sanguinea

Red angels trumpet, Brugmansia sanguinea. Extinct in the wild

Background imageFlore Collection: Lepanthes calodictyon orchid

Lepanthes calodictyon orchid (Lepanthes calodyction). Colombia and Ecuador

Background imageFlore Collection: Prickly castor oil tree, Kalopanax septemlobus

Prickly castor oil tree, Kalopanax septemlobus
Prickly castor oil tree or kireha harigiri, Kalopanax septemlobus f. maximowiczii (Aralia maximowiczi)

Background imageFlore Collection: Ladys purse or slipper flower, Calceolaria varieties

Ladys purse or slipper flower, Calceolaria varieties

Background imageFlore Collection: Bleeding glory-bower, Clerodendrum thomsoniae

Bleeding glory-bower, Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Bleeding glory-bower or beauty bush, Clerodendrum thomsoniae (Clerodendron thomsonae)

Background imageFlore Collection: Japanese maple or iroha momiji, Acer palmatum

Japanese maple or iroha momiji, Acer palmatum (Acer palmatum fol. atropurpureum)

Background imageFlore Collection: Eastern correa, Correa reflexa var. cardinalis

Eastern correa, Correa reflexa var. cardinalis (Correa cardinalis)

Background imageFlore Collection: Madagascar laceleaf, Aponogeton madagascariensis

Madagascar laceleaf, Aponogeton madagascariensis
Madagascar laceleaf, lattice leaf or lace plant, Aponogeton madagascariensis (Ouvirandra fenestralis)

Background imageFlore Collection: Blumeshof-Saatwinkel - Boating lake and waterfront Restaurant (Carl Martens Restaurant

Blumeshof-Saatwinkel - Boating lake and waterfront Restaurant (Carl Martens Restaurant) Berlin, Germany. Date: circa 1900

Background imageFlore Collection: Tulip varieties, Tulipa gesneriana

Tulip varieties, Tulipa gesneriana. Tulipa odorata flore luteo gemino, Tulipa explicata florum candidorum linearum rubearian, Tulipa ex luteo rubro et viridi variegata. Date: 1736

Background imageFlore Collection: Gromwell varieties, Lithospermum species

Gromwell varieties, Lithospermum species. Lithospermum flore caeruleo, Lithospermum seu Milium solis grenil, Lithospermum arvense radice alba, Lithospermum linariae folio sue Lingua passerina

Background imageFlore Collection: Tufted titmouse, northern mockingbird and ovenbird

Tufted titmouse, northern mockingbird and ovenbird
Tufted titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor, northern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos and ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapilla. Tufted titmouse 1, mocking-bird 2 and oven-bird 3

Background imageFlore Collection: Hybrid poppy anemone, Anemone coronaria

Hybrid poppy anemone, Anemone coronaria. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Pancrace Bessa from Charles Malos Guirlande de Flore, Garland of Flowers, Chez Janet, Paris, 1816

Background imageFlore Collection: Sunflower, tournesol, Helianthus annuus

Sunflower, tournesol, Helianthus annuus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: Varieties of tulip, tulipe, Tulipa gesneriana

Varieties of tulip, tulipe, Tulipa gesneriana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: Carnation or clove pink, oillet, Dianthus caryophyllus

Carnation or clove pink, oillet, Dianthus caryophyllus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: Hybrid variety of poppy, pavot, Papaver rhoeas

Hybrid variety of poppy, pavot, Papaver rhoeas

Background imageFlore Collection: Provence rose or cabbage rose, Rose a cent feuilles

Provence rose or cabbage rose, Rose a cent feuilles, Rosa centifolia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: Calligraphic title page within a floral wreath

Calligraphic title page within a floral wreath of roses, tulips, and other flowers

Background imageFlore Collection: Pansy, pensee, Viola tricolor var. hortensis

Pansy, pensee, Viola tricolor var. hortensis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: Lily and red everlasting

Lily and red everlasting, Lys et immortelle, Lilium candidum and Helichrysum sanguineum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: China aster, reine marguerite, Callistephus chinensis

China aster, reine marguerite, Callistephus chinensis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: Daffodil varieites, Narcisse, Narcissus poeticus

Daffodil varieites, Narcisse, Narcissus poeticus and Narcissus pseudonarcissus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D.G

Background imageFlore Collection: Sweet violet, Violette, Viola odorata

Sweet violet, Violette, Viola odorata. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Pancrace Bessa from Charles Malos Guirlande de Flore, Garland of Flowers, Chez Janet, Paris, 1816

Background imageFlore Collection: Multiflora rose or Japanese rose, Rosa multiflora

Multiflora rose or Japanese rose, Rosa multiflora, Rosier multifore

Background imageFlore Collection: Hyacinth, jacinthe, Hyacinthus orientalis

Hyacinth, jacinthe, Hyacinthus orientalis

Background imageFlore Collection: Oleander, Laurier-rose, Nerium oleander

Oleander, Laurier-rose, Nerium oleander. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Pancrace Bessa from Charles Malos Guirlande de Flore, Garland of Flowers, Chez Janet, Paris, 1816

Background imageFlore Collection: Crowfoot species

Crowfoot species
Montpelier crowfoot, Ranunculus monspeliacus, grass-leaved crowfoot, R. gramineus, stem-clasping crowfoot, R. amplexicaulis, acrid crowfoot, R. acris flore pleno, palmate-leaved crowfoot, R

Background imageFlore Collection: Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora

Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora
White Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora (Paeonia albiflora festiva)

Background imageFlore Collection: Oeillet Louis Napoleon carnation hybrid, Dianthus

Oeillet Louis Napoleon carnation hybrid, Dianthus caryophyllus

Background imageFlore Collection: Method of cutting paper material in China

Method of cutting paper material in China (after a Chinese illustration)

Background imageFlore Collection: Zenobia dahlia hybrid, Dahlia coccinea

Zenobia dahlia hybrid, Dahlia coccinea

Background imageFlore Collection: Sumatra phalaenopsis orchid, Phalaenopsis sumatrana

Sumatra phalaenopsis orchid, Phalaenopsis sumatrana

Background imageFlore Collection: Spanish shawl, Centradenia floribunda

Spanish shawl, Centradenia floribunda

Background imageFlore Collection: Mashua or tuberous nasturtium, Tropaeolum tuberosum

Mashua or tuberous nasturtium, Tropaeolum tuberosum

Background imageFlore Collection: Mrs. Abby Wilder, hybrid camellia, Camellia japonica

Mrs. Abby Wilder, hybrid camellia, Camellia japonica

Background imageFlore Collection: Satyrium carneum orchid

Satyrium carneum orchid

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